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Command message in Toolbar

Wednesday, February 28, 1996

specs: MSVC 4.0, win95 
targeting: win95, mac and powermac

Here's my dilemma.  I have a toolbar much like the format bar in 
Wordpad.  It has a couple of combo boxes and multiple buttons.  I 
want to be able to handle the ON_COMMAND messages for the buttons in 
my toolbar class but apparently the message is not sent to my 
toolbar.  I have my ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI message handlers in this 
toolbar class and they get called but the ON_COMMAND message handlers 
are not.  If I put the ON_COMMAND message handlers in my mainframe or 
my view they are called but I really wanted my toolbar to be 
completely encapsulated.  Any ideas are greatly appreciated.
Dorie P. Hannan

Rohit Namjoshi -- namjoshi@slb.com
Monday, March 04, 1996

I had the same problem in MFC 3.0 and had to do the following to get around it.

Cheers... Rohit
Rohit Namjoshi                      namjoshi@austin.asc.slb.com
Schlumberger Austin Systems Center         Vox: +1 512 331 3353
Austin, TX 78726,  USA                     Fax: +1 512 331 3320

// Give the toolbar a chance to handle WM_COMMAND
LRESULT CMyBar::WindowProc(UINT nMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
    if(WM_COMMAND == nMsg)
        LRESULT lResult = CWnd::WindowProc(nMsg, wParam, lParam);

        return lResult ? lResult : GetOwner()->SendMessage(nMsg, wParam, lParam);

    return CToolBar::WindowProc(nMsg, wParam, lParam);

From:  DORIE@ris.risinc.com[SMTP:DORIE@ris.risinc.com]
Sent:  Wednesday, February 28, 1996 15:48
To:  mfc-l@netcom.com
Subject:  Command message in Toolbar

specs: MSVC 4.0, win95 
targeting: win95, mac and powermac

Here's my dilemma.  I have a toolbar much like the format bar in 
Wordpad.  It has a couple of combo boxes and multiple buttons.  I 
want to be able to handle the ON_COMMAND messages for the buttons in 
my toolbar class but apparently the message is not sent to my 
toolbar.  I have my ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI message handlers in this 
toolbar class and they get called but the ON_COMMAND message handlers 
are not.  If I put the ON_COMMAND message handlers in my mainframe or 
my view they are called but I really wanted my toolbar to be 
completely encapsulated.  Any ideas are greatly appreciated.
Dorie P. Hannan

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