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Using a property page as a stand alone dialog

Alicia Tupacyupanqui -- alicia@orthodyne.com
Thursday, March 20, 1997

Helloooooo.  (Try this again)

Environment: VC++ 4.2-flat, NT 4.0

I've created a property sheet wizard that will take the user through a
series of "setup" steps.  However, there are times when the user
may only want to perform "setup" on a particular feature.  Therefore, I'm
using the property pages as stand-alone dialogs.  Everything seems to
work fine, but the dialog won't take any transition input from the
keyboard.  i.e. I can't use tab to move among the controls and I can't
use Enter to select the default button, but I can type in the edit
boxes, etc.

Does anyone know if this is an easy fix, or is it based on my premise of
using a property page without its parent property sheet.

Thanks for your help.


Marc St-Cyr -- StCyrM@msn.com
Tuesday, March 25, 1997

The following code snippet (I can't remember where I downloaded it from) may 
answer your question ...

---------- snip ... ------------------

Written by yktam
of Microsoft Product Support Services, Languages Developer Support.
Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

(Applies to the MFC 4.1 which ships with Visual C++ 4.1)
---------- snip ... ------------------

	// Create page three and add it to dialog array.
	dlg = new CDialog3;
	VERIFY(dlg->Create(IDD_DIALOG3, m_TabCtrl));

	// Determine the tab text.  The tab text can be found from the 
	// dialog template.
	char str[50];
	TC_ITEM tci;
	tci.mask	= TCIF_TEXT;
	tci.iImage	= -1;
	for (int i = 0; i < NUM_PAGES; i++)
		// Get the caption from dialog template and insert this caption
		// to the tab control.
		dlg = m_DlgArray[i];
		dlg->GetWindowText(str, sizeof(str));
		tci.pszText	= str;
		m_TabCtrl->InsertItem(i, &tci);

		// Remove caption from the dialog box because no caption is allowed
		// for pages in the tab control.
		dlg->ModifyStyle(WS_CAPTION, 0);

		// IMPORTANT: Why sending a WM_NCACTIVATE message to the dialog box?
		// When writing this sample, we found a problem which is related to
		// the edit control refuses to give up the input focus when mouse is 
		// being clicked on some other edit control.  This problem only 
		// happens when title bar is found from a dialog resource.  And we
		// need the title bar because it is the text in the tab control.  
		// Sending a WM_NCACTIVATE message seems to fix the problem.
		dlg->SendMessage(WM_NCACTIVATE, TRUE);
------------ snip ... ----------------

	Good luck,
Marc St-Cyr

-----Original Message-----
From:	owner-mfc-l@majordomo.netcom.com  On Behalf Of Alicia Tupacyupanqui
Sent:	Thursday, March 20, 1997 12:10 PM
To:	mfc-l@netcom.com
Subject:	Using a property page as a stand alone dialog

Helloooooo.  (Try this again)

Environment: VC++ 4.2-flat, NT 4.0

I've created a property sheet wizard that will take the user through a
series of "setup" steps.  However, there are times when the user
may only want to perform "setup" on a particular feature.  Therefore, I'm
using the property pages as stand-alone dialogs.  Everything seems to
work fine, but the dialog won't take any transition input from the
keyboard.  i.e. I can't use tab to move among the controls and I can't
use Enter to select the default button, but I can type in the edit
boxes, etc.

Does anyone know if this is an easy fix, or is it based on my premise of
using a property page without its parent property sheet.

Thanks for your help.


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