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Change Caption of PrtySheet

Ravi -- pakalr50@lnhdent.agw.bt.co.uk
Thursday, April 11, 1996

Ravi Writes :

     VC++ (2.0) Windows NT (3.5)

I am currently working on PropertySheet  and can any body let me know 
whether we can change the
Caption of the Property Sheet or not . If Yes how ?

Thanks in advance

Erik Heuer -- erik.heuer@ks-t.no
Sunday, April 14, 1996

[Mini-digest: 7 responses]

At 16:16 11.04.96 GMT, Ravi wrote:
>Ravi Writes :
>     VC++ (2.0) Windows NT (3.5)
>I am currently working on PropertySheet  and can any body let me know 
>whether we can change the
>Caption of the Property Sheet or not . If Yes how ?
>Thanks in advance
Obviously a MFC novice!

I am not sure if this mailing-list is intended for Windows (and MFC)
fundamentals like this, but the answer is: "use SetWindowText"!

Erik Heuer, Kongsberg Simulation & Training, 3600 Kongsberg, Norway
E-mail: erik.heuer@ks-t.no  Phone:(+47) 32735766 Fax:(+47) 32736965

-----From: Cleve Littlefield 

Look at the constructors for CPropertySheet, on of them has a caption 
*				* 
* Cleve W. Littlefield  	*
* halfacre@intermind.net	*
* kurt@skylink.net		*
*				*
-----From: beriksen@cda.com

     Assuming that pPropertySheet is a pointer to your property sheet, try:
     CString strMyPropertySheetCaption;
     strMyPropertySheetCaption = "Hello, world!";
     Brian Eriksen
     PS - you can also use the CPropertySheet SetTitle() method (check the 
     online help).

-----From: "michael" 

You can change the caption in a property sheet by addinging the caption
string to your .RC file and referencing this resource string in the constructor.

For example,

    IDS_REQ                 "Request Documents"


CMyPropSht::CMyPropSht(CWnd* pWndParent)
       : CPropertySheet(IDS_REQ, pWndParent)

Michael L. Thal
Data Tree Corporation
voice: (619) 231-3300
fax:      (619) 231-3301

-----From: JLR@ARTECH.COM.UY (Jose Lamas RЎos)

Either constructor of the CPropertySheet allows you to set the caption. If 
you want to change it later, during DoModal() (in response to some event, or 
depending on the page being active), you can do it using 

BOOL CYourPropertyPageDerivedClass::OnSetActive()
   if (!CPropertyPage::OnSetActive())
      return FALSE;

   // CPropertySheet::AddPage(CPropertyPage* pPage) set the m_pParentWnd
   // member of the page to be added  to point to the property sheet
   // (i.e.: pPage->m_pParentWnd = this;). You can see it in dlgprop.cpp.
   m_pParent->SetWindowText("The caption for this page");

   return TRUE;

-----From: "Greg Brewer - Ext. 4623" 

You can initialize the Caption of the CPropertySheet in the constructor   =

You can also change the caption using the SetWindowText function since a =
CPropertySheet is derived from CWnd.

You can use GetParent to get the CWnd* of the sheet from a page or set the =
caption in a class derived from CPropertySheet. =

Use Proportional Font: true
Attachment Count: 0
-----From: Steven Youngs 

How about SetWindowText()?


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