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class CDIBitmap

Crucial Software -- crucial@ix.netcom.com
Wednesday, April 03, 1996

I have placed the source and documentation to class CDIBitmap on advn.com.
It's in the uploads directory as of now, to be moved whenever it is.  :-)

[Moderator's note: It's moved to ftp://advn.com/pub/mfc ]

Filename is "CDIBitmap.zip".  You'll need a 32-bit ZIP utility like
WinZip for Windows 95/NT.

The class is used to load and paint device-independent bitmaps from
the resource of an executable or DLL.  It assists you in the palettes
that are present in the bitmap.  The next major revision will include
support for reading/writing DIB files (ie, .DIB and .BMP files).

Note that if you got an early copy of the .ZIP file from me, you should
go pick up the new one.  It has corrected documentation, which has also
been converted to Word format for better viewing.

Many thanks to Brad Pohl who helped with the palette stuff.

Brad Wilson, Crucial Software     crucial@ix.netcom.com    +1 (810) 620-9803
Custom software engineering services for Microsoft Windows NT and Windows 95

Friday, April 05, 1996

[Mini-digest: 4 responses]

>I have placed the source and documentation to class CDIBitmap on advn.com.
>It's in the uploads directory as of now, to be moved whenever it is.  :-)
>[Moderator's note: It's moved to ftp://advn.com/pub/mfc ]
>Filename is "CDIBitmap.zip".  You'll need a 32-bit ZIP utility like
>WinZip for Windows 95/NT.
>The class is used to load and paint device-independent bitmaps from
>the resource of an executable or DLL.  It assists you in the palettes
>that are present in the bitmap.  The next major revision will include
>support for reading/writing DIB files (ie, .DIB and .BMP files).
>Note that if you got an early copy of the .ZIP file from me, you should
>go pick up the new one.  It has corrected documentation, which has also
>been converted to Word format for better viewing.
>Many thanks to Brad Pohl who helped with the palette stuff.
>Brad Wilson, Crucial Software     crucial@ix.netcom.com    +1 (810) 620-9803
>Custom software engineering services for Microsoft Windows NT and Windows 95

Environment: VC++ 4.1 /  Windows 95  / 16 MB memory

Thanks Brad. I look forward to the next release, even though your
sample code that uses your CDIBitmap class seems to be
working just fine.

Perhaps together we can create a version that BitBlts from a
memory device context. You're probably familiar with this method
of displaying. If not, then the simple explanation is cosmetic in
nature. Basically the entire screen gets refreshed at once. You're
probably aware that most Windows programs use this method.

As you may recall, I am displaying a 256-color resource bitmap
in the client area of my application window.  I spent over a day
changing the "screen device" approach to a "memory device"
approach. No changes were made to your  CDIBitmap class.

After it was all said and done I was so disappointed that after all
that effort I could only get it to work in DEBUG mode.

I've pasted in code from the two approaches below. Sample A uses
the screen device and Sample B uses the memory.

Any insight you can offer would be greatly appreciated.

Since I feel it's probably a memory allocation issue, I've turned
 optimization off and tried making several local variables global;
all to no avail.

// This code works in both Debug and Release versions
BOOL CMDIClientWnd::OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC) 
    CDIBitmap bmp;
    CRect rectBitmap;
    CRect rectClient;
    CPalette* pOldPal;


    if (bmp.GetPalette())
        pOldPal = pDC->SelectPalette(bmp.GetPalette(), TRUE);
    rectBitmap.left = 0;
    rectBitmap.top = 0;
    rectBitmap.right = bmp.Width();
    rectBitmap.bottom = bmp.Height();


    bmp.PaintDIB(pDC, &rectClient, &rectBitmap);

    if (bmp.GetPalette())
        pDC->SelectPalette(pOldPal, TRUE);
    return TRUE;

// This code DOES NOT work in theRelease version.
BOOL CMDIClientWnd::OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC) 
    CRect rectBitmap;
    CRect rectClient;
    CPalette palOld;
    HBITMAP hBitmap;
    CDC dcMem;

    hBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(pDC->m_hDC, rectClient.right,

    ASSERT(SelectObject(dcMem.m_hDC, hBitmap));
    SetMapMode(dcMem.m_hDC, GetMapMode(dcMem.m_hDC));


    if (bmp.GetPalette())
        CPalette* pPal = &palOld;
        pPal = dcMem.SelectPalette(bmp.GetPalette(), TRUE);
    rectBitmap.left = 0;
    rectBitmap.top = 0;
    rectBitmap.right = bmp.Width();
    rectBitmap.bottom = bmp.Height();

    bmp.PaintDIB(&dcMem, &rectClient, &rectBitmap);
    BITMAP bm;
    GetObject(hBitmap, sizeof(BITMAP), (LPSTR)&bm);

    BOOL bRet = pDC->BitBlt(0,

    if (bmp.GetPalette())
        pDC->SelectPalette(&palOld, TRUE);
    return TRUE;


Actually I did make one minor change to your CDIBitmap
class. I removed to ASSERT show below.

// **************************************************************************
//  CDIBitmap::LoadDIBitmap(LPCTSTR)
//    Loads a device independent bitmap from a resource (string)

BOOL CDIBitmap::LoadDIBitmap(LPCTSTR lpszResourceName)
    //  Make sure we don't have one loaded already

//    ASSERT( !IsValid( ));
    if( IsValid( ))
        return FALSE;


I added you as a "CC:" when I sent this same e-mail to Brad

My apologies - my reply should have been to this message
instead.  Especially if someone, other than Brad, can
post a solution.


Michael L. Thal
Data Tree Corporation
voice: (619) 231-3300
fax:      (619) 231-3301

-----From: Brad Wilson 

michael wrote ...

>> Perhaps together we can create a version that BitBlts from a
>> memory device context.

CDIBitmap :: PaintDIB() works with a memory DC.

>> As you may recall, I am displaying a 256-color resource bitmap
>> in the client area of my application window.  I spent over a day
>> changing the "screen device" approach to a "memory device"
>> approach. No changes were made to your  CDIBitmap class.

And the code sample ...

>>    if (bmp.GetPalette())
>>    {
>>        CPalette* pPal = &palOld;
>>        pPal = dcMem.SelectPalette(bmp.GetPalette(), TRUE);
>>		dcMem.RealizePalette();
>>    }

I'm not certain if what I do is the "only" right way to do it, but I
select the palette into the device DC, then create the compatible DC
from that.  After I'm done transferring the memory DC into the device
DC, I select the old palette back in.  But there are other problems
with the code, so this is a semi-moot point.  Maybe.  :-)

This code made me curious:

>> BOOL CMDIClientWnd::OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC) 
>> {
>>    CPalette palOld;
>>    if (bmp.GetPalette())
>>    {
>>        CPalette* pPal = &palOld;
>>        pPal = pDC -> SelectPalette(bmp.GetPalette(), TRUE);
>>        pDC -> RealizePalette();
>>    }

I would change

>>    CPalette palOld;


>>    CPalette* palOld;

and change

>>        CPalette* pPal = &palOld;
>>        pPal = pDC -> SelectPalette(bmp.GetPalette(), TRUE);


>>        palOld = pDC -> SelectPalette(bmp.GetPalette(), TRUE);

and change

>>        pDC->SelectPalette(&palOld, TRUE);


>>        pDC->SelectPalette(palOld, TRUE);

Your comment here is interesting:

>> P.S.
>> Actually I did make one minor change to your CDIBitmap
>> class. I removed to ASSERT show below.
>> BOOL CDIBitmap::LoadDIBitmap(LPCTSTR lpszResourceName)
>>  //    ASSERT( !IsValid( ));

It sounds like you're calling LoadDIBitmap multiple times with the
same CDIBitmap object (something you're not supposed to do; hence the
assert).  Further, I noticed that your CDIBitmap is not declared in
the OnEraseBkgnd funciton; this makes me think you took my advice and
placed the object as a member of the CMDIClientWnd.

If you did, you should call LoadDIBitmap _once_ in the constructor of
the object.

So, move

>>    bmp.LoadDIBitmap((WORD)IDB_CLIENT);

to the constructor.

One other thing I noticed, which is why your RELEASE builds fail:

>>    ASSERT(dcMem.CreateCompatibleDC(pDC));

ASSERT is only defined during DEBUG builds.  It results in no code
during RELEASE builds.  What you really want here is:

>>    VERIFY(dcMem.CreateCompatibleDC(pDC));

This would be my complete function after changes:

--------------------- >8  Cut here  8< ---------------------

CMDIClientWnd :: OnEraseBkgnd
    CDC* pDC

    CRect rectBitmap;
    CRect rectClient;
    HBITMAP hBitmap;
    CPalette* palOld;
    CDC dcMem;

    if( bmp.GetPalette( ))
        palOld = pDC -> SelectPalette( bmp.GetPalette(), TRUE );
        pDC -> RealizePalette( );

    GetClientRect( rectClient );
    hBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap( pDC -> m_hDC,
                                      rectClient.bottom );
    VERIFY( dcMem.CreateCompatibleDC( pDC ));
    VERIFY( SelectObject( dcMem.m_hDC, hBitmap ));
    SetMapMode( dcMem.m_hDC, GetMapMode( dcMem.m_hDC ));

    rectBitmap.left = 0;
    rectBitmap.top = 0;
    rectBitmap.right = bmp.Width();
    rectBitmap.bottom = bmp.Height();

    bmp.PaintDIB( &dcMem, &rectClient, &rectBitmap );
    BITMAP bm;
    GetObject( hBitmap, sizeof( BITMAP ), (LPSTR) &bm );

    BOOL bRet = pDC -> BitBlt( 0,
                               SRCCOPY );

    if( bmp.GetPalette( ))
        pDC -> SelectPalette( palOld, TRUE );

    return TRUE;

--------------------- >8  Cut here  8< ---------------------

Good luck!

Brad Wilson, Crucial Software     crucial@ix.netcom.com    +1 (810) 620-9803
Custom software engineering services for Microsoft Windows NT and Windows 95

            "Some may rise by sin; and some, fall by virtue."

-----From: michael 

>>> Unfortunately, after I exit OnEraseOnEraseBkgnd
>>> (with the DIB displayed) my app goes off into
>>> some MFC black hole and never returns. Eventually
>>> I get a System warning that I'm running out of system
>>> resources - so I'm only left with Ctrl-Alt-Del.
>I have located and fixed this problem.  It only occurs under Win95, which
>doesn't automatically free resources.  In v1.1 of the CDIBitmap class,
>you can find this fixed.  I'll let you know when the new changes are
>available for general consumption.

Environment: VC++ 4.1 /  Windows 95  / 16 MB memory

Thanks Brad. I look forward to the next release, even though your
sample code that uses your CDIBitmap class seems to be
working just fine.

Perhaps together we can create a version that BitBlts from a
memory device context. You're probably familiar with this method
of displaying. If not, then the simple explanation is cosmetic in
nature. Basically the entire screen gets refreshed at once. You're
probably aware that most Windows programs use this method.

As you may recall, I am displaying a 256-color resource bitmap
in the client area of my application window.  I spent over a day
changing the "screen device" approach to a "memory device"
approach. No changes were made to your  CDIBitmap class.

After it was all said and done I was so disappointed that after all
that effort I could only get it to work in DEBUG mode.

I've pasted in code from the two approaches below. Sample A uses
the screen device and Sample B uses the memory.

Any insight you can offer would be greatly appreciated.

Since I feel it's probably a memory allocation issue, I've turned
 optimization off and tried making several local variables global;
all to no avail.

// This code works in both Debug and Release versions
BOOL CMDIClientWnd::OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC) 
    CDIBitmap bmp;
    CRect rectBitmap;
    CRect rectClient;
    CPalette* pOldPal;


    if (bmp.GetPalette())
        pOldPal = pDC->SelectPalette(bmp.GetPalette(), TRUE);
    rectBitmap.left = 0;
    rectBitmap.top = 0;
    rectBitmap.right = bmp.Width();
    rectBitmap.bottom = bmp.Height();


    bmp.PaintDIB(pDC, &rectClient, &rectBitmap);

    if (bmp.GetPalette())
        pDC->SelectPalette(pOldPal, TRUE);
    return TRUE;

// This code DOES NOT work in theRelease version.
BOOL CMDIClientWnd::OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC) 
    CRect rectBitmap;
    CRect rectClient;
    CPalette palOld;
    HBITMAP hBitmap;
    CDC dcMem;

    hBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(pDC->m_hDC, rectClient.right,

    ASSERT(SelectObject(dcMem.m_hDC, hBitmap));
    SetMapMode(dcMem.m_hDC, GetMapMode(dcMem.m_hDC));


    if (bmp.GetPalette())
        CPalette* pPal = &palOld;
        pPal = dcMem.SelectPalette(bmp.GetPalette(), TRUE);
    rectBitmap.left = 0;
    rectBitmap.top = 0;
    rectBitmap.right = bmp.Width();
    rectBitmap.bottom = bmp.Height();

    bmp.PaintDIB(&dcMem, &rectClient, &rectBitmap);
    BITMAP bm;
    GetObject(hBitmap, sizeof(BITMAP), (LPSTR)&bm);

    BOOL bRet = pDC->BitBlt(0,

    if (bmp.GetPalette())
        pDC->SelectPalette(&palOld, TRUE);
    return TRUE;


Actually I did make one minor change to your CDIBitmap
class. I removed to ASSERT show below.

// **************************************************************************
//  CDIBitmap::LoadDIBitmap(LPCTSTR)
//    Loads a device independent bitmap from a resource (string)

BOOL CDIBitmap::LoadDIBitmap(LPCTSTR lpszResourceName)
    //  Make sure we don't have one loaded already

//    ASSERT( !IsValid( ));
    if( IsValid( ))
        return FALSE;
Michael L. Thal
Data Tree Corporation
voice: (619) 231-3300
fax:      (619) 231-3301

-----From: michael 

The key was replacing all ASSERTs with VERIFYs.


>michael wrote ...
>>> Perhaps together we can create a version that BitBlts from a
>>> memory device context.
>CDIBitmap :: PaintDIB() works with a memory DC.
>>> As you may recall, I am displaying a 256-color resource bitmap
>>> in the client area of my application window.  I spent over a day
>>> changing the "screen device" approach to a "memory device"
>>> approach. No changes were made to your  CDIBitmap class.
>And the code sample ...
>>>    if (bmp.GetPalette())
>>>    {
>>>        CPalette* pPal = &palOld;
>>>        pPal = dcMem.SelectPalette(bmp.GetPalette(), TRUE);
>>>		dcMem.RealizePalette();
>>>    }
>I'm not certain if what I do is the "only" right way to do it, but I
>select the palette into the device DC, then create the compatible DC
>from that.  After I'm done transferring the memory DC into the device
>DC, I select the old palette back in.  But there are other problems
>with the code, so this is a semi-moot point.  Maybe.  :-)
>This code made me curious:
>>> BOOL CMDIClientWnd::OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC) 
>>> {
>>>    CPalette palOld;
>>>    if (bmp.GetPalette())
>>>    {
>>>        CPalette* pPal = &palOld;
>>>        pPal = pDC -> SelectPalette(bmp.GetPalette(), TRUE);
>>>        pDC -> RealizePalette();
>>>    }
>I would change
>>>    CPalette palOld;
>>>    CPalette* palOld;
>and change
>>>        CPalette* pPal = &palOld;
>>>        pPal = pDC -> SelectPalette(bmp.GetPalette(), TRUE);
>>>        palOld = pDC -> SelectPalette(bmp.GetPalette(), TRUE);
>and change
>>>        pDC->SelectPalette(&palOld, TRUE);
>>>        pDC->SelectPalette(palOld, TRUE);
>Your comment here is interesting:
>>> P.S.
>>> Actually I did make one minor change to your CDIBitmap
>>> class. I removed to ASSERT show below.
>>> BOOL CDIBitmap::LoadDIBitmap(LPCTSTR lpszResourceName)
>>>  //    ASSERT( !IsValid( ));
>It sounds like you're calling LoadDIBitmap multiple times with the
>same CDIBitmap object (something you're not supposed to do; hence the
>assert).  Further, I noticed that your CDIBitmap is not declared in
>the OnEraseBkgnd funciton; this makes me think you took my advice and
>placed the object as a member of the CMDIClientWnd.
>If you did, you should call LoadDIBitmap _once_ in the constructor of
>the object.
>So, move
>>>    bmp.LoadDIBitmap((WORD)IDB_CLIENT);
>to the constructor.
>One other thing I noticed, which is why your RELEASE builds fail:
>>>    ASSERT(dcMem.CreateCompatibleDC(pDC));
>ASSERT is only defined during DEBUG builds.  It results in no code
>during RELEASE builds.  What you really want here is:
>>>    VERIFY(dcMem.CreateCompatibleDC(pDC));
>This would be my complete function after changes:
>--------------------- >8  Cut here  8< ---------------------
>CMDIClientWnd :: OnEraseBkgnd
>    (
>    CDC* pDC
>    )
>    {
>    CRect rectBitmap;
>    CRect rectClient;
>    HBITMAP hBitmap;
>    CPalette* palOld;
>    CDC dcMem;
>    if( bmp.GetPalette( ))
>        {
>        palOld = pDC -> SelectPalette( bmp.GetPalette(), TRUE );
>        pDC -> RealizePalette( );
>        }
>    GetClientRect( rectClient );
>    hBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap( pDC -> m_hDC,
>                                      rectClient.right,
>                                      rectClient.bottom );
>    VERIFY( dcMem.CreateCompatibleDC( pDC ));
>    VERIFY( SelectObject( dcMem.m_hDC, hBitmap ));
>    SetMapMode( dcMem.m_hDC, GetMapMode( dcMem.m_hDC ));
>    rectBitmap.left = 0;
>    rectBitmap.top = 0;
>    rectBitmap.right = bmp.Width();
>    rectBitmap.bottom = bmp.Height();
>    bmp.PaintDIB( &dcMem, &rectClient, &rectBitmap );
>    BITMAP bm;
>    GetObject( hBitmap, sizeof( BITMAP ), (LPSTR) &bm );
>    BOOL bRet = pDC -> BitBlt( 0,
>                               0,
>                               bm.bmWidth,
>                               bm.bmHeight,
>                               &dcMem,
>                               0,
>                               0,
>                               SRCCOPY );
>    if( bmp.GetPalette( ))
>        {
>        pDC -> SelectPalette( palOld, TRUE );
>        }
>    return TRUE;
>    }
>--------------------- >8  Cut here  8< ---------------------
>Good luck!
>Brad Wilson, Crucial Software     crucial@ix.netcom.com    +1 (810) 620-9803
>Custom software engineering services for Microsoft Windows NT and Windows 95
>            "Some may rise by sin; and some, fall by virtue."
Michael L. Thal
Data Tree Corporation
voice: (619) 231-3300
fax:      (619) 231-3301

David W. Gillett -- DGILLETT@expertedge.com
Monday, April 08, 1996

> ===================================================
> ===================================================
> // This code DOES NOT work in theRelease version.
> BOOL CMDIClientWnd::OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC) 
> {
>     CRect rectBitmap;
>     CRect rectClient;
>     CPalette palOld;
>     HBITMAP hBitmap;
>     CDC dcMem;
>     GetClientRect(rectClient);
>     hBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(pDC->m_hDC, rectClient.right,
> rectClient.bottom);
>     ASSERT(dcMem.CreateCompatibleDC(pDC));
>     ASSERT(SelectObject(dcMem.m_hDC, hBitmap));

  In release builds, the arguments to ASSERT are never evaluated.  If 
you can't (or won't) write it so your ASSERT expressions have no 
crucial side-effects, you should use VERIFY instead.



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