Thanks for help with CCheckListBox
David Stidolph --
Monday, January 29, 1996
I got the reply's on using a CCheckListBox -- thanks everyone for =
helping out. I'm trying out your solutions now.
As to my comment about lack of documentation - I was refering to =
examples of usage and member functions that are called on user selection =
(check and uncheck). The class has about the same level of =
documentation as other classes. I wish each class had at least one good =
example of usage where possible. _splitpath, a C runtime function, has =
an example showing it off - I wind up cutting and pasting that example =
in my code as I need it (and modify the code to what I need). Loading =
example programs is ok for really big things, but is not practical when =
you need to look up setting up a socket or converting an array of =
RGBQUAD's to a log palette.
BTW - one of the best things about Windows 95 for me is the enhanced =
WinHelp (cut and paste has never been easier).
David Stidolph
Gee that bastard smells. No wonder they call him Pooh. --Chris Robin.
Mike Blaszczak --
Thursday, February 01, 1996
On Mon, 29 Jan 1996, David Stidolph wrote:
> Loading example programs is ok for really big things, but
> is not practical when you need to look up setting up a
> socket or converting n array of RGBQUAD's to a log palette.
Using the "Find in Files" command right inside the IDE is a great way to find
code fragments for use in your programs.
[Moderator's note: I agree. I use this feature all the time.]
.B ekiM
TCHAR szDisc[] = _T("These words are my own; I do not speak for Microsoft.");
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