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RichEditCtrl & Printing & TabStops

Robertson David -- davidr@devmail.sps.mot.com
Thursday, July 11, 1996

     Hello fellow MFCers,
     I am using VC++ 4.1, running on NT/Win95/Win32s. I recently converted
     my application to use CRichEdit Doc/View. The default print and print
     preview does not work! It seems to clip some of the text. I generated
     a fresh new default application from AppWiz, and it does the same. The
     WordPad example seems to make it work, but as of now, I haven't had a
     chance to figure it out. Can anybody offer the magic solution?
     On another different but similar issue, I need my RichEdit to allow
     selectable fixed-pitch fonts, as well as configurable tab stops. The
     font issue has been resolved, at least until the print issue throws a
     kink in the gears. The tab stops for a RichEdit are based on inches,
     not character spaces, so does anyone know how to obtain the proper
     inch conversion based on a configurable font?
//  David Robertson     davidr@devmail.sps.mot.com  //
//                      davidr@inetport.com         //

Pradeep -- pradeep@corus.com
Monday, July 15, 1996

[Mini-digest: 2 responses]

for the printing bug add the following lines to your view's constructor.
   CRect marginRect;
    marginRect.SetRect(360,360,360,360) ; // this will leave 1/4 inches around the printed page


   if (m_nWordWrap == WrapToTargetDevice)

-----From: Dave Kolb 

I have reported this same problem to MSFT and posted here before with no joy
- pls call MSFT and complain that this really neat common control does not
support MFC print preview correctly. The new NT 4.0 beta 2 has a
riched20.dll (see recent MSJ NT 4.0 article) that you can LoadLibray on and
then later use RichEdit2A class but this seems to fail even worse with RTF text.

The problem is with the underlying common control using it's own DC
supposedly. I could get the preview to work OK on a 1280x1024 but not a
1024x768 screen.

I also got WordPad to demonstrate the same problem.

Dave Kolb

>//  David Robertson     davidr@devmail.sps.mot.com  //
>//                      davidr@inetport.com         //
Dave Kolb                     Compuserve: 72410,407@compuserve.com
SAS Institute, Inc.           EMAIL:      sasdxk@unx.sas.com
SAS Campus Drive - R3282      Phone:      (919) 677-8000 x6827
Cary, NC  27513-2414 USA      FAX:        (919) 677-8123

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