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CListCtrl help...

B Chandra Sekhar -- int@pacific.net.sg
Friday, July 12, 1996

Hello everyone !
I an facing two problems when I am using CListCtrl.
1. I have a list control in a dialog template. The styles that I have given 
are :
View : List
Align - Left
Sort - Ascending
and "Single Selection", "Edit Labels"
Everything works fine but when the number of items in the list increases, I 
get a horizontal scroll bar whereas I would like to have vertical scrolling.
Where am I going wrong ?

2. I have another list control which I create dynamically in a CView. While
creating the control, I specify WM_HSCROLL and WM_VSCROLL styles along with 
other List control styles. When the view is created and there are lot of 
items, still I don't see either the horizontal or the vertial scroll bars.
What do I have to do to get the scroll bars and to enable scrolling ?

Developing for Windows 95 - Using MSVC 4.0

Any help will be appreciated.


Alan Finger -- abfinger@brainiac.com
Wednesday, July 17, 1996

At 04:47 PM 7/12/96 +0800, you wrote:
>2. I have another list control which I create dynamically in a CView. While
>creating the control, I specify WM_HSCROLL and WM_VSCROLL styles along with 
>other List control styles. 

Shouldn't these be WS_HSCROLL and WS_VSCROLL?
                    ^              ^

Alan Finger                "It is difficult
abfinger@brainiac.com       to get the news from poems
                            yet men die miserably every day
                            for lack
                            of what is found there" 
                              - William Carlos Williams


Roger Onslow -- Roger_Onslow@compsys.com.au
Monday, July 22, 1996

>1. I have a list control in a dialog template. The styles that I have given 
>are :
>View : List
>Align - Left
>Sort - Ascending
>and "Single Selection", "Edit Labels"
>Everything works fine but when the number of items in the list increases, I 
>get a horizontal scroll bar whereas I would like to have vertical scrolling.
>Where am I going wrong ?

You want small icon view rather than list view
           /|\        Roger Onslow
      ____|_|.\       ============
    _/.........\Senior Software Engineer
  /CC..SS...A.A..\   Computer
 /.CC...SS..AAA...\       Systems
/\.CC....SSAA.AA../            Australia
 \ \...........//      Ph: +61 49 577155
  \ \...._____//      Fax: +61 49 675554
   \ \__|_/\_//    RogerO@compsys.com.au
    \/_/  \//

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