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Can't create a CFrameWnd without a caption bar.

Dmitry Zinchenko -- zidi@ipii.donetsk.ua
Sunday, April 14, 1996

Environment: Windows 95. [Version 4.00.950]
             MSVC++ 2.2 with MFC

I'm unsuccessfully trying to create a main application's window (derived
from CFrameWnd) WITHOUT a caption bar.

class CMathWnd : public CFrameWnd


  //{{AFX_MSG( CMathWnd )


  // do create a frame window
  ASSERT( Create(NULL, NULL, WS_OVERLAPPED, CRect(30,30,300,300) );

The window is created fine but WITH a CAPTION BAR even though
I specify dwStyle = WS_OVERLAPPED !!!

I know about Frame Window Style attribute FWS_ADDTOTITLE, but as you
see, I neither use it nor call CFrameWnd::LoadFrame() which uses
the window style WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW|FWS_ADDTOTITLE by default.

So what do I wrong or what have I to do to create a main window
without a caption bar ?

Any idea will be appreciated. Please make a carbon copy (CC:) when you
will answer.


When a man has no longer any conception of excellence above
his own, his voyage is done, he is dead.

                        Henry Ward Beecher (USA, 1813-1887)

Tommy Hui -- thui@slip.net
Tuesday, April 16, 1996

[Mini-digest: 7 responses]

Hi Dmitry,

WS_OVERLAPPED implies a WS_CAPTION. Try creating the window with WS_POPUP
style ORed with any additional styles such as WS_MINIMIZEBOX.


-----From: "Grant Shirreffs (Great Elk)" 

Try overriding PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs) and modifying the   
cs.style member.  I've always found this a good place to remove the   
FWS_ADDTOTITLE attribute, as any changes MFC makes to the window style   
are made before this call.

Grant Shirreffs

-----From: "michael" 

Try overriding PreCreateWindow instead of using Create.  Also, use

Sample code follows:
// size app window to full screen without caption bar

BOOL CMainFrame::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs)
    cs.style = WS_POPUPWINDOW & ~WS_CAPTION;
    cs.cx = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN);
    cs.cy = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN);
    return CFrameWnd::PreCreateWindow(cs); 

-----From: "John Elsbree" 

Dmitry -

I'm not sure how WS_CAPTION is getting added in (I don't have a copy of MSVC 
2.2 handy, and I'm not sure what might have changed since then). But I can 
suggest a way to get rid of it: override PreCreateWindow.

BOOL CMath::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs)
    if (!CFrameWnd::PreCreateWindow(cs))
        return FALSE;

    cs.style &= ~WS_CAPTION;
    return TRUE;

Hope this helps...

John (not speaking for Microsoft)

-----From: "Mike Blaszczak" 

From: 	owner-mfc-l@netcom.com on behalf of Dmitry Zinchenko
Sent: 	Sunday, April 14, 1996 05:49

> Environment: Windows 95. [Version 4.00.950]
>              MSVC++ 2.2 with MFC


> I'm unsuccessfully trying to create a main application's window (derived
> from CFrameWnd) WITHOUT a caption bar.

> CMathWnd::CMathWnd()
> {
>   // do create a frame window
>  ASSERT( Create(NULL, NULL, WS_OVERLAPPED, CRect(30,30,300,300) );
> }

This code will break badly when compiled for release mode.  You should fix it 
if you intend to build it for release mode.

The default style for a CFrameWnd-derived class will have a caption.  You've
done nothing to change that.  You need to override PreCreateWindow() in your 
CFrameWnd-derived class and set the style bits the way you want them.

> The window is created fine but WITH a CAPTION BAR even though
> I specify dwStyle = WS_OVERLAPPED !!!

If you trace in to the Create() call you're making, you'll see how MFC tweaks 
the style bits.

.B ekiM
TCHAR szSpringtime[] = _T("Check twice and save a life: motorcycles are 

-----From: B Apps 

The documentation is unclear what WS_OVERLAPPED actually means.  The MFC 
help files say it usually has a title bar and border.  winuser.h defines 
this as 0L I guess it's the default style and depends on whether the 
window is a child, an owner window or a top level one.  


        CRect(30, 30, 300, 300));

or something similiar with WS_POPUP

-----From: "David W. Gillett" 

  And the help file entry for WS_OVERLAPPED consists of one line:

"Creates an overlapped window.  An overlapped window has a caption 
and a border."  It seems to me that that's exactly what you're 

  Hint:  If you want a top-level window without a caption, try 
WS_POPUP instead of WS_OVERLAPPED.  [This is not an MFC issue.]

  Bonus hint:  Don't put code you want executed inside ASSERT().  At 
very least, change it to VERIFY(), or your release build will 
mysteriously fail.



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