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Migrating to Unicode

Friday, March 01, 1996

     I found a program on the VC++ 4.0 Subscription CD a tool for migration 
     called Migrate. It comes with 2 databases; one for migrating from C to 
     MFC and one for migrating from 16-bit to 32-bit code. The database 
     format is in text form.
     What I am looking for is a database that works with this program and 
     will identify UNICODE issues. It's conceivable that someone has 
     already done this work. I have about 300 files for our product to go 
     through, so this would be a very big help.
     If no database for this is out there, would anyone know where some 
     documentation exists on the database format? I would greatly 
     appreciate any help in this I can get from you guys.

Peter Olesen -- peter.olesen@mailbox.swipnet.se
Tuesday, March 05, 1996

[Mini-digest: 3 responses]

At 19:28 1996-03-01, "jeffg"  wrote:
>     I found a program on the VC++ 4.0 Subscription CD a tool for migration 
>     called Migrate. It comes with 2 databases; one for migrating from C to 
>     MFC and one for migrating from 16-bit to 32-bit code. The database 
>     format is in text form.
>     What I am looking for is a database that works with this program and 
>     will identify UNICODE issues. It's conceivable that someone has 
>     already done this work. I have about 300 files for our product to go 
>     through, so this would be a very big help.
>     If no database for this is out there, would anyone know where some 
>     documentation exists on the database format? I would greatly 
>     appreciate any help in this I can get from you guys.

Just a note: 
Do you know that a UNICODE MSVC application only runs on WinNT and _not_ on
any other Win32 plattform. But normally the same code compiled for MBCS will
run on WinNT, Win95 and Win32s. Even Fareast versions.

// Peter Olesen                                               //
// (peter.olesen@mailbox.swipnet.se)                          //
//                                                            //
// "Support the Blue Ribbon Campaign for free speech online." //

-----From: "Jim D'Agostino" 

There is a "database" on the Jan 96 MSDN CDROM (Level 1) in the technical
article called "The ABCs of Converting to Unicode" for the PORTTOOL
included in the Win32 SDK. Not sure if PORTTOOL is in the Migrate package.
I haven't done much with it, (I was looking at it as a quick check that nothing
was missed in new code), but it might help.

Jim D'Agostino
JDS Systems, Inc.

-----From: "Mike Blaszczak" 

I'm not really sure you need such a tool.

You should just jump right in, I think: set up your project to have new 
targets to compile to UNICODE.  Then, build your application. Almost all the 
problems you'll have will be flagged by errors from the compiler. The only 
other way to get into trouble is to have bad casts. Usually, bad casts are 
involved in programs which unpack parameters from WPARAM and LPARAM from 
messages. Since you wrote an MFC program, this usually isn't a problem.

Even for a 300-file project, you should be able to get through this work in a 
few days.  You'll get to see the compiler dish out more error messages than 
you knew were there.

.B ekiM
TCHAR szIggyPop[] = _T("I'm a real wild one, wild one.");

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