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How can I display different dialogs in a tab control?

Lum Dave RVMK20 -- dlum@devmail.sps.mot.com
Thursday, May 23, 1996

     Environment: MSDEV 4.1 / NT,95,Win32s 
     I have added a tab control to one of my dialogs.  I would like to 
     create a different dialog resource for each tab and be able to display 
     it inside the appropriate tab control when the tab is selected.  How 
     do I connect a dialog resource to a tab and display it when it is 
     The "FIRE" sample does not help because it displays the same thing 
     with different colors for each tab.  I am not trying to change the 
     colors of the tabs.  I am trying to change the controls that are 
     displayed when switching between tabs.  The FIRE example only changes 
     the color of the "fire" in the control within the tab control.  Which 
     is trivial, and has no relation to what I want to do. 
     I want to display a different modeless child dialog for each tab.  I 
     also want to be able to "tab" through the controls on my modeless 
     child dialog that is embedded in the tab control, and then continue 
     tabbing out of the child dialog into the parent dialog (you know, the 
     one that owns the tab control) just like they do in the MSDEV 
     breakpoint dialog.
     I am not using a CProperySheet because I need other controls within 
     the dialog that are outside the property sheet, and that do not refer 
     to the controls within it.  (See the Breakpoint dialog in MSDEV.)  
     Plus, I want to use the tab control because it's there.  I would like 
     to know why it was added to the resource compiler as a common control 
     if there was no SIMPLE way to display child dialogs within it.
     Furthermore, I want to be able to do all this using MFC CDialog 
     derived classes, and not SDK calls IF THAT IS POSSIBLE.
     I can hide and display dialog controls depending on which tab is 
     selected, but I think this may get too "messy" in the resource 
     I could also use the SDK method in "Creating a Tabbed Dialog Box" 
     presented in the Win32 SDK:Win32, Overviews, Windows, but  then I am 
     not using MFC.
     I can also stretch the bottom of a property sheet to include the 
     additional controls needed outside the property sheet, but this seems 
     too brutal and too reliant on the SDK.
     I could embed a CProperty sheet into another CProperty sheet, but this 
     does not fix the tabbing problem.  This looks like my best 
     alternative. and I can look for a tab key down event once I get into a 
     specific control, but I still don't LIKE it.
     It was suggested that I could: "do this with entire dialogs.  Check 
     out the WS_CONTROL style," but WS_CONTROL is not present in the Visual 
     C++ Books Online, or the January '96 MSDN library.
     Dave Lum,  

David W. Gillett -- DGILLETT@expertedge.com
Wednesday, May 29, 1996

[Mini-digest: 5 responses]

On 23 May 96 at 9:33, Lum Dave RVMK20 wrote:

> I am not using a CProperySheet because I need other controls
> within the dialog that are outside the property sheet, and that do
> not refer to the controls within it.  (See the Breakpoint dialog
> in MSDEV.)  

  Poor excuse.  By adding the DS_CONTROL and WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT 
styles to a WS_CHILD modeless property sheet, you get the 
tab-key-from-control-to-control functionality you want.

> Plus, I want to use the tab control because it's there.  I would
> like to know why it was added to the resource compiler as a common
> control if there was no SIMPLE way to display child dialogs within
> it.

  Poor excuse.  *Displaying* the child dialogs is trivial.  What the 
property sheet gives you is creation of the child dialogs only as 
needed, and reflection of the tab control notifications (sent to the 
tab control's parent) into the child dialogs using the interface 
provided by property pages.  You may enjoy recreating this 
functionality from scratch.  What it doesn't give you, out of the 
box, is embeddability in a parent dialog, but that's pretty easy to 

> The "FIRE" sample does not help because it displays the same thing
> with different colors for each tab.  I am not trying to change the
> colors of the tabs.

  Perhaps the tab control was added in order that cases like this, 
where property pages are overkill or otherwise unsuitable, could 
be handled.  Perhaps this example demonstrates that the cases when 
using a "naked" tab control is most appropriate do not include your 

> Furthermore, I want to be able to do all this using MFC CDialog
> derived classes, and not SDK calls IF THAT IS POSSIBLE.

  CPropertyPage is derived from CDialog, adding interface to handle 
notification reflection and dialog creation management implemented in 

> I could embed a CProperty sheet into another CProperty sheet, but
> this does not fix the tabbing problem.  This looks like my best
> alternative. and I can look for a tab key down event once I get
> into a specific control, but I still don't LIKE it.

  The styles suggested above allow a sheet to be embedded in a 
*dialog*, functioning as a control which happens to contain other 
controls.  The parent dialog *could* be a page, but that's kind of 
perverse (and embedding a sheet in a sheet sounds worse).  The styles 
take care of the tab key issue, though. 

  If you're determined to use a raw CTabControl, the best published 
example I know of is in the SAMS "Windows 95 Programming Unleashed" 
monster.  It's not adequately explained in the text, but if you 
torture the code for a while, it *will* confess.

-----From: Terry Wellmann 


I recently posted a very similar problem and here's what I came up with. I
am also sending this to the MFC-l list as the solution to my problem with
the subject: "Implementing CTabCtrl in a dialog app"

First of all create your dialog resources, derive them from CDialog -- this
way you'll be able to hook the dialog messages.  Since I created a Dialog
app I set up my CTabCtrl in my OnInitDialog function.  Here's some of my
sample code:

	// allocate the dialog page objects
	m_pSearchRange = new CSearchRange;
	m_pSearchKeyWords = new CSearchKeyWords;

 < ect ... >

	// set up the tab control
	// ******************************
	// Set-up search range page
	// ******************************
	TabItem.mask = TCIF_PARAM | TCIF_TEXT;
	TabItem.lParam = (LPARAM)m_pSearchRange;
	VERIFY(m_pSearchRange->Create(CSearchRange::IDD, &m_SettingsTabCtrl));
	TabItem.pszText = "Search Range";

	// position the dialog page in the tab control
	m_pSearchRange->SetWindowPos(NULL, 10, 30, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER);

< this magic location above was found by trial and error.  If you wanted to do 
a little better you could get the area of the tab control and subtract from
it to get the settings. This was suggested by Paolo Savelli>

	// show this page and strip the border
	m_pSearchRange->ModifyStyle (WS_CAPTION, 0);

< this is the first window I want active so I set it active above >
< below is the setup for the second dialog >

	// ******************************
	// set up the search keyword page
	// ******************************
	TabItem.mask = TCIF_PARAM | TCIF_TEXT;
	TabItem.lParam = (LPARAM)m_pSearchKeyWords;

	VERIFY(m_pSearchKeyWords->Create(CSearchKeyWords::IDD, &m_SettingsTabCtrl));
	TabItem.pszText = "Search KeyWords";

	// Position the dialog page in the tab control
	m_pSearchKeyWords->SetWindowPos(NULL, 10, 30, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER);

	// don't show this window strip the border
	m_pSearchKeyWords->ModifyStyle (WS_CAPTION, 0);

< this window is not currently active so don't show it yet. You would do 
do something similar for more pages. >

< when I've set up my pages I set the first page active >

	// ******************************
	// show the first tab
	// ******************************
	m_iLastPage = 0;

< I keep track of the page the user came from >

< Then in the OnSelchangeSettingsTabCtrl function I've got a big switch
statement that first hides the page they came from, then by calling: >


I get the new page and again in a switch statement I "unhide" it and show it.

Since you implement the pages of the control as dialog based you can do
whatever you like inside of them just as if they were a normal dialog box.

This should give you what you want.


|                          Terry Wellmann                             |
|                  CS Major - Purdue University                       |
|             Programmer/Systems Analyst - M.A.I.L.code Inc.          |
|                   E-Mail: wellmatl@cs.purdue.edu                    |
|              http://www.cs.purdue.edu/people/wellmatl               |
|                                                                     |
| " ..655,360 bytes is more than enough for any application we could  |
|     ever develop."         - Bill Gates in PC Monthly, Aug. 1983    |
|                                                                     |

-----From: Paolo Savelli 

boy, does that sound familiar, I've been wrestling with this issue now 
for six/eight weeks.  Finally, I've managed to cobble togethor an 
answer (with timely help from two other mfc list subscribers).

In short, make your 'page' CDialogs borderless and titleless.
In your initdialog for your main CDialog, Create() your page CDialogs
and AddItem() them to your tab control.  Call ShowWindow() and 
EnableWindow( TRUE ) for the first page CDialog.  

You're going to need to capture the WM_MOVE (OnMove) of your main 
CDialog so you can move the 'page' CDialogs, and you're going to have 
to process the OnSelChanging() function ( generate this with Class 
Wizard), to show and hide the appropriate dialog boxes for each tab.

A few caveats:

This works well, but it isn't perfect.  With this system you can tab 
thru the controls within each page CDialog, but you can't tab to the 
controls outside of the page CDialog (at least I can't ). Also, when 
focus is in one of the page CDialogs, the title bar of the main 
CDialog assumes the not focused color.  


Hope this helps.  If you need more info, I can zip up the 'test' 
project that I've cobbled togethor, and e-mail it to you.
-----From: George Roberts/Bos/Teradyne

Try the sheridan tab control.  It is either an OCX or VBX.  It works
beautifully!  It comes with enterprised edition of visual basic.  I've
never tried it with MSVC, but it should work.

- George Roberts
-----From: Ian Hegerty 

I spent about a week on this, and I couldn't find a way to do it; I had to resort to manually
creating the controls. I found an MSDN article that said this was the only way to do it, but I
didn't make a note of it., (Sorry!)

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