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CDialog controls and tab orders...

Reza Razavipour -- biles.com!reza_r@jabberwock.biles.com
Tuesday, May 07, 1996

VC4.1 on NT3.5.1 

I am creating a CDialog based object, that has a CEdit and a
CSpinButtonCtrl.  This dialog WS_CONTROL is set.

Now a CFormView derived object has one of the above CDialog based
object as a member variable. All is working well and behaving

With a call to SetWindowPos, I have set the tabbing order for the
CDialog based object. The tabbing order into the object(CDialog based)
is fine and works, but as many times as I tab, tabbing never it given
back to CFormView based object.

How do I solve this dilemma?

Any hint is greatly appreciated.



John & Annette Elsbree -- elsbree@msn.com
Friday, May 10, 1996

Reza -

Set WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT as an extended style on the CDialog-based object. The 
easiest way to do this:

BOOL CSampleDialog::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs)
    cs.dwExStyle |= WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT;
    return CDialog::PreCreateWindow(cs);

John (not speaking for Microsoft)

From: 	owner-mfc-l@netcom.com on behalf of Reza Razavipour
Sent: 	Tuesday, May 07, 1996 11:45 AM
To: 	MFC-L@netcom.com
Subject: 	CDialog controls and tab orders...

VC4.1 on NT3.5.1 

I am creating a CDialog based object, that has a CEdit and a
CSpinButtonCtrl.  This dialog WS_CONTROL is set.

Now a CFormView derived object has one of the above CDialog based
object as a member variable. All is working well and behaving

With a call to SetWindowPos, I have set the tabbing order for the
CDialog based object. The tabbing order into the object(CDialog based)
is fine and works, but as many times as I tab, tabbing never it given
back to CFormView based object.

How do I solve this dilemma?

Any hint is greatly appreciated.



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