Changing text color on a Btn?
Mario Contestabile --
Wednesday, June 26, 1996
MSVC 4.1 NT3.51 and Win95
Changing the properties on buttons in a way that works on both os' seems a bit
at the moment.
Using OnCtlColor() works only on NT.
Using the BS_ICON or BS_BITMAP styles works only on 95.
The only straightforward method which works evenly on both platforms is
using a CBitmapButton. Since I only want to change the text color
on the button, doesn't using a CBitmapButton seem like much?
Roger Onslow --
Monday, July 08, 1996
>>>The only straightforward method which works evenly on both platforms is
>>>using a CBitmapButton. Since I only want to change the text color
>>>on the button, doesn't using a CBitmapButton seem like much?
>>You could always make it owner-drawn and draw the text yourself. It's fairly
>>simply to do, and saves having lots of bitmaps.
>>Only trickyness is the 3D appearance.
>>I could send you this code if required.
>I'd like that, thanks,
Here's some code (editted from my own classes.. hope I've translated back to
"vanilla" MFC ok)
This draws the raised edges, focus rectangle etc...
void CMyButton::DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDIS) {
CDC* pDC = CDC::FromHandle(lpDIS->hDC);
CRect rect = lpDIS->rcItem;
if (lpDIS->itemAction & (ODA_SELECT | ODA_DRAWENTIRE)) {
if (IsChecked() || (lpDIS->itemState & ODS_SELECTED)) {
} else {
} else {
CBrush facebrush(::GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE));
if (lpDIS->itemAction & (ODA_FOCUS | ODA_DRAWENTIRE)) {
if (lpDIS->itemState & ODS_FOCUS) {
if (lpDIS->itemAction & ODA_DRAWENTIRE) {
if (IsChecked() || (lpDIS->itemState & ODS_SELECTED)) {
rect += CPoint(+1,+1); // offset image when pressed
// draw the inside of the button here
/|\ Roger Onslow
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/\.CC....SSAA.AA../ Australia
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\ \__|_/\_//
\/_/ \//
Roger Onslow --
Monday, July 15, 1996
>Just to learn what how this is done without the bitmaps, I grabbed your code
>from mfc-l and added it to a test project.
>I changed the rect.Inflate() calls to rect.InflateRect(), however I have one
The original code used some of my own special classes (rather than plain
CRect), so I tried changing back to standard MFC -- obviously got it wrong for
the InflateRect call !!!
>Where does the IsChecked() come from? I could not find this function in
>the online help.
Another result of cutting sample code from another app...
The IsChecked method is a member of my bitmap button class.
Here's whats in my header for this (and for a stretch to size flag)
BOOL m_check;
BOOL m_stretch;
BOOL IsChecked() { return m_check; }
void Check(BOOL check) { if (m_check == check) return; m_check = check;
Invalidate(); }
BOOL IsStretch() const { return m_bStretch; }
void SetStretch(BOOL bStretch=TRUE) { m_bStretch = bStretch; }
The idea is to allow the these buttons to be used as radio-like or
check-box-like controls
(Rather than single push on-off, able to keep permanentliy in/out)
Here is code, by the way, that I use to draw the bitmaps...
(at the end of OnDrawItem)
This is straight from my code, so it uses my QBitmap class.
You can substitute CBitmap but will need to directly call
BitBlt or StretchBlt to draw bitmap onto the control.
(My QBitmap class adds (among other things) a "Draw"
function to draw a bitmap into a rect on a DC)
// use the main bitmap for up, the selected bitmap for down
QBitmap* pBitmap = (QBitmap*)&m_bitmap;
UINT state = lpDIS->itemState;
if ((state & ODS_SELECTED) && m_bitmapSel.m_hObject != NULL) {
pBitmap = (QBitmap*)&m_bitmapSel;
#ifndef _MAC
} else if ((state & ODS_FOCUS) && m_bitmapFocus.m_hObject != NULL) {
} else if ((state & ODS_FOCUS) && m_bitmapFocus.m_hObject != NULL &&
(GetParent()->GetStyle() & DS_WINDOWSUI)
) {
pBitmap = (QBitmap*)&m_bitmapFocus; // third image for focused
} else if ((state & ODS_DISABLED) && m_bitmapDisabled.m_hObject != NULL) {
pBitmap = (QBitmap*)&m_bitmapDisabled; // last image for disabled
if (IsStretch()) {
pBitmap->Draw(pDC,rect,TRUE); // stretch/shrink bitmap to fit button
} else {
pBitmap->Draw(pDC,rect.TopLeft(),TRUE); // draw same size as bitmap
NOTE: I also overrode a copy of CBitmapButton's AutoLoad to only do size to
content if not stretching to fit
ie: at the end I changed to be like this...
if (! IsStretch()) SizeToContent();
Hope this helps
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