CToolBar without any tools...
Alex McLeod -- amcleod@imagesw2.mv.com
Wednesday, January 03, 1996
Thanks for the reply regarding CToolBar without any tools which I posted =
before Christmas (i.e., Use a CDialogBar-derived class).=20
In my (minimal) experience with DialogBars I do not think that a dialog =
bar automatically relays out its controls when it is undocked and its =
orientation is changed from its default (horizontal) to vertical.
Am I wrong about this? It seems natural to me that given that the dialog =
bar's layout is defined by a dialog box template that a Dialog Bar does =
not support this, am I wrong?=20
The few samples that use a dialog bar that I have found and the sample =
that I built did not support this requirement (i.e., MY requirement for =
the toolbar that I need in my app!)
The reason that I am using a CToolBar type of object is that I do want =
the bar to change from:
(please excuse the crude text-graphics, but its supposed to be a toolbar =
w/3 combo boxes, the attached files graphically show 2, what seem to be =
toolbars, which have the behavior that I am looking for (these are =
custom toolbars from MSWord))
| +-------+ +---------+ +---------+ |
| | | v| | | v | | | v | |
| +-------+ +---------+ +---------+ |
(3 horizontally placed combo boxes) when horizontal, to=20
| +---------+ |
| | | v | |
| +---------+ |
| |
| +---------+ |
| | | v | |
| +---------+ |
| |
| +---------+ |
| | | v | |
| +---------+ |
| |
(3 vertically stacked combo boxes) when vertical...
The toolbars in MSWord (which seem to be some type of toolbar, and not =
dialog bars) which have multiple combo boxes (PLUS additional buttons) =
support this (i.e., vertical stacking of combo boxes).
The toolbars in MFC support what I need with the exception that if NO =
toolbar buttons are left on the toolbar the toolbar, when docked, =
shrinks up to 10 pixels tall!=20
By the way if the Ctoolbar (and/or CToolBarCtrl) methods are used to GET =
the rectangle occupied by the controls that SHOULD be visible the =
correct rectangle is returned.=20
Also if the bar is undocked and stretched vertically the control DOES =
show up as it should. (These 2 behaviors would seem to be =
inconsistencies in the CToolBar implementation(?))=20
Thanks again!
Ghislain Lachapelle -- Ghislain.Lachapelle@Matrox.COM
Wednesday, January 10, 1996
At 13:57 95-12-21 -0500, you wrote:
>I am trying to create a toolbar-like object for use in my application. My
toolbar needs to have ONLY comboboxes, etc. and NO 'normal' toolbar buttons.
I have done a similar toolbar. I derived from CToolBar and overwrote some
functions like HitTest, CalcFixedLayout and DoPaint. I don't have combo
boxes but some push buttons. I didn't created them with the ID_SEPARATOR
stuff because I do not call LoadBitmap or SetButtons. Those buttons are
directly child windows of the tool bar (created in OnCreate).
int CToolBarDerivedClass::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
if (CToolBar::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1)
return -1;
// create two buttons
CRect rect1(x1, y1, x2, y2); // initialize here the button rect.
CRect rect2(x1, y1, x2, y2); // initialize here the button rect.
m_Button1.Create("Button 1", WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|BS_PUSHBUTTON, rect,
this, IDC_BUTTON1);
m_Button2.Create("Button 2", WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|BS_PUSHBUTTON, rect2,
this, IDC_BUTTON2);
return 0;
int CToolBarDerivedClass::HitTest(CPoint) // in window relative coords
return -1; // no button
In addition, You must calculate yourself the size of your
toolbar when horizontal or vertical. This is the main advantage to my
technique instead of using a CDialogBar.
For this, you must overwrite CalcFixedLayout. Also, in the DoPaint, I move
my buttons to fit my horizontal or vertical rectangle.
Start with this, you probably have a few more functions to overwrite.
Hope this helps you...
Ghislain Lachapelle(Ghislain.Lachapelle@matrox.com)
Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.
Alex McLeod -- amcleod@imagesw2.mv.com
Monday, January 15, 1996
Thanks for the reply regarding using a CToolBar without any tools but =
the problem that I have found seems to be within CToolBar itself!
After playing some more I found that in the CTRLBARS sample if the 4 =
toolbar buttons after the combobox are hidden or removed the toolbar =
'shrinks up'. This is the problem that I am trying to circumvent.
I.e., add the following to the sample's CMainFrame::CreateStyleBar() =
after the combobox has been created and populated:
CToolBarCtrl& Ctl =3D m_wndStyleBar.GetToolBarCtrl();
Presto, NO TOOLBAR, or at least not a useful one (its about 8 pixels =
tall and shows no combo box)! (I tried hiding them with the same =
By the way... If one inquires the rectangle of the first separator =
(i.e., the combo box) after removing or hiding the buttons the correct =
rectangle is returned although the toolbar seems to ignore it! ALSO if =
the toolbar is undocked and stretched vertically the combobox magically =
I've subsequently given up on the CToolBar approach because of this =
seeming limitation!
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