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COM Interfaces for inherited interfaces necessary?

Michael S. Scherotter -- mss@tartus.com
Thursday, April 11, 1996

Using VC4.1, NT3.51
I am creating an MFC COM object using CCmdTarget:
I want to use the Interface IPropertyPage2 with the following code in the header:


    BEGIN_INTERFACE_PART(PropertyPage2, IPropertyPage2)
        INIT_INTERFACE_PART(TDPropertyPage, PropertyPage2)
        // IPropertyPage methods
	    STDMETHOD(Activate)(THIS_ HWND hwndParent, LPCRECT lprc, BOOL bModal);
	    STDMETHOD(SetObjects)(THIS_ ULONG cObjects, LPUNKNOWN FAR* ppunk);
	    STDMETHOD(Show)(THIS_ UINT nCmdShow);
	    STDMETHOD(Move)(THIS_ LPCRECT prect);
	    STDMETHOD(Help)(THIS_ LPCOLESTR lpszHelpDir);
	    STDMETHOD(TranslateAccelerator)(THIS_ LPMSG lpMsg);
        // IPropertyPage2 methods
	    STDMETHOD(EditProperty)(THIS_ DISPID dispid);

My question is:
Do I need to do a inteface section for IPropertyPage as well?
What will happen when QueryInterfece(IPropertyPage) is called?

Thanks in advance,

Michael S. Scherotter            |Architectural Design Tools
Lead Software Developer          |AutoCAD Applications
Tartus Development, Inc.         |Custom CAD Solutions
630 Las Gallinas Ave #300        |__________________________ 
San Rafael, CA 94903                          mss@tartus.com
(415) 491-8925                          michael@charette.com
(415) 491-8921 (fax)               71035.1675@compuserve.com

Gareth Jones -- gaj@i2.co.uk
Monday, April 15, 1996

[Mini-digest: 3 responses]

Michael Scherotter wrote:

Using VC4.1, NT3.51
I am creating an MFC COM object using CCmdTarget:
I want to use the Interface IPropertyPage2 with the following code in the header:


<< code deleted>>

My question is:
Do I need to do a inteface section for IPropertyPage as well?
What will happen when QueryInterfece(IPropertyPage) is called?

You don't need an interface section in the header.

Assuming your IPropertyPage2 is a fully functional IPropertyPage,
(as you would normally expect a derived interface to be)
then you just need two entries in your INTERFACE_MAP in the .cpp file.

They should both point to the same embedded class, (PropertyPage2) but should have the IIDs of the two
interfaces respectively.

Gareth Jones         Software Consultant        visualize2analyse
gaj@i2.co.uk         i2 Ltd, Cambridge, UK      information2image

-----From: "John Elsbree" 

You don't need anything extra in the header. Just put two entries in the 
interface map in your .cpp file: one for each interface:

    BEGIN_INTERFACE_MAP(TDPropertyPage, CCmdTarget)
        INTERFACE_PART(TDPropertyPage, IID_IPropertyPage, PropertyPage2)
        INTERFACE_PART(TDPropertyPage, IID_IPropertyPage2, PropertyPage2)

John (not speaking for Microsoft)

-----From: "David W. Gillett" 

> Do I need to do a inteface section for IPropertyPage as well?
> What will happen when QueryInterfece(IPropertyPage) is called?

  Although COM interfaces are easily coded in C++, they're not 
inherently C++-aware, and in particular there is no automatic 
inheritance.  Although you can probably re-use much of your 
*implementation* code, nothing in COM knows -- as I read it -- that 
there is any kind of special relationship between the IPropertyPage 
and IPropertyPage2 interfaces. 
  QueryInterface(IPropertyPage) should fail if you don't provide 


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