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CListCtrl, Win32s and Physical Memory

Monday, March 04, 1996

I am developing MFC apps on Windows 95 using VC++ 4.0.

I test on both Windows 3.1 (with Win32s) and Windows 95.

My problem is centered around list view controls and potential
depletion of my physical memory.

Basically, I am unable to launch one of my programs if I have
either of two EXEs running which have a List View Control.

One of the two is from Microsoft's set of sample files (MFCLIST.EXE);

The other is my own and very similar to Microsoft's MFCLIST.
I use the CView class and have only seven items in my list.

I did some memory testing on a 100 Mhz Pentium with 16 MB.

I checked my physical memory, with GlobalMemoryStatus(), before
I created the list view. It was approximately 1/2 MB. Then I checked it
 again after creating the list view. IT WAS ZERO!

Has anyone else had problems with List View controls. Especially
on  8 MB PCs and/or when using Win32s?

Michael L. Thal
Data Tree Corporation
voice: (619)231-3300
fax:      (619)231-3301

Monday, April 01, 1996

Environment: VC++ 4.1 / Windows 95/Win 3.1/Win32s 1.30


I promised to keep you apprised of the results of my Win32s testing.

Problem: Could not run some other apps when I launched my app first.
Solution:   Removed the icons from my List Control. Since my List Control
                    was used very similarly to the Print Manager, removing the
                    icons was no big loss.

Problem: The StretchBlt() used to display a bitmap in the client area
                    would not display the bitmap correctly using Win32s . It 
                    would only display correctly using  Windows 95.
Solution:   Replaced StretchBlt() with BitBlt()

Problem: AfxSocketInit() returns an error - namely zero. This failure was
                   traced to our TCP/IP interface from POWERLan.
Solution:  Replaced Windows 3.1 with WFW (Windows for Workgroups),
                   which has its own TCP/IP driver.

You mentioned you will probably move to Windows NT.  I encourage you
to continue in that direction.

We are re-evaluating using a single EXE for both Windows 95 and Win32s.
My guess is we will probably decide to develop separate programs for the
16-bit and 32-bit platforms. 

>Could you let me know if you find anything more about this problem?  We are
>developing a 32 bit app which has several CListCtrl's which must run under
>Chris Kirby
>>I am developing MFC apps on Windows 95 using VC++ 4.0.
>>I test on both Windows 3.1 (with Win32s) and Windows 95.
>>My problem is centered around list view controls and potential
>>depletion of my physical memory.
>>Basically, I am unable to launch one of my programs if I have
>>either of two EXEs running which have a List View Control.
>>One of the two is from Microsoft's set of sample files (MFCLIST.EXE);
>>The other is my own and very similar to Microsoft's MFCLIST.
>>I use the CView class and have only seven items in my list.
>>I did some memory testing on a 100 Mhz Pentium with 16 MB.
>>I checked my physical memory, with GlobalMemoryStatus(), before
>>I created the list view. It was approximately 1/2 MB. Then I checked it
>> again after creating the list view. IT WAS ZERO!
>>Has anyone else had problems with List View controls. Especially
>>on  8 MB PCs and/or when using Win32s?
>>Michael L. Thal
>>Data Tree Corporation
>>voice: (619)231-3300
>>fax:      (619)231-3301
Michael L. Thal
Data Tree Corporation
voice: (619) 231-3300
fax:      (619) 231-3301

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