Setting tabstops in an OCX control?
Dave Tucker -- orca!
Tuesday, January 09, 1996
I have created an OCX control using the CDK with MSVC 1.52c. The control
creates several child CEdit windows and I want to be able to tab between
them using the the TAB key. I create the windows using CEdit.Create(..)
with a WS_TABSTOP style but the tab key moves focus to the next control
outside my OCX. How can I trap the tab and set the focus to the next CEdit
in my control?
Dave Tucker
T.R.A.D.E., Inc.
ph. (415) 513-0930 ext. 225
Dave Tucker
T.R.A.D.E., Inc.
ph. (415) 513-0930 ext. 225
John & Annette Elsbree --
Saturday, January 13, 1996
Windows 3.x does not handle nested dialogs (which is essentially what you're
creating here) properly. You will need to have your OLE control trap the
WM_KEYDOWN messages for itself, in an override of PreTranslateMessage. When
you detect the Tab (or Shift+Tab) key, set the focus appropriately.
mfcTeam.m_johnels; // does not represent Microsoft
From: on behalf of Dave Tucker
Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 1996 9:45 AM
To: 'MFC Mailing List'
Subject: Setting tabstops in an OCX control?
I have created an OCX control using the CDK with MSVC 1.52c. The control
creates several child CEdit windows and I want to be able to tab between
them using the the TAB key. I create the windows using CEdit.Create(..)
with a WS_TABSTOP style but the tab key moves focus to the next control
outside my OCX. How can I trap the tab and set the focus to the next CEdit
in my control?
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