Problems with COleFont
Ballerini Luca --
Thursday, July 25, 1996
Environment: VC++ 4.1 under WinNT 3.51
I'm trying to get rid of the SetSize() function of an COleFont class
generated from an ocx.
The SetSize() function takes a CY structure as parameter. How to set the CY
structure properly from my LOGFONT structure (or from the point size of my
font) to get the right font size?
I hope someone can help me
Ballerini Luca Stefano
home: +39 (0)721-479154
Esalab engineering and service
+39 (0)721-414634
Benny --
Monday, July 29, 1996
Try the following formula to convert LOGFONT.lfHeight to FONTDESC.cySize:
CDC* pDC = CWnd::GetDesktopWindow()->GetDC();
int cyPPI = GetDeviceCaps(pDC->GetSafeHdc(), LOGPIXELSY);
FontDesc.cySize.int64 = MulDiv(abs(LogFont.lfHeight), 72, cyPPI) *
From: owner-mfc-l
To: mfc-l
Subject: Problems with COleFont
Date: Thursday, July 25, 1996 8:06AM
Environment: VC++ 4.1 under WinNT 3.51
I'm trying to get rid of the SetSize() function of an COleFont class
generated from an ocx.
The SetSize() function takes a CY structure as parameter. How to set the CY
structure properly from my LOGFONT structure (or from the point size of my
font) to get the right font size?
I hope someone can help me
Ballerini Luca Stefano
home: +39 (0)721-479154
Esalab engineering and service
+39 (0)721-414634
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