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Violation destroying a CListCtrl when it

Monday, February 05, 1996

Hello, MFC World:

I am stumped over this one.

     MSVC 4.0 (with service pack 1 applied)
     MFC 4.0
     Windows NT 3.51 (not using the new shell)

     I dynamically create a CListCtrl as a child window of a CTabCtrl. 
 (Both are members of the CView-derived object.)  When I close the view, I 
     "Unhandled exception in Test.exe (COMCTL32.DLL): 0xC0000005:  Access 
and the debugger plops me in assembly code within COMCTL32.DLL.

     I have reproduced this consistently in a minimal application which does 
little more than create the CTabCtrl and create the CListCtrl (as a child of 
the CTabCtrl) within a view.  The access violation seems to occur before any 
of my objects' destructors get called, and even before any WM_DESTROY 
message handlers.

     The problem does NOT occur if:
 - I create the CListCtrl as a child of the CView instead of the CTabCtrl
 - or, I use any other control (CStatic, CListBox) instead of a CListCtrl.

    Here is the relevant code snippets from my minimal app:

class CTest32View : public CView
protected: // create from serialization only

// Attributes
     CTest32Doc* GetDocument();

     CTabCtrl  m_TabCtrl;
     CListCtrl m_ListCtrl;         // works if change "CListCtrl" -> 


int CTest32View::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
     if (CView::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1)
          return -1;

     // Create the main tab control.
     CRect rect;
     rect.SetRectEmpty();     // irrelevant for this minimal app.

     if( !m_TabCtrl.Create(
          IDC_TAB_CTRL ) ) {
          ASSERT( FALSE );
          return -1;

     if( !m_ListCtrl.Create(
          &m_TabCtrl,         // Works if change "&m_TabCtrl" -> "this".
          IDC_LIST_CTRL ) ) {
          ASSERT( FALSE );
          return -1;
     return 0;

Thanks in advance for any (CGoodHint *)'s.  :-)

Stephan Jou,
stephan@synapse.net, Stephan.Jou@cognos.com

Mike Blaszczak -- mikeblas@interserv.com
Tuesday, February 06, 1996

[Mini-digest: 2 responses]

On Mon, 05 Feb 1996, Stephan.Jou@Cognos.COM (Jou, Stephan) wrote:
> ------------
>     MSVC 4.0 (with service pack 1 applied)
>     MFC 4.0
>     Windows NT 3.51 (not using the new shell)


>     I dynamically create a CListCtrl as a child window of a CTabCtrl. 
> (Both are members of the CView-derived object.)  When I close the view, I 
>     "Unhandled exception in Test.exe (COMCTL32.DLL): 0xC0000005:  Access 
>and the debugger plops me in assembly code within COMCTL32.DLL.

Why is the CListCtrl a child of the CTabCtrl?  This seems wierd.  I think it 
should be a child of the CView, too.  I don't think CTabCtrls, like me, 
expect to have children.

.B ekiM
TCHAR szScratched[] = _T("Someone tried to tow my motorcycle.  _Once_.");

-----From: Mackay 

My guess would be that it is a NULL pointer. Look at your call stack and =
retrace the code backwards from here. Check the pointers that are =
created, passed into functions etc (you are using VC++ 4.0 so you should =
have the luxury of data tips) - everyone else including myself would =
have to resign themselves to the Watch window.=20

Just work backwards in each function from where the wee green arrow is =
to the beginning of the function and then to the next function down in =
the call stack (with in reason). You should find that you are passing a =
null pointer and that is causing your errors.

I have found that the best way to detect NULL pointers before anything =
else does is to put a line like

ASSERT(pMyPointer);  // This should not be a NULL pointer.

before using it, or at the beginning of functions, for pointers being =
passed in. This will not affect the release code, but is a fantatic =
debugging tool as it will abort the program and put a marker on the line =
containing the ASSERT so you can tell instantly what went wrong.

I hope this is useful and you manage to track down the error (what ever =
it may be).

Colin Angus Mackay  --  gs94@dial.pipex.com

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