Tab Controls and OLE
Dalmer Barbosa Junior - Infocon --
Friday, May 03, 1996
WINNt3.51/WIN95 MFC4.0
I had problems using CPropertySheet and CPropertyPage Class when
using OLE controls, like CGridControl or MaskEdit. Does exist any way to
use both tabcontrols and OLE controls ?
* Dalmer B. A. Junior Light-Infocon *
* mail: Development Analist *
* Office Tel: (083) 333-1707 -------- __o *
* FAX : (083) 333-1834 ------- _`\<,_ *
* "Life is Short Ride Tough" ------- (*)/ (*) *
Ted --
Wednesday, May 08, 1996
[Mini-digest: 3 responses]
I believe you may have problems if your OLE control is on an
CPropertyPage. It seems like I heard that when you select a page, the
OLE control is not on, the control gets unloaded. Correct me if I am
Ted Ward
Denver, Colorado
-----From: "Igarashi, Sammi"
Has AfxEnableControlContainer(); been called for the application to
enable the usage of OLE controls??
-----From: "Birdwell, Rob"
Visual C++/MFC 4.0
It's in the MFC documentation and I've experienced this myself: Controls with
any "Extended Styles" cannot be used in property page dialog templates. For
example, a static text control in a dialog template (used by a derived
CPropertyPage class) with the extended style of WS_EX_RIGHT ("Right aligned
text", or any other extended style) will assert and crash at run time. It may
be that the OLE controls you're trying to use in your page have one or more
extended styles.
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