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Integrating two MFC applications.

Alok Khanna -- alok@clarit.com
Monday, February 26, 1996

Environment: VC++ 4.0, NT 3.51

I am trying to integrate two MDI MFC based applications. I want to have
an option in one of the application (like a menu option) to call
another application. Is there any way to integrate these two projects?
I don't want to add all the files from one application to another.
I have looked in the adding sub-project option but it does not provide
what I am looking for.

Has anyone tried this?

Alok Khanna

Tuesday, February 27, 1996

[Mini-digest: 2 responses]

Have you considered having two separate EXEs communicate
with each other instead of on a single integrated EXE? 

You'd be surprised at some of the advantages. 

The key is using FindWindow() to get the application's window
handle so you can send Window messages.

If you are bothered by having two apps displayed at the same time,
simply hide one.

Michael L. Thal
Data Tree Corporation
voice: (619)231-3300
fax:   (619)231-3301

-----From: peter.fabini@telecom.at

Yes, we have something like this. From one MDI app we start another and we 
request from this one to perform some function. You can find an inspiration in 
following nice example of MFC 4.0:


These apps are connected with OLE automation, where CALCDRIV is a client and 
MFCCALC is a server. They are not MDI, but it doesn't matter, we implemented 
this idea in two MDI apps and it works. I hope I have understood what you 
wanted and this will help you.


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