Extension DLL loaded twice
Kjell Gunnar Tenstad -- kjellg@albatross.no
Friday, April 19, 1996
Environment : Windows NT 3.51 / VC++ 4.0
I have a test program using two extension dlls.
The first extension dll is used directly by the main program and via
the other extension dll.
(The main program includes .lib from both extension dll's).
My problem is that I cannot debug the first extension dll while running
VC++ 4.0.
I have observed the the first extension dll is loaded twice.
( which seems strange )
I can breakpoint the process of attaching the first instance.
It looks like the main program uses the second instance.
Any comments ??
kjellg@albatross.no Kjell Gunnar Tenstad, Tel.+(47)32865000
BMW R 60 ----------------------1960-------------------- BMW R 26
Crucial Software -- crucial@ix.netcom.com
Sunday, April 21, 1996
>> I have observed the the first extension dll is loaded twice.
>> ( which seems strange )
Physically loaded in two different places? What exactly do you mean
by "loaded twice"? You will be "attached" to twice, since the DLL
and the EXE both attach to the DLL.
>> I can breakpoint the process of attaching the first instance.
>> It looks like the main program uses the second instance.
App A links to DLL B
App A links to DLL C
DLL B links to DLL C
If dynamic references from DLL B are resolved first, then DLL B will
resolve it's references into DLL C before the application does. This
would be what you're seeing. It's not an error.
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