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CRecordSet in MFC 4.1

A109793 AT DECMAIL A109793 - DECMAIL -- w_vd_akker@hoogovens.e-mail.com
Friday, April 19, 1996

Platform MFC 4.1, NT 3.51


When I open a Recordset, I get a 'Out of memory'-error. This error occurs
in every Recordset with Memo-Fields in it.
In a Debugsession I saw the function SQLDescribeCol return a cbColumn
value far to big. In the next statement, which allocate memory for the
Memo-variable, the Out of memory error occurs.

Has anyone has a solution for this?


W. vdAkker

Dr. Daniel L. Jones -- djones@jcc-one.dljones.com
Monday, April 22, 1996

[Mini-digest: 3 responses]

MFC4.1/Any 32 bit platform

It is a bug in the MS RFX_Text code.

Look at lines 526-528 in dbrfx.cpp and note that the conditional is reversed.
Thus text fields in Sybase force a 2GB allocation and then ka-boom.

Until MS fixes this, I replace all calls to RFX_Text to RFX_MyText and link
in a RFX_MyText object.  I prefer this to distributing a fixed mfc40.dll for
MFC4.1, but the 4.1 DLL is going to break a lot of dynamically linked
code out there in the field.  You might want to avoid 4.1 based releases
until MS fixes this.

I certainly wish that MS would at least regression test their code before
release.  This is *not* a minor bug.

Here is the diff of RFX_Text.cpp.original as cut from dbrfx.cpp and

> //// DLJ - this works around bug in MFC4.1 where someone typoed the size 
> ////  check in RFX_Text so that any text or memo field will blow ODBC code up.
< void AFXAPI RFX_Text(CFieldExchange* pFX, LPCTSTR szName,
> void AFXAPI RFX_MyText(CFieldExchange* pFX, LPCTSTR szName,
<                       if (cbColumn < (UINT)nMaxLength)
>                       if (cbColumn > (UINT)nMaxLength)

I haven't had time to report this to MS, so could someone verify my diagnosis
and report it to MS so it will get officially fixed?  I probably won't
have time to report it for another couple of weeks.  Thanks.

djones@sykes.com            Daniel L. Jones            Office: 970-522-6638
djones@dljones.com                                     Direct: 970-522-0652
-----From: Pete 

I had the same problem, I noticed that the problem didnt exist in MFC 3.0 and
then when I moved on the MFC 4.0 it broke.  Comparing the code it seemed that
they took out the very check that existed in MFC 3.0 that fixes the problem.
I created my own version of RFX_Text() with the following change and then I
call this version in DoFieldExchange().  As you pointed out, its still broken
in MFC 4.1;  when I originally found the problem I posted it in an MFC newsgroup
and no one ever responded so I assumed it was something specific that I was
doing - I'll be interested to see if anybody else on MFC-L responds..


			// Determine string pre-allocation size
			if (cbColumn < (UINT)nMaxLength)
				cbColumn = nMaxLength;

			// Constrain to user specified max length
			if (cbColumn > (UINT)nMaxLength)
				cbColumn = nMaxLength;

			// Set up binding addres
			void* pvData;
			pvData = value.LockBuffer();    // will be overwritten if UNICODE

-----From: Dan Kirby 

This is a bug in VC++ 4.1.  You'll need to copy the RFX_Text function from 
DBRFX.CPP and change the code :

if (cbColumn < (UINT)nMaxLength)
   cbColumn = nMaxLength;


if (cbColumn > (UINT)nMaxLength)
   cbColumn = nMaxLength;

This problem will only occur with certain types of  fields where the 
precision value returned from SQLDescribecol will be large as is the case 
with the memo fields (Foxpro driver returns 1G for a precision value for 


Roderick Prince -- RPrince@msn.com
Monday, April 29, 1996


This issue has been acknowledged by MS...

BUG: Run Out of Memory or Assertion in GetBufferSetLength()
[visualc] ID: Q148787    CREATED: 22-MAR-1996   MODIFIED: 25-MAR-1996
PUBLIC | kbprg kbbuglist

Happy trails,

From: 	owner-mfc-l@netcom.com on behalf of Dr. Daniel L. Jones
Sent: 	Monday, April 22, 1996 4:05 AM
To: 	mfc-l@netcom.com
Cc: 	w_vd_akker@hoogovens.e-mail.com
Subject: 	Re: CRecordSet in MFC 4.1

[Mini-digest: 3 responses]

MFC4.1/Any 32 bit platform

It is a bug in the MS RFX_Text code.

Look at lines 526-528 in dbrfx.cpp and note that the conditional is reversed.
Thus text fields in Sybase force a 2GB allocation and then ka-boom.

Until MS fixes this, I replace all calls to RFX_Text to RFX_MyText and link
in a RFX_MyText object.  I prefer this to distributing a fixed mfc40.dll for
MFC4.1, but the 4.1 DLL is going to break a lot of dynamically linked
code out there in the field.  You might want to avoid 4.1 based releases
until MS fixes this.

I certainly wish that MS would at least regression test their code before
release.  This is *not* a minor bug.

Here is the diff of RFX_Text.cpp.original as cut from dbrfx.cpp and

> //// DLJ - this works around bug in MFC4.1 where someone typoed the size 
> ////  check in RFX_Text so that any text or memo field will blow ODBC code 
< void AFXAPI RFX_Text(CFieldExchange* pFX, LPCTSTR szName,
> void AFXAPI RFX_MyText(CFieldExchange* pFX, LPCTSTR szName,
<                       if (cbColumn < (UINT)nMaxLength)
>                       if (cbColumn > (UINT)nMaxLength)

I haven't had time to report this to MS, so could someone verify my diagnosis
and report it to MS so it will get officially fixed?  I probably won't
have time to report it for another couple of weeks.  Thanks.

djones@sykes.com            Daniel L. Jones            Office: 970-522-6638
djones@dljones.com                                     Direct: 970-522-0652
-----From: Pete 

I had the same problem, I noticed that the problem didnt exist in MFC 3.0 and
then when I moved on the MFC 4.0 it broke.  Comparing the code it seemed that
they took out the very check that existed in MFC 3.0 that fixes the problem.
I created my own version of RFX_Text() with the following change and then I
call this version in DoFieldExchange().  As you pointed out, its still broken
in MFC 4.1;  when I originally found the problem I posted it in an MFC 
and no one ever responded so I assumed it was something specific that I was
doing - I'll be interested to see if anybody else on MFC-L responds..


			// Determine string pre-allocation size
			if (cbColumn < (UINT)nMaxLength)
				cbColumn = nMaxLength;

			// Constrain to user specified max length
			if (cbColumn > (UINT)nMaxLength)
				cbColumn = nMaxLength;

			// Set up binding addres
			void* pvData;
			pvData = value.LockBuffer();    // will be overwritten if UNICODE

-----From: Dan Kirby 

This is a bug in VC++ 4.1.  You'll need to copy the RFX_Text function from 
DBRFX.CPP and change the code :

if (cbColumn < (UINT)nMaxLength)
   cbColumn = nMaxLength;


if (cbColumn > (UINT)nMaxLength)
   cbColumn = nMaxLength;

This problem will only occur with certain types of  fields where the 
precision value returned from SQLDescribecol will be large as is the case 
with the memo fields (Foxpro driver returns 1G for a precision value for 


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