Drag & Drop support with CTreeCtrl
Pete Silvestre -- psilvest@village.ios.com
Thursday, January 25, 1996
I'm trying to add support for drag and drop between a Ctreectrl and
a Clistctrl on the same window. Just to get my feet wet I took
a look around on the both the MSDN & VC++ 4.0 CD's to see what samples
were available. I only found one that used MFC, mfctree. It doesnt
seem to operate correctly - I can drag a tree item but no image
appears while it is being dragged and the code to do this seems to
be present (it also required a minor change to compile under 4.0).
I'm having the same problem when I try similar code in my app (ie:
there is no drag image). Does anybody have or know where I can find
a simple example of code like this. It could be for either the 95 tree
or list control. FYI, this MFC 4.0, VC++ 4.0 under NT 3.51. TIA...
Mickey Williams -- 75460.2102@compuserve.com
Sunday, January 28, 1996
Pete Silvestre wrote:
> I'm trying to add support for drag and drop between a Ctreectrl and
> a Clistctrl on the same window.
> ...
> Does anybody have or know where I can find
> a simple example of code like this. It could be for either the 95 tree
> or list control. FYI, this MFC 4.0, VC++ 4.0 under NT 3.51. TIA...
The code for either is similar, but not identical, so I'll give you both -
you would think that functions like GetImageRect would have the
same signatures, but that's not the case. Anyway, merging the two
is left as an excersize to the reader - hope this helps.
---------CTreeCtrl drag and drop -----------
// Handlers for TVN_BEGINDRAG, WM_MOUSEMOVE, and
//The image list is 32 pixels wide, and image 3 is used for all the dragable
// There are three member variables to handle dnd:
// HTREEITEM m_hDragItem - the item being dragged
// HTREEITEM m_hDragTarget - the item being dropped on
// BOOL m_fIsDragging - TRUE if a drag is in progress
void CTreeDispDlg::OnBegindragTree(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult)
// In this tree, root nodes aren't allowed to move.
if(m_tree.GetParentItem(pNMTreeView->itemNew.hItem) != NULL)
m_hDragItem = pNMTreeView->itemNew.hItem;
CImageList* pDragImage;
pDragImage = m_tree.CreateDragImage( m_hDragItem );
ASSERT( pDragImage );
// The next few lines calculate the position of the cursor rel to
// the image. A crude bu simpler approach is to use CPoint(0,0)
// as the cursor point in BeginDrag.
CRect rcDrag;
CPoint ptCursor;
m_tree.GetItemRect( m_hDragItem, rcDrag, TRUE );
rcDrag.left -= 32; // Adjust by width of image
GetCursorPos( &ptCursor );
m_tree.ScreenToClient( &ptCursor );
CPoint ptDrag( ptCursor - rcDrag.TopLeft() );
pDragImage->BeginDrag( 0, ptDrag );
pDragImage->DragEnter( &m_tree, pNMTreeView->ptDrag );
m_fIsDragging = TRUE;
*pResult = 0;
void CTreeDispDlg::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
if( m_fIsDragging == TRUE )
CPoint ptTree(point);
MapWindowPoints( &m_tree, &ptTree, 1 );
CImageList::DragMove( ptTree );
m_hDragTarget = m_tree.HitTest( ptTree, &uHitTest );
CDialog::OnMouseMove(nFlags, point);
void CTreeDispDlg::OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
if( m_fIsDragging == TRUE )
CImageList::DragLeave( &m_tree );
m_fIsDragging = FALSE;
// Test for valid drop target.
if((m_hDragTarget != NULL)&&(m_hDragTarget != m_hDragItem))
// Create a copy of the drag item.
hParent = m_tree.GetParentItem( m_hDragTarget );
CString szLabel = m_tree.GetItemText( m_hDragItem );
if( hParent != NULL )
m_tree.InsertItem( szLabel, 3, 3, hParent,
m_hDragTarget );
m_tree.InsertItem( szLabel, 3, 3, m_hDragTarget,
// Remove the existing copy of the drag item.
m_tree.DeleteItem( m_hDragItem );
CDialog::OnLButtonUp(nFlags, point);
---- A list view drag and drop -----------
// This list view uses image and text callbacks, so it isn't completely
// interchangable with the tree-view. On the other hand, it does show
// how the basic dnd works.
// There are three member variables here also:
// int m_nDragItem, m_nDragTarget; - the draggee and drop target
// BOOL m_fIsDragging; - True if a drag is in progress
void CTravelDlg::OnBegindragList(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult)
m_nDragItem = pNMListView->iItem;
CImageList* pDragImage;
pDragImage = m_listCtrl.CreateDragImage( m_nDragItem, &pNMListView->ptAction
ASSERT( pDragImage );
CRect rcDrag;
CPoint ptCursor;
m_listCtrl.GetItemRect( m_nDragItem, rcDrag, LVIR_ICON );
GetCursorPos( &ptCursor );
m_listCtrl.ScreenToClient( &ptCursor );
CPoint ptDrag( ptCursor - rcDrag.TopLeft() );
pDragImage->BeginDrag( 0, ptDrag );
pDragImage->DragEnter( &m_listCtrl, pNMListView->ptAction );
m_fIsDragging = TRUE;
*pResult = 0;
void CTravelDlg::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
if( m_fIsDragging == TRUE )
CPoint ptList(point);
MapWindowPoints( &m_listCtrl, &ptList, 1 );
CImageList::DragMove( ptList );
m_nDragTarget = m_listCtrl.HitTest( ptList, &uHitTest );
CDialog::OnMouseMove(nFlags, point);
void CTravelDlg::OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
if( m_fIsDragging == TRUE )
CImageList::DragLeave( &m_listCtrl );
m_fIsDragging = FALSE;
if((m_nDragTarget != -1)&&(m_nDragTarget != m_nDragItem))
LV_ITEM theItem;
theItem.iItem = m_nDragItem;
theItem.iSubItem = 0;
theItem.mask = LVIF_PARAM;
VERIFY( m_listCtrl.GetItem( &theItem ) );
// Obviously, this section is different for other applications....
CHotel* pOldHotel = (CHotel*)theItem.lParam;
CHotel* pNewHotel = new CHotel(*pOldHotel);
theItem.iItem = m_nDragTarget;
theItem.iImage = pNewHotel->m_nRank;
theItem.mask |= (LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_IMAGE);
theItem.cchTextMax = 40;
theItem.lParam = (LPARAM)pNewHotel;
VERIFY( m_listCtrl.InsertItem(&theItem) != -1 );
m_listCtrl.SetItemText( m_nDragTarget, 1, LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK );
m_listCtrl.SetItemText( m_nDragTarget, 2, LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK );
if( m_nDragTarget < m_nDragItem )
VERIFY( m_listCtrl.DeleteItem( m_nDragItem ));
CDialog::OnLButtonUp(nFlags, point);
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