Problem with OnContextMenu and CTreeCtrl
Sanjay --
Monday, April 22, 1996
OS: Win 95
I am trying to create a dialog bar which behaves in a manner similar to
dialog bar in
VC++ 4.0 developer studio - the dialog bar which contains tabs for class
view, resource view etc. This is what I did to create the dialog bar:
I created the dialog template for the dialog bar. Derivved a class from
CDialogBar as
CMyDialogBar : public CDialogBar.
In OnCreate for Mainframe, I create an object of type CMyDialogBar with
template ID the one ICreated.
I override the Create function for CMyDialogBar. If Create returns fine, I
create four
bitmap buttons which look like bitmaps. Bitmap buttons are members of
Also, I derived a class from CTreeCtrl as
CFormsTree : public CMyTree.
In the Create function for CMyDialogBar, I also create the
object for CMyTree. In OnCreate for CMyTree, I fill the tree with info. Now,
to bring the
CMyDialogBar in command message routing, I override OnCmdMsg in my app
classs, where I call OnCmdMsg for the dialog class first, if the message is
not handled there, I pass the message along.
I want the popup menu to be handeled by the CFormsTree class itself, so I
added the
popup context menu using component gallery to CFormsTree class. Now the
problem is that when I click right mouse button in the tree control, popup
menu soes not come up - I used spy++ to find out that the message is going
to parent which inthis case is CMyDialogBar. If I double click with the
right mouse button, then the message comes to tree control and pop up menu
is displayed.
I wonder if I have to reflect the message back from the parent to the child.
I will greatly appreciate any help on this.
Klaus Guetter -- 100031.1400@CompuServe.COM
Thursday, April 25, 1996
This is how I solved the same problem fort a CTreeView inside a MDI child frame.
void CMyMDIChildFrame::OnContextMenu(CWnd* pWnd, CPoint point)
if (m_bLockOutMsg)
// Prevent infinite loop
TRACE0("WM_CONTEXTMENU locked out\n");
if ((pWnd->GetStyle() & WS_CHILD) != 0 && pWnd->GetParent() == this)
// First reflect to the control (using the message map)
m_bLockOutMsg = TRUE;
AfxCallWndProc(pWnd, pWnd->m_hWnd, WM_CONTEXTMENU, (UINT)pWnd,
MAKELPARAM(point.x, point.y));
m_bLockOutMsg = FALSE;
- Klaus
Sanjay --
Thursday, April 25, 1996
OS: Win 95
I am trying to create a dialog bar which behaves in a manner similar to
dialog bar in
VC++ 4.0 developer studio - the dialog bar which contains tabs for class
view, resource view etc. This is what I did to create the dialog bar:
I created the dialog template for the dialog bar. Derivved a class from
CDialogBar as
CMyDialogBar : public CDialogBar.
In OnCreate for Mainframe, I create an object of type CMyDialogBar with
template ID the one ICreated.
I override the Create function for CMyDialogBar. If Create returns fine, I
create four
bitmap buttons which look like bitmaps. Bitmap buttons are members of
Also, I derived a class from CTreeCtrl as
CFormsTree : public CMyTree.
In the Create function for CMyDialogBar, I also create the
object for CMyTree. In OnCreate for CMyTree, I fill the tree with info. Now,
to bring the
CMyDialogBar in command message routing, I override OnCmdMsg in my app
classs, where I call OnCmdMsg for the dialog class first, if the message is
not handled there, I pass the message along.
I want the popup menu to be handeled by the CFormsTree class itself, so I
added the
popup context menu using component gallery to CFormsTree class. Now the
problem is that when I click right mouse button in the tree control, popup
menu soes not come up - I used spy++ to find out that the message is going
to parent which inthis case is CMyDialogBar. If I double click with the
right mouse button, then the message comes to tree control and pop up menu
is displayed.
I wonder if I have to reflect the message back from the parent to the child.
I will greatly appreciate any help on this.
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