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CPropertySheet,Win32s, & Custom Controls

Kent Van Ness -- KVanNess@symantec.com
Monday, April 22, 1996

     I have a custom virtual list box control that I am using 
     in both a property page and in a page of a cpropertysheet 
     based wizard.  This control works fine under Win95, but 
     does not work under Win32s in a property sheet or property 
     sheet wizard.  It does,however, work fine in a regular 
     modal dialog.  I am developing using MSVC 4.0.
     I created the control using the resource editor and
     put "vlistbox" (without the quotes) as the windows class. 
     I register this class using AfxRegisterClass in
     the application's initinstance function and I have 
     verified that this function does indeed work by calling 
     the GetClassInfo function for vlistbox.  I then subclass 
     this control in my initdialog handler for this page of 
     the wizard.
     This control is on the 4th page of my wizard, and basically 
     what happens is that I keep scrolling through the 1st 
     three pages of the wizard as I press the next button.  When I do a 
     on this page, the page is returned but has a null m_hWnd.  Under 
     Win95, the page does not have a null m_hWnd member at this point.  The 
     handler for this page never gets called.
     Here's some sample code of OnWizardNext override:
     LRESULT CWizardPage::OnWizardNext()
        m_nButton = ID_WIZNEXT;
        CWizardSheet *pWizardSheet = (CWizardSheet *)GetParent(); 
        INT nPage = pWizardSheet->OnNext(); //see below
        if ( nPage >= 0 )
           CPropertyPage *pPage = pWizardSheet->GetPage( nPage );  <-Null 
     handle here
           return( (LRESULT)pPage->m_psp.pResource );
           return( -1 );
     int CWizardSheet::OnNext()
        INT activeIndex = GetActiveIndex();
        SetActivePage( ++activeIndex );
        if ( activeIndex >= m_endPage /*GetPageCount() - 1*/ ) 
           // For the last page disable the Next button 
           SetWizardButtons( PSWIZB_BACK | PSWIZB_FINISH ); 
           if ( m_wizardStyle & WS_NEXT_AND_FINISH )
              GetDlgItem(ID_WIZNEXT)->ShowWindow( SW_SHOW ); 
              GetDlgItem(ID_WIZNEXT)->EnableWindow( FALSE );
           if ( activeIndex >= m_psh.nStartPage ) 
              // When moving away from the first page enable the Back 
              SetWizardButtons( PSWIZB_BACK | PSWIZB_NEXT ); 
              if ( m_wizardStyle & WS_NEXT_AND_FINISH )
                 GetDlgItem(ID_WIZFINISH)->ShowWindow( SW_SHOW );
        // We may need to re-enable the finish button 
        if ( m_wizardStyle & WS_NEXT_AND_FINISH )
           GetDlgItem(ID_WIZFINISH)->EnableWindow( (activeIndex >= 
              ((m_nExternalFirstPage == -1) ? m_nFirstPageToEnableFinish : 
              m_nExternalFirstPage)) );
        return( activeIndex );
     Here is the code to register the class:
        INT result;
        WNDCLASS wndcls;
      // Check to see if class is already registered
     if((result = ::GetClassInfo(AfxGetInstanceHandle(), VLB_CLASS_NAME, 
     &wndcls)) != TRUE) 
           ClassName = VLB_CLASS_NAME; // VLB_CLASS_NAME = "vlistbox"
              wndcls.style         = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW | CS_DBLCLKS | 
                wndcls.lpfnWndProc   = (WNDPROC) ::DefWindowProc; 
                wndcls.cbClsExtra    = 0;
                wndcls.cbWndExtra    = 0;
                wndcls.hInstance     = AfxGetInstanceHandle(); 
                wndcls.hIcon         = NULL;
                wndcls.hCursor       = ::LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); 
                wndcls.hbrBackground = NULL;
                wndcls.lpszMenuName  = NULL;
                wndcls.lpszClassName = ClassName;
           if (!(result = AfxRegisterClass(&wndcls)))
     Any help with this problem would be greatly appreciated.
     Kent P. Van Ness

Borenstein Andrei -- boren@actcom.co.il
Tuesday, April 23, 1996

[Mini-digest: 2 responses]

On Mon, 22 Apr 1996, Kent Van Ness wrote:

>    I have a custom virtual list box control that I am using 
>    in both a property page and in a page of a cpropertysheet 
>    based wizard.  This control works fine under Win95, but 
>    does not work under Win32s in a property sheet or property 
>    sheet wizard.  It does,however, work fine in a regular 
>    modal dialog.  I am developing using MSVC 4.0.
We have a lot of problems trying to run VC++ 4.0 application on Win32S .
for a comprehensive list of problems , see Microsoft Knowledge Base .



-----From: Dan Kirby 

But wait! It gets better.  If you're using the propertysheet in wizard mode 
and you get to the last property page and you are doing DDX in your 
property page, notice that none of the information in the controls gets 
transfered to your   member variables.  There is a bug in Win32s that 
causes the OnKillActive member function to never get called and thus the 
DDX stuff never takes place.  Basically, wizard mode under Win32s has some 
problems.  Because Win32s is kinda frozen for eternity, don't expect this 
to be fixed. You may want to create your own wizard implementation.


David W. Gillett -- DGILLETT@expertedge.com
Thursday, April 25, 1996

> But wait! It gets better.  If you're using the propertysheet in
> wizard mode and you get to the last property page and you are
> doing DDX in your property page, notice that none of the
> information in the controls gets transfered to your   member
> variables.  There is a bug in Win32s that causes the OnKillActive
> member function to never get called and thus the DDX stuff never
> takes place.  Basically, wizard mode under Win32s has some
> problems.  Because Win32s is kinda frozen for eternity, don't
> expect this to be fixed. You may want to create your own wizard
> implementation. 

  A lot of MS-supplied wizards seem to have a final page that 
contains no interactive controls, just a message telling the user to 
click the "Finish" button to end the process, and the "Back" button 
is disabled.
  It seems that it is easy to change the "Next" button to a "Finish" 
button, but harder to change it back if the user were to try to go 
"Back" after that has been done....

  It seems that a final page that offers only "Finish" (commit/apply) 
or "Cancel" (and optionally "Help") must be recommended as a style 
guideline for wizards.  This should avoid both problems.


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