Grid Control with bitmaps
Leonard V. --
Wednesday, May 22, 1996
Platform: VC++ 4.0/Win NT
I am using the OLE OCX CGridCtrl and would like to put a bitmap in a
I went to the component gallery and inserted the OLE OCX CGridCtrl into
my application. The component gallery inserted font.cpp, picture.cpp, and
gridctrl.cpp into my project and it inserted an icon into the resource
editor toolbox for the grid. In the resource editor I created a dialog,
put a grid on the dialog, and pulled up the ClassWizard to create a class
derived from CFormView to display the dialog containing the grid. I then
added some code to OnInitialUpdate to put text into some cells, added an
event sink map (via ClassWizard) to detect row/column clicks and rebuilt
the app. Everything worked great. I went to the online help in the
component gallery for the grid and on the first page it states that text
OR bitmaps may be inserted into grid cells (the search was on), but
nowhere in this online help does it instruct how to insert a bitmap. In
gridctrl.cpp I found the function SetPicture(LPDISPATCH) that I thought
might do it but I didn't know how to load LPDISPATCH with a bitmap. I
searched through every directory under MSDEV, every piece of
documentation supplied by Microsoft, the entire MFC documentation set,
the VC++ on-line help, all OLE samples, both CD's of the Microsoft
Developer Network April 1996 edition, and the latest FAQ that I had, and
Kruglinski's Visual C++ 4.0 of which he has some CGridCtrl examples, but
nowhere did I find a reference to SetPicture or otherwise how to put a
bitmap into grid cell!
Do you know how to put a bitmap into a grid cell?
Phil --
Wednesday, May 29, 1996
[Mini-digest: 3 responses]
What you need to do is create a picture object and then pass the dispatch to that
picture object into the grid control. A picture object can hold icons and metafiles as
well as bitmaps. You can also supply a palette for the bitmap if you like. This example
creates a picture object for bitmap with no palette.
pdesc.cbSizeofstruct = sizeof(pdesc);
pdesc.picType = PICTYPE_BITMAP;
pdesc.bmp.hbitmap = (HBITMAP)bitmaphandle;
pdesc.bmp.hpal = NULL;
OleCreatePictureIndirect( &pdesc, IID_IDispatch,
FALSE, (LPVOID*)&disp);
Hope this helps.
-----From: Gabriel Parlea-Visalon
See KB: C and Visual C++: How to Set the Picture Property of an OLE control.
Gabriel Parlea-Visalon
Software Engineer
Derivative Trading Systems
Buy Objective Grid from Stingray. It is 399$ and it gives you the
source cod, so you can recompile the libaries whenever you want. The
package has good samples and it is not difficult to use. And it is
MFC code, not OCX or anything else. Demos are available from STINGRAY
in Yahoo.
Dan Dobrin
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