CListCtrl Focus Highlighting
Lance Lovette --
Tuesday, February 20, 1996
When a list view control loses focus, the highlight from the currently
selected item is removed, so even though an item is selected, you can't
tell until you give focus back to the control. In a normal list box the
selected item keeps its highlight. Is there a way to get the list view
control to do the same without making it owner-drawn? If not, has anyone
already solved this problem who would like to share the answer?
Lance Lovette
| Interface Technologies, Inc.
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| computer-related topics such as Visual C++, MFC, and Windows NT check out
| the ITI On-line Training Center at
Alok Khanna --
Wednesday, February 21, 1996
>When a list view control loses focus, the highlight from the currently
>selected item is removed, so even though an item is selected, you can't
>tell until you give focus back to the control. In a normal list box the
>selected item keeps its highlight. Is there a way to get the list view
>control to do the same without making it owner-drawn? If not, has anyone
>already solved this problem who would like to share the answer?
Well this is an undocumented thingy. Use flag LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS during
dwStyle |= LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS | other flags
[Moderator's Note: This is documented in VC++ 4.0.]
Good luck,
Alok Khanna
CLARITECH Corporation
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