CArray with CListCtrl
Roger Longren --
Wednesday, May 22, 1996
Platform : VC++ 4.0 / NT 3.51 / Win95
My application which utilizes a CListCtrl currently stores the
control’s dynamically built data in a C++ style array, and
places a fixed upper bound on the number of elements in the
array. I’d like to switch to a dynamically sized CArray, but
have run into a problem.
When a CArray grows as the result of performing a SetAtGrow() or
an Add(), the existing array elements are copied to a new memory
location. Since I must allow the CListCtrl data to be sorted,
using the SortItems() member function, this data relocation
causes a problem. As far as I can determine, the CALLBACK to
CListCtrl.SortItems() must utilize two pointers to the array
elements to compare. These LPARAM pointers are stored in the
CListCtrl as each item is added, and contain the pointer to a
particular array element at that time.
When the CArray grows, these pointers are no longer valid and
sorting the CListCtrl data fails. Does anyone have a way to
work around this?
Thanks in advance for any help.
Roger Longren
Tuesday, May 28, 1996
[Mini-digest: 9 responses]
Although I don't do any dynamic re-sizing of my array, this should solve
your problem.
The container I use that the LPARAM points to is a simple structure that I
create dynamically as I add items to the list control.
The structure isn'r really tied to the storage array, so you may find
yourself with data in two areas.
You'll probably want to create some kind of "TrashListCtrl" function that
empties out the control. Make sure to call it from WM_DESTROY, as well as
whenever you are clearing the control so you can delete these structures.
In my example below, CODEINFO is my struct container.
void COrdView::TrashListCtrl()
aLvI.mask = LVIF_PARAM;
aLvI.iSubItem = 0;
int size = m_cSuspList.GetItemCount();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
aLvI.iItem = i;
CODEINFO* aCodeInfo = (CODEINFO*)aLvI.lParam;
delete aCodeInfo;
Todd Davis
Gateway 2000 - Kansas City
Software Engineer
-----From: Niels Ull Jacobsen
Store the indexes in the lParam, not the pointers. You decide
what the numbers mean - they don't have to be pointers.
Niels Ull Jacobsen, Kr=FCger A/S (
Everything stated herein is THE OFFICIAL POLICY of the entire Kruger grou=
and should be taken as legally binding in every respect. Pigs will grow
wings and fly.
-----From: "Matthias Bohlen"
Hello Roger,
the first idea that comes into my mind is: do not pass the pointer to
the data as an LPARAM, but pass the array index. This index will not
change so it should be valid all the time. The only problem that you
will have is: where do you find the array object at callback time?
Is that a feasible solution?
Matthias Bohlen | Logotec Software GmbH
Phone: +49 228 64 80 520 | Chateauneufstr. 10
FAX: +49 228 64 80 525 | D-53347 Alfter, Germany
E-mail: | CAD systems development
-----From: "Tim Swetonic (Starwave)"
You can use any of the CList classes/templates, including CPtrList,
CTypedPtrList, etc. These are linked list classes. If you use CTypedPtrList,
you can have a linked list of CObject derived objects, and store a pointer
to each object as the item data member of the list control. I've done this a
lot, and it works great. If you don't want to use a CObject derived class,
you could use CStringList, or CPtrList (linked list of void pointers).
-----From: Marcello Perin
Store the index of the element in the LPARAM.
[]s Marcello Perin
Have you considered some other data structure other than an array.
How about CList or CMap? With CList or CMap you can elements to the
collection without the memory being reorganized as you describe. The
pointer you store as LPARAM in the list ctrl will then remain valid.
-----From: Barry Tannenbaum
Specify the indicies to your CArray when you create the list element instead
of the address of the CArray element. Then reference your CArray in the
sort routine (or wherever).
- Barry
3DV Technology, Inc Phone: (603) 595-2200 X228
410 Amherst St., Suite 150 Fax: (603) 595-2228
Nashua, NH 03063 Net:
-----From: Vincent Mascart <100425.1337@CompuServe.COM>
Why not store the array index of your objects in LPARAM instead of a pointer to
the object.
Vincent Mascart
-----From: Erik van der Goot
I don't think I get the question. Are you implying that you are storing the
pointers to your array elements as you go on?? Can you not refer to the
elements in the array just when you call the sort??
Paul Mitchell --
Wednesday, May 29, 1996
[Mini-digest: 2 responses]
> Platform : VC++ 4.0 / NT 3.51 / Win95
> When a CArray grows as the result of performing a SetAtGrow() or
> an Add(), the existing array elements are copied to a new memory
> location. Since I must allow the CListCtrl data to be sorted,
> using the SortItems() member function, this data relocation
> causes a problem. As far as I can determine, the CALLBACK to
> CListCtrl.SortItems() must utilize two pointers to the array
> elements to compare. These LPARAM pointers are stored in the
> CListCtrl as each item is added, and contain the pointer to a
> particular array element at that time.
> When the CArray grows, these pointers are no longer valid and
> sorting the CListCtrl data fails. Does anyone have a way to
> work around this?
Either store the array indices in the ListCtrl lParam, or why not get
rid of the array all together and just use the ListCtrl to keep track of
the data.
Paul Mitchell
British Gas Plc
-----From: Sunitha Kumar
Dear Roger,
Whenever, you use sort on the listcontrol, empty the elements in the =
CArray and only again re-allocate the pointers in the CArray , such that =
it reflects the contents of the listcontrol.So, you could avoid sorting =
the CArray elements.
Hope this helps.
Sunitha Kumar.
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