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Static CSplitterWnd focus problem

Michel Robert -- michero@login.net
Wednesday, January 31, 1996

ClassWizzard, Doc/View, 16bits

        The static splitter contains two columns, one row.  The 'main' view
is derived from CFormView and the other one from CView.  If I follow a
'natural' path by creating the CFormView derived pane in the first column
all is well.
        But if I want the CView derived pane in the first column with the
CFormView pane in the second column (for reasons not worth exposing here)
then I have to set the focus manually to the CFormView pane so that the user
can start entering data without mouse-clicking (a legitimate requirement).
        But no matter how I set the focus, the Print option of the File menu
is disabled and *stays* disabled until the user does a mouse-click.
        Now this is a data entry form and it is normal to expect that the
user will not mouse-click at all.  Furthermore, the same problem happens
with the Edit menu: all options stay disabled until a first mouse-click (the
handlers work fine after that).  

BOOL CMainFrame::OnCreateClient(LPCREATESTRUCT lpcs, CCreateContext* pContext)
BOOL retval = m_wndSplitter.CreateStatic(this,1,2);
retval |= m_wndSplitter.CreateView(0,0,RUNTIME_CLASS(CJunkView), // this is fine
	CSize(2000,0),pContext);	                         // but switch the
retval |= m_wndSplitter.CreateView(0,1,RUNTIME_CLASS(COtherView),//columns
	CSize(0,0),pContext);                                    // and problemo!
return retval;

This is how I'm setting the focus back to the right-hand side CFormView pane
- not too elegant but it works for getting the focus to the CFormView pane,
yet Print and Edit options stay disabled.

void COtherView::OnSetFocus(CWnd* pOldWnd)
	CMainFrame* pWnd = (CMainFrame*)AfxGetMainWnd();
	CJunkView* pView = (CJunkView*)pWnd->m_wndSplitter.GetPane(0,1);
	pView->SendMessage(WM_LBUTTONDOWN); // a feeble attempt at getting the
	pView->SendMessage(WM_LBUTTONUP);   // menu options enabled

        There's another similar problem:  whether the CFormView pane is in
the left or right column, and whether the above OnSetFocus routine is
included or not, ,when the splitter bar is manipulated by the user, then the
caret comes back in the *first* input field regardless of where it was.
Picture this:  user is entering fields, 1,2,3,4, then activates the
splitter.  You would want the focus to stay in field 4 of the CFormView.
Not!!! It's back to field 1 and the user has to TAB back to field 4.  I
can't even begin to imagine the solution to that one - and I'll spare you
the results of my unsuccesful research into that subject.  All help will be
greatly appreciated.

Michel Robert      |*Simple telecommuted contracts accepted-Win 3.1/Win95*
Computer programmer|After 11 yrs in Basic + 2 in Foxpro, I decided to
Montreal           |reorient my career and am now 8 months into full-time
michero@login.net  |studying C++/Win at home. Need experience, will work cheap.

Jim Leavitt -- jimll@halcyon.com
Thursday, February 01, 1996


I can't test this now, it may not be the correct answer, but here goes 

After you create your splitter panes, you may want to call SetActive 
ie SetActiveView((CView*)m_Splitter.GetPane(0,2); to set the active 
pane to your second pane. This could be the source of you tabbing 
problems as well. 

I'm using a splitter window over the top of a CCtrlView derived class 
that implements a CTabCtrlView. I set my active pane to the first 
column and I've had no focus problems. (I'm still getting some 
flashing problems on a treeCtrl, but that's another story).

I'm assuming you're using VC4. Check out the DAOView sample 
application, there's some nice classes and code there dealing with 
views in a splitter window. It's on the CD under 

Jim Leavitt

Chong Zhang -- cz@dana.ucc.nau.edu
Thursday, February 01, 1996

[Mini-digest: 2 responses]

On Wed, 31 Jan 1996, Michel Robert wrote:

> ClassWizzard, Doc/View, 16bits
>         The static splitter contains two columns, one row.  The 'main' view
> is derived from CFormView and the other one from CView.  If I follow a
> 'natural' path by creating the CFormView derived pane in the first column
> all is well.
>         But if I want the CView derived pane in the first column with the
> CFormView pane in the second column (for reasons not worth exposing here)
> then I have to set the focus manually to the CFormView pane so that the user
> can start entering data without mouse-clicking (a legitimate requirement).

Because the CFrameWnd sets the first view as the active view by default. 
You can change that by calling SetActiveView to the view you want.

>         But no matter how I set the focus, the Print option of the File menu
> is disabled and *stays* disabled until the user does a mouse-click.

Same reason, CFrameWnd passes all command to the active view which is the 
first one unless you set it (or the user clicks) otherwise.

>         Now this is a data entry form and it is normal to expect that the
> user will not mouse-click at all.  Furthermore, the same problem happens
> with the Edit menu: all options stay disabled until a first mouse-click (the
> handlers work fine after that).  
> BOOL CMainFrame::OnCreateClient(LPCREATESTRUCT lpcs, CCreateContext* pContext)
> {
> BOOL retval = m_wndSplitter.CreateStatic(this,1,2);
> retval |= m_wndSplitter.CreateView(0,0,RUNTIME_CLASS(CJunkView), // this is fine
> 	CSize(2000,0),pContext);	                         // but switch the
> retval |= m_wndSplitter.CreateView(0,1,RUNTIME_CLASS(COtherView),//columns
> (0,0)<->(0,1)
> 	CSize(0,0),pContext);                                    // and problemo!
> return retval;
> }
> This is how I'm setting the focus back to the right-hand side CFormView pane
> - not too elegant but it works for getting the focus to the CFormView pane,
> yet Print and Edit options stay disabled.

Setting focus back is not the right way. You should set the active view 

> void COtherView::OnSetFocus(CWnd* pOldWnd)
> {
> 	CView::OnSetFocus(pOldWnd);
> 	CMainFrame* pWnd = (CMainFrame*)AfxGetMainWnd();
> 	CJunkView* pView = (CJunkView*)pWnd->m_wndSplitter.GetPane(0,1);
> 	pView->SetFocus();
> 	pView->SendMessage(WM_LBUTTONDOWN); // a feeble attempt at getting the
> 	pView->SendMessage(WM_LBUTTONUP);   // menu options enabled
> }
>         There's another similar problem:  whether the CFormView pane is in
> the left or right column, and whether the above OnSetFocus routine is
> included or not, ,when the splitter bar is manipulated by the user, then the
> caret comes back in the *first* input field regardless of where it was.
> Picture this:  user is entering fields, 1,2,3,4, then activates the
> splitter.  You would want the focus to stay in field 4 of the CFormView.
> Not!!! It's back to field 1 and the user has to TAB back to field 4.  I
> can't even begin to imagine the solution to that one - and I'll spare you
> the results of my unsuccesful research into that subject.  All help will be
> greatly appreciated.

Well, you can do that by remembering the focused item inside of your form 
view when your form view receives a ON_KILLFOCUS notification message 
from its controls, and sending the focus to that item when the form view 
processes WM_SETFOCUS message.

> Michel Robert      |*Simple telecommuted contracts accepted-Win 3.1/Win95*
> Computer programmer|After 11 yrs in Basic + 2 in Foxpro, I decided to
> Montreal           |reorient my career and am now 8 months into full-time
> michero@login.net  |studying C++/Win at home. Need experience, will work cheap.
-----From: "Roger Lamb (RAS+ 95)" 

Michel Robert wrote:

>        Now this is a data entry form and it is normal to expect that the
>user will not mouse-click at all.  Furthermore, the same problem happens
>with the Edit menu: all options stay disabled until a first mouse-click (the
>handlers work fine after that).  

>This is how I'm setting the focus back to the right-hand side CFormView pane
>- not too elegant but it works for getting the focus to the CFormView pane,
>yet Print and Edit options stay disabled.

<< Snip >>

This should solve your problems:

// put this code in the view you want to set focus to

void COtherView::OnSetFocus(CWnd* pOldWnd) 

void COtherView::OnActivateView(BOOL bActivate, CView* pActivateView, CView*
	if (bActivate)
	CView::OnActivateView(bActivate, pActivateView, pDeactiveView);

// ....... CYourDoc... one of many ways to get a pointer to your view...
CView* CYourDoc::MyGetView(CString cszClassName)
	POSITION pos = GetFirstViewPosition();
		CView* pView = GetNextView(pos);
		if(pView->GetRuntimeClass()->m_lpszClassName == cszClassName)
			return pView;
	return NULL;

// ....... Magic code to switch your view

        // Now, anytime  you want to switch to COtherView, add:
w"));	// just give it the name of the class

Roger C. Lamb Jr.

Lamb Software Inc.
RAS+ 95
Email: rasplus@lambsoftware.com
Upates: http://www.lambsoftware.com

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