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tooltips on dialog bar

Harry Hahne -- hahne@epas.utoronto.ca
Monday, July 22, 1996

Environment: VC++ 4.1, Windows 95:

Is there any way to set up tooltips on buttons located on a dialog bar?  I
would also like the status bar message to change as a user passes the mouse
over these buttons.

Harry Hahne

Anujit Sarkar -- anujit@vedika.ernet.in
Friday, July 26, 1996

[Mini-digest: 3 responses]

> Environment: VC++ 4.1, Windows 95:
> Is there any way to set up tooltips on buttons located on a
> dialog bar?  I
> would also like the status bar message to change as a user passes
> the mouse
> over these buttons.
> Harry Hahne
Enter into the string table the message you want to show in the
CAPTION part and the id of the control  for which you want to
display the message in the ID part.The message should be preceded
by a \n.If you want to show a more detailed message on the status
bar as well ,put it in the CAPTION part followed by a \n followed
by the tooltip message.
If you have a radio button with ID IDC_RADIO1 in the dialog bar
the string table should look something like this
ID            VALUE       CAPTION
IDC_RADIO1    ....        This is Radio Button1 \n Radio Button1
                                |                       |
                           status bar message     tooltip message

See CTRLBAR sample in MSDEV.

Anujit Sarkar(e-mail address:anujit@vedika.ernet.in)
Resi: 102 Southern Avenue        Office:Vedika International
      'Sarobar' 7  N.E.                 21 Lansdowne Court
      Calcutta -700029                  5B Sarat Bose Road
      INDIA                             Calcutta-700020 INDIA
      Phone No.+91-33-4661473           Phone No.+91-33-2473810
-----From: "Anthony DiBlasio" 

Adding tooltips to controls on a dialog bar is the same as adding the tooltips 
to a toolbar.  To enable them you must create the dialog bar with the 

-----From: drt@ebt.com (Randy Taylor)

Environment: VC++ 4.1, Windows 95:
>Is there any way to set up tooltips on buttons located on a dialog bar?

Me too. I have a CStatic derivative on a CDialogBar. I also
have a handler for the needtext message in the static:

... // note my frame sends a WM_USER message to the window to determine
    // if that window is tool-tip capable:

BOOL myFrame::OnToolTipText(UINT msg, NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult)
       // snip, snip - code ommitted.

	if (pTTTA->uFlags & TTF_IDISHWND) {
		// idFrom is actually the HWND of the tool
		nID = _AfxGetDlgCtrlID((HWND)nID);
			;     // message handled below
		else {
			CWnd* wnd =  CWnd::FromHandlePermanent((HWND)pNMHDR->idFrom);
			TCHAR *pText = NULL;
			POINT pt = GetCurrentMessage()->pt;

                        // WM_USER TO ASK WINDOW IF IT DOES TOOLTIPS

			wnd->SendMessage(WM_USER_TTNEEDTEXT, (WPARAM)&pt, (LPARAM) &pText);
			if (pText) {
				_tcsncpy(pTTTA->szText, pText, sizeof pTTTA->szText);
				return TRUE;
				return FALSE;

        // snip, snip

... // Note: I enabled TOOL tips for both the static and the dialog bar.


... // Note: I have a handler for my WM_USER message

LRESULT myStatic::OnTTNeedText(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam)
        // WM_USER_TTNEEDTEXT handler
	TCHAR** ppStr =  (TCHAR**) lParam;
	*ppStr = &(m_buffToolTip[0]);
	return 1; // handled


Is there something that I'm just not understanding here?

Randy Taylor

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