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Thursday, July 18, 1996

     Environment: VC4.1 on Win95
     I want to remove a menu item from word using:
     ToolsCustomizeMenuBar [.Context = number] [, .Position = number] [, 
     .MenuType = number] [, .MenuText = text] [, .Menu = text] [, .Add] [, 
     .Remove] [, .Rename]
     I am using a class derived from COleDispatch, created from the word 
     type library using the class wizard. I am passing the parameters by 
     position, using a VARIANT containing VT_ERROR/DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND for 
     optional parameters I don't need, which works fine. But I don't know 
     how to send parameters that don't have a value, like .Remove. I have 
     tried passing VT_NULL and VT_EMPTY variants, but I get an exception 
     DISP_E_TYPEMISMATCH. Here's my code:
     VARIANT vNull;
     V_VT(&vNull) = VT_NULL;
     COleVariant vEmpty;
     COleVariant vOne(static_cast (1),VT_I2);
     COleVariant vNotPassed( static_cast(DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND), 
     VT_ERROR );
     COleVariant vZero(static_cast (0),VT_I2);
     m_pWordBasic->ToolsCustomizeMenuBar(vOne, vOne, vZero, vNotPassed, 
     vNotPassed, vNotPassed, vNull, vNotPassed);
     Justin Mitchell

Ignacio Nicolбs Rodrнguez -- intelnet@cano.com.ar
Monday, July 22, 1996

Hi, Mitchel.

|      I want to remove a menu item from word using:
|      ToolsCustomizeMenuBar [.Context = number] [, .Position = number] [,

|      .MenuType = number] [, .MenuText = text] [, .Menu = text] [, .Add]
|      .Remove] [, .Rename]
|      Thanks
|      Justin Mitchell

For WordBasic, ".Add", ".Remove" and ".Rename" does not mean "those are
parameters and I have nothing to say about them", but "those are boolean
parameters; their value should be TRUE".
The absence of ".Rename" would mean "Rename = FALSE".

Tell me if this was your problem.

Ignacio Nicolбs Rodrнguez
Software - Intelnet Argentina

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