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Raised Window Border

Chet Murphy -- cmurphy@modelworks.com
Tuesday, April 02, 1996

Environment: VC++ 4.1, Windows 95

I want to have a CTreeCtrl with a raised border like the one used by 
VC++ 4.1 project window.  Here is what I've tried:

1 - Use the WS_THICKFRAME style when I create the CTreeCtrl but this 
does not produce quite the same raised border (it's missing the 
top-left inside dark line) and lets the user resize the ctrl which I do 
not want.

2 - Implemented CMiniFrameWnd window around the CTreeCtrl with a 
MFS_4THICKFRAME style, but this too does not create the correct raised 

3- Implemented OnNcPaint() and OnNcCalcSize() for my subclass of 
CTreeCtrl.  This code comes close (it's a little thin) to producing the 
correct raised border but does not allow scroll bars.  This code is 
shown below:

void CProjectView::OnNcPaint() 
	CWindowDC dc(this);
	CRect rect;
	rect.OffsetRect(-rect.left, -rect.top);

	dc.Draw3dRect(rect, afxData.clrBtnHilite, 

	if (afxData.bWin4)
		rect.InflateRect(-CX_BORDER, -CY_BORDER);
		dc.Draw3dRect(rect, afxData.clrBtnFace, 
		rect.InflateRect(-CX_BORDER, -CY_BORDER);
		dc.Draw3dRect(rect, afxData.clrWindowFrame , 

void CProjectView::OnNcCalcSize(BOOL bCalcValidRects, NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS 
FAR* lpncsp) 
	if (afxData.bWin4)
			-(CX_BORDER * 3), -(CY_BORDER * 3));

Any suggestions?

--Chet Murphy
ModelWorks Software

Joseph Koral -- jkoral@ftp.com
Thursday, April 04, 1996

[Mini-digest: 2 responses]

Chet Murphy wrote:

>> I want to have a CTreeCtrl with a raised border like the one used by=20
>> VC++ 4.1 project window.  Here is what I've tried:
>> 1 - Use the WS_THICKFRAME style when I create the CTreeCtrl but this=20
>> does not produce quite the same raised border (it's missing the=20
>> top-left inside dark line) and lets the user resize the ctrl which I =
>> not want.
>> 2 - Implemented CMiniFrameWnd window around the CTreeCtrl with a=20
>> MFS_4THICKFRAME style, but this too does not create the correct =
>> border.
>> 3- Implemented OnNcPaint() and OnNcCalcSize() for my subclass of=20
>> CTreeCtrl.  This code comes close (it's a little thin) to producing =
>> correct raised border but does not allow scroll bars. =20
>> Any suggestions?

Yes, just add the WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME | WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE extended styles =
to the tree control and you will get the effect you are looking for.

- Joseph
-----From: "LeRoy  J. Baxter" 

looks to me like a combination of Client Edge and Modal Frame - both
settable in the Resource Editor

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