Catching Arrow Keys in OCX--OnGetDlgCode
Michael & Vicki --
Monday, March 24, 1997
Environment: VC++ 4.2-flat, NT 4.0
Note: I will be changing to VC 4.2b by the time you read this (thanks for
the DatTimePick info, B. ekiM)
I have been trying to build an OCX (Active X, or whaterver it is called
this week) and I am unable to catch the arrow keys. When they are pressed,
focus moves to the next/prev control in the tab order. I have referenced
MSDN (July 96, latest version on order) and found at least two articles one
being Q104637 about trapping the arrow keys. I have created my own
OnGetDlgCode and added the WANT_ARROWS (wording may not be exact, I'm
writing from memory at home). My version of OnGetDlgCode never gets
called, and the arrow keys are still being treated as a focus (tab) change.
So what am I missing/doing wrong that prevents me from getting the arrow
keys. I don't actually want the arrow keys, I just don't want them to
change focus, but only to move the caret. My control is derived from the
Edit control. I have used the VC 4.2 control Wizard and the control is
being tested/used in a VB4 "app".
Michael Hupp --
Thursday, March 27, 1997
[Mini-digest: 2 responses]
Hello Mike,
I wrote a real simple control and added these two message handlers to my message map:
ON_WM_KEYDOWN() // trap key presses
ON_WM_GETDLGCODE() // tell windows I want arrow
And added these two routines to my control:
UINT CXxxCtrl::OnGetDlgCode( )
void CXxxCtrl::OnKeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags)
// TODO: Add your message handler code here and/or call default
switch ( nChar )
case VK_UP:
case VK_DOWN:
case VK_LEFT:
case VK_RIGHT:
TRACE( "Got Arrow Key\n" );
COleControl::OnKeyDown(nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags);
And, voila, arrow keys went to my control.
Hope this helps,
-----Original Message-----
From: Pasterik, Michael & Vicki []
Sent: Monday, March 24, 1997 8:52 PM
Subject: Catching Arrow Keys in OCX--OnGetDlgCode
Environment: VC++ 4.2-flat, NT 4.0
Note: I will be changing to VC 4.2b by the time you read this (thanks for
the DatTimePick info, B. ekiM)
I have been trying to build an OCX (Active X, or whaterver it is called
this week) and I am unable to catch the arrow keys. When they are pressed,
focus moves to the next/prev control in the tab order. I have referenced
MSDN (July 96, latest version on order) and found at least two articles one
being Q104637 about trapping the arrow keys. I have created my own
OnGetDlgCode and added the WANT_ARROWS (wording may not be exact, I'm
writing from memory at home). My version of OnGetDlgCode never gets
called, and the arrow keys are still being treated as a focus (tab) change.
So what am I missing/doing wrong that prevents me from getting the arrow
keys. I don't actually want the arrow keys, I just don't want them to
change focus, but only to move the caret. My control is derived from the
Edit control. I have used the VC 4.2 control Wizard and the control is
being tested/used in a VB4 "app".
-----From: "Neil A. Van Note"
Hello Michael & Vicki,
You will want to override PreTranslateMessage for your
control and send those to yourself. It would seem that certain
containers eat these messages, ie: VB...
Something like the following...
switch (pMsg->message)
// Trap the arrow keys so we can process them...
case WM_KEYUP:
switch (pMsg->wParam)
case VK_LEFT:
case VK_RIGHT:
case VK_UP:
case VK_DOWN:
this->SendMessage(pMsg->message, pMsg->wParam, pMsg->lParam);
return TRUE;
return COleControl::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg);
From: Pasterik, Michael & Vicki
Sent: Monday, March 24, 1997 11:51 PM
Subject: Catching Arrow Keys in OCX--OnGetDlgCode
Environment: VC++ 4.2-flat, NT 4.0
Note: I will be changing to VC 4.2b by the time you read this (thanks for
the DatTimePick info, B. ekiM)
I have been trying to build an OCX (Active X, or whaterver it is called
this week) and I am unable to catch the arrow keys. When they are pressed,
focus moves to the next/prev control in the tab order. I have referenced
MSDN (July 96, latest version on order) and found at least two articles one
being Q104637 about trapping the arrow keys. I have created my own
OnGetDlgCode and added the WANT_ARROWS (wording may not be exact, I'm
writing from memory at home). My version of OnGetDlgCode never gets
called, and the arrow keys are still being treated as a focus (tab) change.
So what am I missing/doing wrong that prevents me from getting the arrow
keys. I don't actually want the arrow keys, I just don't want them to
change focus, but only to move the caret. My control is derived from the
Edit control. I have used the VC 4.2 control Wizard and the control is
being tested/used in a VB4 "app".
Mike Blaszczak --
Sunday, March 30, 1997
At 23:51 3/24/97 -0500, Pasterik, Michael & Vicki wrote:
>Environment: VC++ 4.2-flat, NT 4.0
>Note: I will be changing to VC 4.2b by the time you read this (thanks for
>the DatTimePick info, B. ekiM)
>I have been trying to build an OCX (Active X, or whaterver it is called
>this week)
The name only changed once, and it changed with a major revision of the
technology. While it was a little annoying, it's over.
>and I am unable to catch the arrow keys.
>When they are pressed,
>focus moves to the next/prev control in the tab order.
I'm embarrassed to recommend it because it is so poorly written. But it
looks like the article at
explains what you need to do.
.B ekiM
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