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Making a modeless property sheet not-moveable?

Patrick Davis -- flowenol@erols.com
Thursday, March 20, 1997

Environment:  Win95/MSVC++4.0

Is it possible to make a modeless or modal property
sheet dialog so that it cannot be moved by the user?
ie  normally by clicking on the frame you can move the
dialog, I would like to make it so a user cannot change the
location within the window of a property sheet dialog.

Any ideas would be appreciated.  Thanks

Patrick Davis

Monday, March 24, 1997

[Mini-digest: 2 responses]

On mfc-l, Patrick Davis (flowenol@erols.com) wrote:
> Environment:  Win95/MSVC++4.0
> Is it possible to make a modeless or modal property
> sheet dialog so that it cannot be moved by the user?
> ie  normally by clicking on the frame you can move the
> dialog

Do it the same way you'd make any dialog non-movable, by removing
the SC_MOVE item from the system menu. So for a property sheet,
you need to derive a class from CPropertySheet, and put the 
following code in your OnInitDialog:

  CMenu* pSystemMenu = GetSystemMenu(FALSE);
  if (pSystemMenu != NULL) {
    pSystemMenu->DeleteMenu(SC_MOVE, MF_BYCOMMAND);

Whether this is actually a good idea will have to be determined
during your user-interface testing. (Most people expect to be
able to move all the windows around on the screen).

Katy Mulvey                    <mailto:ktm@ormec.com>
Software Development Engineer
ORMEC Systems
-----From: Sreekant Sreedharan 

Patrick Davis wrote:
> Environment:  Win95/MSVC++4.0
> Is it possible to make a modeless or modal property
> sheet dialog so that it cannot be moved by the user?
> ie  normally by clicking on the frame you can move the
> dialog, I would like to make it so a user cannot change the
> location within the window of a property sheet dialog.
> Any ideas would be appreciated.  Thanks
> Patrick Davis
> flowenol@erols.com

	I think you can override WM_MOVE (CWnd::OnMove()) and force the window
to be fixed at a single place. 
	But I don't agree that a popup window of any sort be forced to stick to
one place.
- From Sreekant Sreedharan

Carl Gunther -- cgunther@ix.netcom.com
Monday, March 31, 1997


The usual way to make a window immobile (and also to more selectively 
restrict its mobility) is to handle the WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING message
and alter the members of the structure that it passes to you by 
reference.  I haven't specifically tried this with a dialog
or a property sheet, but it ought to work.  

It's true that for dialogs the Windows dialog manager has its own 
message loop that prevents certain messages from reaching the dialog
window, but I _think_ that this just grabs the keyboard input, so 
you still ought to be able to trap
WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING.  If for any reason you have trouble
getting this message, you might want to look at 
CWinApp::ProcessMessageFilter() and try to trap it there.

Best wishes,


Patrick Davis wrote:
> Environment:  Win95/MSVC++4.0
> Is it possible to make a modeless or modal property
> sheet dialog so that it cannot be moved by the user?
> ie  normally by clicking on the frame you can move the
> dialog, I would like to make it so a user cannot change the
> location within the window of a property sheet dialog.
> Any ideas would be appreciated.  Thanks
> Patrick Davis
> flowenol@erols.com


Copyright 1996 Carl E. Gunther.  Permission to reproduce this message
in text form for not-for-profit purposes freely granted provided that 
the preceeding copyright notice is retained.

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