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Activating a previous instance of an app revisited - Does it

Eric Raymond -- RAYMOND@btw.com
Wednesday, May 08, 1996

Environment:  Visual C++ 4.1   with  Win95 and WinNT, (Win32s?)

So the obvious question is, does this code work in Windows NT, Win 95 , and 
Win32s?  Most of the approaches fail in one of the three OS's.

Any hope that MFC will ahve this "common requested" feature built-in?

> From: owner-mfc-l
> To: MFC-L
> Subject: Activating a previous instance of an app revisited
> Date: Friday, May 03, 1996 1:49PM
> Environment:  Visual C++ 4.1   with  Win95 and WinNT
> Ever wonder why the question of how to limit an application to a single
> instance and activate the original instance comes up so often? Having had 
> implement this functionality myself this week, I now know why. The sample
> programs don't work, the knowledgebase articles and faq are out of date, 
> the answers I've seen posted to this list were incomplete or wouldn't work 

> in
> all cases. Here's a slightly different way to solve the problem.
> Actually there are two questions to answer:
> 1) How to detect a previous instance of a program.
> 2) How to activate the first instance, or request it to do something.
> The first question has been discussed on the list in detail recently with
> several good approaches suggested.  I used the approach that creates and
> checks a named mutex in the InitInstance call.
> The second question is, I think, the harder one: how to get the handle of
> the main window of the first instance. The common answer is to use
> FindWindow or EnumWindow, however, I prefer not to use those functions.
> EnumWindow is somewhat inefficient and using FindWindow pretty much 
> me to register my own class (another task for which a *complete* example
> is lacking).
> The technique I used is to create a shared data segment in the 
> EXE, declare a global handle variable in the shared segment, and store the
> window handle of the first instance's frame window in the global variable.
> Subsequent instances of the application can get the handle from the global
> variable and use it to manipulate the first instance.
> If you haven't used shared data segments in an EXE before here's how:
> In the cpp file for the CWinApp object create a shared data segment like
> this:
>     #pragma data_seg (".MYAPP_SHARED" )
>     // We will set this to the main window handle in CWinApp's
> ActivateFrame.
>     HWND gAppHwnd = 0;  // Must be initialized, or it won't be in shared
> memory
>     #pragma data_seg () // End the shared segment.
> In the cpp file for CMainFrame, declare the shared global variable as
> extern:
>     extern HWND gAppHwnd;
> Override the ActivateFrame member function in CMainFrame and save the
> app's handle.
>     // Save the app's handle in shared global memory.
>     if ( gAppHwnd == 0 )
>         gAppHwnd = AfxGetMainWnd()->GetSafeHwnd();
> At the beginning of CWinApp's InitInstance, check for a previous instance
> with
> a couple of helper functions:
>     // Allow one and only one instance of this application to run.
>     if ( FoundPrevInstance() )
>     {
>         UsePrevInstance();
>         return FALSE;
>     }
> FoundPrevInstance looks like this:
> //
> //  FoundPrevInstance
> //
> //  We want only one instance of this app to run at a time.  This function 

> //  determines whether the app is already running.
> //
> //  Returning FALSE from this routine indicates that another instance of 
> //  app is *not* running.
> //  Returning TRUE indicates that another instance of the app is running.
> //
> BOOL COneinstApp::FoundPrevInstance()
> {
>     BOOL bFound = FALSE;
>     // Handle to mutex that indicates another instance is running.
>     HANDLE hMutexOneInstance = NULL;
>     // The first instance of the app will successfully create this mutex. 

> When
>     // later instances try to create the mutex, they will fail because it
>     // already exists, indicating to us that a previous instance is 
>     const char szMutex[] = "PreventSecondInstanceOfThisApp";
>     hMutexOneInstance = CreateMutex( NULL, TRUE, szMutex );
>     if( GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS )
>     {
>         bFound = TRUE;
>     }
>     if ( hMutexOneInstance )
>     {
>         ReleaseMutex( hMutexOneInstance );
>     }
>     return bFound;
> }
> UsePrevInstance looks like this:
> //
> //  UsePrevInstance
> //
> //  This function tells an already running instance of GWLIS to prompt for 

> //  login info for all registered applications.
> //
> void COneinstApp::UsePrevInstance()
> {
>     //
>     // The original instance of this program saved its main frame window
>     // in a global variable in shared memory. Now we are going to use that
>     // handle to activate the first instance.
>     //
>     // Associate the CWnd object with the handle of the original instance
>     // so we can use MFC functions on the window.
>     CWnd FirstInst;
>     FirstInst.Attach( gAppHwnd );
>     if(FirstInst.IsIconic())
>     {
>         FirstInst.ShowWindow(SW_SHOWNORMAL);
>     }
>     FirstInst.BringWindowToTop();
>     FirstInst.GetLastActivePopup()->BringWindowToTop();
>     // Detach the handle from the CWnd or die.
>     FirstInst.Detach();
>     // If we wanted to ask the original instance to do something specific
>     // we could define a user-defined message, implement a handler for the
>     // user defined message in CMainFrame, and use code like this:
>     ::PostMessage( gAppHwnd, WM_SOME_USER_DEFINED_MSG, 0, 0 );
>     #endif
> }
> Lastly, You need to add a .DEF file to the project that looks like this:
> //
> HEAPSIZE  1024
> //
> I hope someone finds this technique useful.
> Al Margheim

Andi Giri -- agiri@ctiis.com
Friday, May 10, 1996

>Environment:  Visual C++ 4.1   with  Win95 and WinNT, (Win32s?)

>So the obvious question is, does this code work in Windows NT, Win 95 , and
>Win32s?  Most of the approaches fail in one of the three OS's.

The following code uses FindWindow(), assumes the code uses MFC,
and works for all of the above.  I have not tested this for Win32s, but
I do not see any reason why it would not work.
Assume that the app is called PrevInst.

Andi Giri

Add following to mainfrm.cpp, after using ClassWizard to insert it:

BOOL CMainFrame::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs) 
	cs.style &= ~(LONG) FWS_ADDTOTITLE;	
	return CFrameWnd::PreCreateWindow(cs);

Add following to the beginning of CPrevInstApp::InitInstance()

BOOL CPrevInstApp::InitInstance()
	// Detect another instance of our app
	BOOL bFound = FALSE;
	HANDLE hMutex = NULL;

#ifdef _WIN32
	hMutex = CreateMutex (NULL, TRUE, "PreventSecondInstance");
	if (GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS)	
		bFound = TRUE;
	if (m_hPrevInstance != NULL)
		bFound = TRUE;
	if (bFound)
		CWnd* pFirstWnd;
		// Try to switch to the other instance
		if (pFirstWnd = CWnd::FindWindow (NULL, m_pszAppName))
			// restore the window if it's iconified
			if (pFirstWnd->IsIconic())
				pFirstWnd->ShowWindow (SW_SHOWNORMAL);

			// bring the window to the top of the Z-order

			// if the window has an open dialog, this will 
			// bring it to the top too

		// exit this instance of the application
		return FALSE;
	// Standard initialization
#ifdef _WIN32
	if (hMutex)
		ReleaseMutex (hMutex);
	return TRUE;

Dan Kirby -- dkirby@accessone.com
Tuesday, May 14, 1996

[Mini-digest: 3 responses]

Use SetForegroundWindow instead of BringWindowToTop on Win32 otherwise you may run into situations where the application is not activated.


-----From: "Frederic Steppe" 

 > You're right.  Thank you for the clear explaination.  I'll refer to the 
 > response you gave some days ago about the same subject,  (using one thread 
 > waiting for two objects).

You'll find a sample app that does this in the second edition of my book.

 > Please thake this as a real 'thank you' message.  I mean it.  You deserve 

Well, thanks!  That was actually sincere, and it was only fifty-some 
characters more than "TIA".

.B ekiM
TCHAR szParty[] = _T("I don't speak for -- heeey, these cheese things are 

-----From: "Mike Blaszczak" 

From: 	owner-mfc-l@netcom.com on behalf of Eric Raymond
Sent: 	Monday, May 13, 1996 12:00

 > Clearly this is desirable behavior for many programs.
 > Clearly this is not a simple/obvious thing to do correctly.

 > Seems like this is good criteria for deciding what to put into MFC (or any 
 > library).

If it were as easy as writing the code, maybe we'd add it.  But it's really 
tremendously expensive to add features to MFC.  You need to do lots of stuff:

1) write the code.  Make it as generic and reusable as possible.
2) Debug it.
3) Figure out what to do about the Macintosh.  Are threads even supported over 
4) Figure out what to do about other platforms, like the MIPS and Alpha.  Are 
they goofy in any way?
5) Talk someone into documenting it.  You have to read and edit two or three 
versions of the documentation to make sure the description made by the writer 
are accurate and clear.
6) Get someone to test it.  Maybe you need to go back to step 2).
7) Think about Wizard support for it.  Have a meeting with the Wizard guys.
8) Write a sample that shows what the hell you're talking about.
9) Show some marketing guy how it works so he can later beg you for a demo.
10) Make sure the Setup guys know about YourNewFile.CPP and get it copied.
11) Justify why your 1700 extra bytes of code are really important and bloat 
MFC*.DLL to be bigger.
12) Knock out the demo you promised in step #9 to get the marketing guy to go 
13) Did you write the code so it would work in Japan?

Most of people think people at Microsoft sit around all day and do #1.  Maybe, 
if you're working at a small software company, you can get away with doing 
only #1 and blow off the Macintosh and ignore people who can't figure out 
what's going on from your README.TXT file and skip some of the other steps.  
We can't; we need to do them all.

There's lots more criteria than "boy, that'd be useful and it isn't easy to 
do".  Maybe the QA guys are too busy with something else that's important.  
Maybe _you're_ too busy with something that's more important.  Maybe the 
writer is burnt out from you returning edits at the last minute and has taken 
a vacation.

.B ekiM
TCHAR sz[] = _T("Just what I said: I threw it out.");

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