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A CPropertySheetView Class?

Sunday, May 12, 1996

VC++ 4.1
W95/WNT 3.51+

We need to implement a property sheet view, with the ability to add
pages to the view.  In investigating the MFC internals we have not
found an easy way to perform this.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

"Wouldn't a wizard be better here?"

"I call it a wizard blizzard"

Tuesday, May 14, 1996

[Mini-digest: 4 responses]

michael says...
Use Component Gallery to add Property
Sheets and Property Pages. Select menu
items Insert -> Component.

Review the VC++ 4.1 sample files in
for additional help.

-----From: MJDALAL 

--------------- propview.txt -------------------------


1. This is for MFC 4.0. Your mileage will undoubtedly vary with other versions
of MFC.

2. The debugger reports that two exceptions occur in COMCTL32.DLL during the
creation/use of the class (I have been told that these are something to do with
Win95 vs NT and can be ignored.)

3. You have to derive a class from CPropertySheetView to actually add pages to
the CPropertySheet. My code does this in the constructor of
the derived class. (I'm not using the standard template mechanism to create the
view, so all the data my pages need is accessible at this point).

4. It works for me... No warranties, no support. Bug reports welcome,
but please remember that I'm producing applications not class libraries
for a living... So don't expect an immediate acknowledgement or the
addition of new features. However, if you send money.. $:-)

-- Mike -- 

--------------- propview.h ----------------------------
#ifndef _PROPVIEW_H
#define _PROPVIEW_H

// ====================================================================
//                                              CPropSheetView
// This class represents a view that consists of a (modeless) CPropertySheet
// Derive from it to add pages.
// Mike Bell, April 96 
// ====================================================================

class CPropSheetView : public CView
        CPropSheetView();           // protected constructor used by dynamic

// Attributes

// Operations
        // Provide access to underlying CPropertySheet
        int GetPageCount() const;
        CPropertyPage* GetActivePage() const;
        int GetActiveIndex() const;
        CPropertyPage* GetPage(int nPage) const;
        int GetPageIndex(CPropertyPage* pPage);
        BOOL SetActivePage(int nPage);
        BOOL SetActivePage(CPropertyPage* pPage);

        void AddPage(CPropertyPage* pPage);
        void RemovePage(CPropertyPage* pPage);
        void RemovePage(int nPage);

// Overrides
        // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
        virtual BOOL Create(LPCTSTR lpszClassName, LPCTSTR lpszWindowName,
dwStyle, const RECT& rect, CWnd* pParentWnd, UINT nID, CCreateContext* pContext
= NULL);
        virtual void OnDraw(CDC* pDC);      // overridden to draw this view

// Implementation
        virtual ~CPropSheetView();
#ifdef _DEBUG
        virtual void AssertValid() const;
        virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const;

        // Generated message map functions
        afx_msg void OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy);

        CPropertySheet m_propSheet;                     // The property sheet

#endif // _PROPVIEW_H

-------------------- propview.cpp -----------------------
// ====================================================================
//                                              CPropSheetView
// A class which is a view and displays a property sheet.
// 1.   The intention is to
//              provide an equivalent to CFormView, but if you look at how that
//              is implemented, you find a number of hidden APIs are used to
//              accomplish the desired effect.
// 2.   The above is accomplished by creating a CPropertySheet and arranging
//              for it to fully occupy the area of the CView. This is
//              accomplished via the Create and OnSize calls. The initial size
of the
//              frame window is adjusted to match the size of the property
// 3.   A possible problem is that COMCTL32.DLL throws an Access Violation
//              exception on the first creation of the property sheet. I can't
//              a reason for this. However, it appears (at the moment) to be
//              It may even be a feature. Rumour has it that it relates to
Win95 vs
//              WinNT
//      Mike Bell, April 96 

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "qy.h"
#include "propview.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;

// ====================================================================
// CPropSheetView
// ====================================================================


        // Derived classes should call AddPage here


// ====================================================================
//                      CPropSheetView CPropertySheet wrappers
// ====================================================================

int CPropSheetView::GetPageCount() const
        return m_propSheet.GetPageCount();

CPropertyPage* CPropSheetView::GetActivePage() const
        return m_propSheet.GetActivePage();

int CPropSheetView::GetActiveIndex() const
        return m_propSheet.GetActiveIndex();

CPropertyPage* CPropSheetView::GetPage(int nPage) const
        return m_propSheet.GetPage( nPage );

int CPropSheetView::GetPageIndex(CPropertyPage* pPage)
        return m_propSheet.GetPageIndex( pPage );

BOOL CPropSheetView::SetActivePage(int nPage)
        return m_propSheet.SetActivePage( nPage );

BOOL CPropSheetView::SetActivePage(CPropertyPage* pPage)
        return m_propSheet.SetActivePage( pPage );

void CPropSheetView::AddPage( CPropertyPage* pPage )
        m_propSheet.AddPage( pPage );

void CPropSheetView::RemovePage( CPropertyPage* pPage )
        m_propSheet.RemovePage( pPage );

void CPropSheetView::RemovePage(int nPage)
        m_propSheet.RemovePage( nPage );


// ====================================================================
// CPropSheetView drawing

void CPropSheetView::OnDraw(CDC* pDC)
        CDocument* pDoc = GetDocument();
        // Completely eclipsed by m_propSheet (we hope!)

// ====================================================================
// CPropSheetView diagnostics

#ifdef _DEBUG
void CPropSheetView::AssertValid() const

void CPropSheetView::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const
#endif //_DEBUG

// ====================================================================
//                      CPropSheetView overrides
// ====================================================================

// What we are trying to do here is:
//              (a) create the default view CWnd
//              (b) create a property sheet that is a child of this view
//              (c) Adjust the size of the parent frame so that it matches
//                      the normal size of the child
BOOL CPropSheetView::Create(LPCTSTR lpszClassName, LPCTSTR lpszWindowName,
dwStyle, const RECT& rect, CWnd* pParentWnd, UINT nID, CCreateContext*

        if (!CWnd::Create(lpszClassName, lpszWindowName,
                                dwStyle|WS_CLIPCHILDREN, rect, pParentWnd, nID,
pContext)) {
                return FALSE;
        if (!m_propSheet.Create( this,
 )) {
                return FALSE;

        // Adjust initial size of frame to match the property sheet
        CRect rectIdeal;
        m_propSheet.GetWindowRect( rectIdeal );

        CFrameWnd* pFrame = GetParentFrame();
        ASSERT_VALID(pFrame);                                           // Calc
frame size given
        pFrame->CalcWindowRect( rectIdeal );            // client
        pFrame->SetWindowPos( NULL, 0,0,
                                        rectIdeal.Width(), rectIdeal.Height(),

        return TRUE;

// ====================================================================
//                      CPropSheetView message handlers
// ====================================================================

// Position the property sheet size (if it exists) to cover
// the entire area of the view
void CPropSheetView::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy)
        if (IsWindow(m_propSheet.m_hWnd)) {
                // May not have been created when first called!
                m_propSheet.SetWindowPos( NULL, 0, 0, cx, cy,
        CView::OnSize(nType, cx, cy);

// We don't want the focus, so give it to our CPropertySheet
// to handle
void CPropSheetView::OnSetFocus(CWnd* pOldWnd)

Hope this helps,

Manish Dalal

-----From: John Moulder 

This question keeps on coming up...

Make the property sheet a modeless child window of the CView object. I do
this and it works fine.

I have developed an MDI property sheet. This is a modeless property sheet
that is a child window of a CView derived class in an MDI child window. The
window hierarchy is:

MDI child window 
 + - AfxFrameOrView window (the view)
     + - Modeless Property sheet
         + - Tab control (to switch between pages)
         | - Property page
         |   |
         |   + control(s) in each page
         + - Property page(s)...

class CMDIPropertySheetView : public CView
    // property sheet
    CMyPropertySheet            m_PropSheet;
    // pages for property sheet
    CMyPageOne                  m_Page1;
    CMyPageTwo                  m_Page2;
    CMyPageThree                m_Page3;

    // etc

In my CPropertySheet derived class I reimplemented the RecalcLayout() to
resize the view owning the sheet to be just big enough to enclose the sheet.
The property sheet window is placed in the client area of the view window.
The reimplemented RecalcLayout() is called from the CPropertySheet::OnCreate(). 

I found that I had to reimplement the original CPropertySheet::OnCreate() to
do various things specific to my implementation.

When the CView window changes size (remember it is an MDI child window) I
resize the property sheet to fit the MDI child window (View).

My environment is windows 3.1, MSVC 1.5x, MFC 2.??, MFC CPropertySheet (16 bit).

Hope this helps.

-----From: "David W. Gillett" 

  What I have done is implement a trivial CFormView-derivative with a 
modeless CPropertySheet-derivative as a child.  Resize the sheet 
(drop its lower edge) to encompass the buttons (initially invisible 
and disabled because the sheet is modeless), and resize the view to 
fit the sheet.  I expose most of the public methods of the child 
CPropertySheet as methods of the derived CPropertySheetView class, 
including of course AddPage().
  My child sheet is actually of a class derived from CPropertySheet
(in order to add the DS_CONTROL and WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT styles in
its OnInitDialog).
  The only tricky bit is to hook up the OK/Cancel buttons so they both
get signalled to the pages, and dismiss the view.  I don't actually 
enable/show the sheet's buttons, but provide OK and Cancel buttons on 
a dialog template for the CFormView, move and resize them to sit 
right over the hidden/disabled property sheet buttons, and use 
PressButton() to notify the sheet when they are clicked (and invoke 
the sheet logic which notifies the pages in turn).  Those handlers 
will need to call any final code in specific derived view classes.
CPropertyPage objects may be members of these derived classes, or 


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