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Problem with sizing CFormView in MDI app

Sheir Rahman Ali -- al930088@omega.scs.carleton.ca
Sunday, June 16, 1996

Hi all,
  I am developing a MDI app for Win3.x using MSVC 1.52c.
My app has multiple doc types, 4 of them.  Each doc type
have one CFormView, which of course translates to 4 
dialog resources.
  I want the child frame to size to the dialog resource.
So I followed the KB article on just this item.  
It worked great for 2 of my doc types but a vertical scroll bar
shows up on the other 2 doc types.  WHY???
  The only explanation I can come up with is that the 2
dialog resource that worked have a height of about 161
pixels.  The two that have a scroll bar have a height of
about 196 pixels.  Apparently any dialog resource that is
over 161 pixels causes the scroll bar to appear.
Why does this happen?  Has anyone come across this before?
How do I size my cformview so that the scroll bar does
not appear?  Any help would be appreciated.


*   Sheir Rahman Ali                      *
*   "Licensed Remote Controll Operator"   *

Frederic Steppe -- FredericS@msn.com
Monday, June 17, 1996

>  I want the child frame to size to the dialog resource.
>So I followed the KB article on just this item.  
>It worked great for 2 of my doc types but a vertical scroll bar
>shows up on the other 2 doc types.  WHY???
>  The only explanation I can come up with is that the 2
>dialog resource that worked have a height of about 161
>pixels.  The two that have a scroll bar have a height of
>about 196 pixels.  Apparently any dialog resource that is
>over 161 pixels causes the scroll bar to appear.

You probably have to call ResizeParentToFit(FALSE), the FALSE value for the 
bShrinkOnly parameter allows the view to grow if necessary.

Frederic Steppe (frederics@msn.com)

Monday, June 17, 1996


If you overrode the CFormViews (which you'll now have to), add:


in the OnInitialUpdate() override.

This seems to not be very well documented but it works.

On Sun, 16 Jun 96, Sheir Rahman Ali  wrote:
>Hi all,
>  I am developing a MDI app for Win3.x using MSVC 1.52c.
>My app has multiple doc types, 4 of them.  Each doc type
>have one CFormView, which of course translates to 4 
>dialog resources.
>  I want the child frame to size to the dialog resource.
>So I followed the KB article on just this item.  
>It worked great for 2 of my doc types but a vertical scroll bar
>shows up on the other 2 doc types.  WHY???
>  The only explanation I can come up with is that the 2
>dialog resource that worked have a height of about 161
>pixels.  The two that have a scroll bar have a height of
>about 196 pixels.  Apparently any dialog resource that is
>over 161 pixels causes the scroll bar to appear.
>Why does this happen?  Has anyone come across this before?
>How do I size my cformview so that the scroll bar does
>not appear?  Any help would be appreciated.
>*   Sheir Rahman Ali                      *
>*   "Licensed Remote Controll Operator"   *
Mike Funduc
Funduc Software Inc.

Gordon Weakliem -- gweakl@metronet.com
Monday, June 17, 1996

At 12:09 PM 6/16/96 EDT, you wrote:
>  The only explanation I can come up with is that the 2
>dialog resource that worked have a height of about 161
>pixels.  The two that have a scroll bar have a height of
>about 196 pixels.  Apparently any dialog resource that is
>over 161 pixels causes the scroll bar to appear.
>Why does this happen?  Has anyone come across this before?
>How do I size my cformview so that the scroll bar does
>not appear?  Any help would be appreciated.

I assume you've tried CFrameWnd::SizeParentToFit(FALSE) since you say you've
looked at the kbase article.  I'm curious to see what the scroll sizes are
set to; maybe you can call CScrollView::SetScrollSizes(), though the
framework should do that, I think somewhere in CFrameWnd::OnCreateClient().
Also, check to see that your dialogs are designed correctly - they have to
be defined with certain styles in the .RC and maybe that's causing a problem
during creation.
Gordon Weakliem

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