Selecting all text when an edit control gets focus
Niels Ull Jacobsen --
Thursday, May 16, 1996
MSVC 4.0, MFC 4.1, Win95
We have a multi-line edit control in a CFormView. We would like that
whenever the control receives focus, all current text is selected so that
it will be overwritten whenever something new is typed.
Like the "search" toolbar field in Visual C++.
We added a handler for EN_SETFOCUS and tried doing a SetSel(0,-1)
there. This worked fine when the user tabbed to the edit field, but
when he clicked on it, the focus wouldn't get set properly.
After some work with Spy++, we found out that the EN_SETFOCUS
was sent when the edit control recieved a WM_LBUTTONDOWN, but
the WM_LBUTTONUP would change the (end of) the selection,
so that if the user clicked in the middle of the text, only=20
the first half of the text would be selected.
We tried posting the EM_SETSEL, hoping that it wouldn't appear=20
until after the WM_LBUTTONUP. No luck - the user can wait a long=20
time before letting go of that button.
The only solution we could think of was to subclass the edit control,
intercepting WM_LBUTTONDOWN to set a flag if the control didn't currently=
have focus and selecting all text after a WM_LBUTTONUP, if the flag was s=
This is still not good enough if the user moves the mouse after pressing =
button down, though - we won't see the WM_LBUTTONUP.=20
Before we continue down this road, I would like to know if anybody else
has implemented this? Or have any tips on how to do it correctly?
I don't know if it's significant that the control is really a=20
"single-line" multi-line control (in order to use ES_RIGHT to
get right-aligned text)?
Niels Ull Jacobsen, Kr=FCger A/S (
Everything stated herein is THE OFFICIAL POLICY of the entire Kruger grou=
and should be taken as legally binding in every respect. Pigs will grow
wings and fly.
Monday, May 20, 1996
>MSVC 4.0, MFC 4.1, Win95
>Niels Ull Jacobsen, Kr=FCger A/S ( wrote...
>We have a multi-line edit control in a CFormView. We would like that
>whenever the control receives focus, all current text is selected so that
>it will be overwritten whenever something new is typed.
>Like the "search" toolbar field in Visual C++.
Michael says...
I subclassed a single-line edit control to achieve the same goal.
The key was adding DLGC_HASSETSEL to my OnGetDlgCode()
Here is how I subclassed a single line
edit control:
BOOL CMyDialog::OnInitDialog()=20
m_cpyEdt.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_COPIES, this);
// Update from member variables to controls
return TRUE;
// CCPYEdt Subclass for trapping tab and enter keys=20
// CCPYEdt message handlers
UINT CCPYEdt::OnGetDlgCode()=20
void CCPYEdt::OnKeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags)=20
if (nChar =3D=3D VK_TAB && GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & KF_UP)
// Process Shift+Tab keys
MessageBeep(0); // Do nothing - sample code
else if (nChar =3D=3D VK_RETURN)
{ =20
// Process Enter key
MessageBeep(0); // Do nothing - sample code
else if (nChar =3D=3D VK_TAB)
// Process Tab key
MessageBeep(0); // Do nothing - sample code
} =20
CEdit::OnKeyDown(nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags);
Michael L. Thal
Data Tree Corporation
voice: (619) 231-3300
fax: (619) 231-3301
Munene Kiruja --
Sunday, May 19, 1996
[Mini-digest: 3 responses]
Niels Ull Jacobsen wrote:
> We added a handler for EN_SETFOCUS and tried doing a SetSel(0,-1)
> there. This worked fine when the user tabbed to the edit field, but
> when he clicked on it, the focus wouldn't get set properly.
> After some work with Spy++, we found out that the EN_SETFOCUS
my general solution to this problem is to handle OnMouseActivate message.
Look it up under help. Hope it helps, I just saw a pig fly by.
-----From: "David W. Gillett"
> I subclassed a single-line edit control to achieve the same goal.
> The key was adding DLGC_HASSETSEL to my OnGetDlgCode() override.
I'm not 100% positive, but my impression was that DLGC_HASSETSEL is
a default for edit controls -- that it was necessary to add it only
because overriding OnGetDlgCode() to return only DLGC_WANTALLKEYS had
the side effect of turning off this default. If Niels is not already
overriding this method, I don't think adding this will help him -- if
he is, then that may be the problem and this will solve it.
-----From: Niels Ull Jacobsen
Currently I'm not overriding the WM_GETDLGCODE handling. According to the=
an edit control by default return DLGC_WANTCHARS | DLGC_HASSETSEL |
DLGC_WANTARROWS. Multiline edit controls also return DLGC_WANTALLKEYS.=20
>Here is how I subclassed a single line
>edit control:
Code with overridden WM_GETDLGCODE and WM_KEYDOWN handlers removed.
I haven't tried this yet, but I don't really see how it will solve my pro=
My problem has nothing to do with key processing. In fact, if the user on=
uses the keys, everything works fine.
But when the edit control gains focus due to a mouse click, I can't just =
a SetSel(0,-1) in my OnSetFocus, as the WM_LBUTTONUP will change the sele=
If anyone has a solution, I'd love to hear about it.=20
Niels Ull Jacobsen, Kr=FCger A/S (
Everything stated herein is THE OFFICIAL POLICY of the entire Kruger grou=
and should be taken as legally binding in every respect. Pigs will grow
wings and fly.
David W. Gillett --
Thursday, May 23, 1996
[Mini-digest: 2 responses]
> But when the edit control gains focus due to a mouse click, I
> can't just do a SetSel(0,-1) in my OnSetFocus, as the WM_LBUTTONUP
> will change the selection.
How about this:
Associate a flag with the control. Set it TRUE in WM_GETFOCUS, and
FALSE in WM_LBUTTONDOWN. In WM_LBUTTONUP, pass the message along to
the base class, but if the flag is set then reset the selection
before returning (and, if you want, clear the flag).
You *might* see a brief flash, if somebody calls UpdateWindow
inside the base class handling of WM_LBUTTONUP, but I don't think
it's very likely. You might need to post the EM_SETSEL rather than
send it, but again I wouldn't expect so. [Or you could avoid both of
these by checking the flag in a handler for EM_SETSEL, forcing it to
select all if the flag is set. But that makes it harder to ensure
that the flag gets reset properly, since this message might not only
come from the WM_LBUTTONUP handler.]
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