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Ole control properties.

Monday, February 05, 1996

Hi all!

Can someone please tell me where in the CDK, MFC 4.0 or MSDN I can 
find out how to call up a dialog or property sheet by clicking on a 

I would like to have a picture property that when it is selected calls my 
own dialog or property sheet (it doesn't matter which one).

Everything I have read and tried still calls up the stock picture handler. I 
assume that the information is there but I can't find it...


John & Annette Elsbree -- elsbree@msn.com
Wednesday, February 07, 1996

Richard -

Implement your own custom OLE property page (see the article "OLE Controls: 
Adding Another Custom Property Page" in the MFC Encyclopedia), and then 
override COleControl::OnMapPropertyToPage, like this:

	BOOL CMyControl::OnMapPropertyToPage(DISPID dispid,
		LPCLSID lpclsid, BOOL* pbPageOptional)
	    if (dispid == dispidMyPicture)
	        *lpclsid = CMyPicturePropPage::guid;
	        *pbPageOptional = FALSE;
	        return TRUE;
	    return COleControl::OnMapPropertyToPage(dispid, lpclsid,


From: 	owner-mfc-l@netcom.com on behalf of nicholsr@ix.netcom.com

Can someone please tell me where in the CDK, MFC 4.0 or MSDN I can 
find out how to call up a dialog or property sheet by clicking on a 

I would like to have a picture property that when it is selected calls my 
own dialog or property sheet (it doesn't matter which one).

Everything I have read and tried still calls up the stock picture handler. I 
assume that the information is there but I can't find it...

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