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How to show progress control in Status bar pane

Uma Shankar -- Uma_Shankar@countrywide.com
Tuesday, March 26, 1996

hi all,
Can some one suggest me, on how to show progress bar on the status bar.  
I tried this way.
Created a dialog with a progress bar control in it.  
Added the Resource id of the dialog to the indicators array in mainfrm.cpp
Added onupdate command UI hander for this id..

Am i goofing? If so please let me know the way to do it
thanks in advance

Jim Leavitt -- jimll@halcyon.com
Saturday, March 30, 1996

Uma Wrote....
Can some one suggest me, on how to show progress bar on the status bar.  
I tried this way.
Created a dialog with a progress bar control in it.  
Added the Resource id of the dialog to the indicators array in mainfrm.cpp
Added onupdate command UI hander for this id..
I Reply....

I've done this, my application is MDI, here's what I did:
1.  Added to CMainFrame:
a public CProgressCtrl pointer....

	CProgressCtrl* m_pCtrlMainProgress;

	BOOL bProgressCreated;	// flag  is progress ctrl created?
	void CreateProgressCtrl();	// create the progress ctrl
	BOOL ShowProgressCtrl(BOOL bShow);	// show it or hide it
	BOOL SetProgress(int nPercent);			// set the progress thus far
	BOOL StepProgressCtrl();					// step it as necessary

with these implementations...

BOOL CMainFrame::ShowProgressCtrl(BOOL bShow)
	if (bShow == TRUE)
		if (bProgressCreated == FALSE)

	return TRUE;

BOOL CMainFrame::SetProgress(int nPercent)
	if (bProgressCreated == FALSE)

	return TRUE;

BOOL CMainFrame::StepProgressCtrl()
	if (bProgressCreated == FALSE)
	return TRUE;

void CMainFrame::CreateProgressCtrl()
	m_pCtrlMainProgress = new CProgressCtrl();
	CRect rProgressRect;

	m_wndStatusBar.GetItemRect(ID_SEPARATOR, &rProgressRect);
	rProgressRect.DeflateRect(1,1);		// 1 pixel border...
	rProgressRect.right = 200;
	m_pCtrlMainProgress->Create(WS_CHILD, rProgressRect, &m_wndStatusBar, 4 );
	bProgressCreated = TRUE;

Then later, when I need it, I call the below from an importing routine...

	CMainFrame* wndpMainWnd = ((CInspectorApp*) AfxGetApp())->m_pMainFrame;

and step it with...
where nProgress is an integer representing the progress thus far...

Finally, when the app end, the CMainFrame destructor deletes it...
	if (bProgressCreated == TRUE)
		delete m_pCtrlMainProgress;

I'm not saying this is the best way to handle it, hope this helps!
Jim Leavitt...

Niels Ull Jacobsen -- nuj@kruger.dk
Monday, April 01, 1996

At 18:16 26-03-96, you wrote:
>hi all,
>Can some one suggest me, on how to show progress bar on the status bar.  
>I tried this way.
>Created a dialog with a progress bar control in it.  
>Added the Resource id of the dialog to the indicators array in mainfrm.cpp
>Added onupdate command UI hander for this id..
>Am i goofing? If so please let me know the way to do it
Basically, yes :-)

I think the easiest way to do what you want is to draw the progress bar
not using the standard control.

Use m_StatusBar.GetStatusBarCtrl().SetText("", 2, SBT_OWNERDRAW); // assume
progress control is in pane 2

Subclass m_StatusBar to handle WM_DRAWITEM. Draw the progress bar using two


>thanks in advance
Niels Ull Jacobsen, Krьger A/S (nuj@kruger.dk)
Everything stated herein is THE OFFICIAL POLICY of the entire Kruger group
and should be taken as legally binding in every respect. Pigs will grow
wings and fly.

Frank McGeough -- frankhm@synchrologic.com
Wednesday, April 03, 1996

Niels Ull Jacobsen wrote:
> At 18:16 26-03-96, you wrote:
> >hi all,
> >Can some one suggest me, on how to show progress bar on the status bar.
> >I tried this way.
> >Created a dialog with a progress bar control in it.
> >Added the Resource id of the dialog to the indicators array in mainfrm.cpp
> >Added onupdate command UI hander for this id..
> >
> >Am i goofing? If so please let me know the way to do it
> Basically, yes :-)
> I think the easiest way to do what you want is to draw the progress bar
> yourself,
> not using the standard control.
> Use m_StatusBar.GetStatusBarCtrl().SetText("", 2, SBT_OWNERDRAW); // assume
> progress control is in pane 2
> Subclass m_StatusBar to handle WM_DRAWITEM. Draw the progress bar using two
> FillSolidRect's.

I don't necessarily agree that drawing yourself is the easiest. I think
they are both relatively easy (but drawing yourself works under Win 3.1).

To put the progress control in the status bar, I would use a couple of
indicator arrays (that arrays of ids declared in mainfrm.cpp in a appwizard
created app). For example, 

UINT TheIndicators[] =
    ID_SEPARATOR,           // status line indicator
    ID_INDICATOR_TIME	    // clock

UINT TheProgressIndicators[] =
    ID_SEPARATOR,           // status line indicator
    ID_INDICATOR_PROGRESS,  // our progress bar
    ID_INDICATOR_TIME       // clock

Have a pointer to a CProgressCtrl member variable in your view or 
CMainFrame class. When you want to display the progress bar call 
something like the following routine.

BOOL CSvsyncView::CreateProgressBar()
    BOOL bSuccess = TRUE;
    RECT rect;
    CStatusBar* pStatusBar = 0;

    if (!m_pProgress)
        m_pProgress = new CProgressCtrl;

    // get the status bar from CFrameWnd
    pStatusBar = GetStatusBar();

    if (pStatusBar)
        int nIndex = pStatusBar->CommandToIndex(ID_INDICATOR_PROGRESS);
        ASSERT(nIndex >= 0);
        // confine our progress control to the indicator area
        pStatusBar->GetItemRect( nIndex, &rect);
        rect.top += 1;
        rect.bottom -= 1;
        rect.left += 1;
        rect.right -= 1;

        m_pProgress->Create( WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD , 

    return bSuccess;

When you are done showing progress simply flip the indicators back using
the SetIndicators call and passing in 'TheIndicators'.
Frank McGeough      frankhm@synchrologic.com
Synchrologic, Inc. (http://www.synchrologic.com/)
Voice: 404.876.3209            Fax: 404.876.3809

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