Figure 1   Excepts from DelayLoadProfileDLL.CPP

 // Matt Pietrek
 // Microsoft Systems Journal, February 2000
 // FILE: DelayLoadProfileDLL.CPP
 #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
 #include <windows.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include "DelayLoadProfileDLL.H"
     HINSTANCE hinstDLL,    // handle to DLL module 
     DWORD fdwReason,       // reason for calling function 
     LPVOID lpvReserved)    // reserved 
     if ( fdwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH )  // When initializing....
         // We don't need thread notifications for what we're doing.  Thus, get
         // rid of them, thereby eliminating some of the overhead of this DLL
         DisableThreadLibraryCalls( hinstDLL );
         return PrepareToProfile();
     else if ( fdwReason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH ) // When shutting down...
     return TRUE;
 // Top level routine to find the EXE's imports, and redirect them
 bool PrepareToProfile( void )
     HMODULE hModEXE = GetModuleHandle( 0 );
     PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS pExeNTHdr = PEHeaderFromHModule( hModEXE );
     if ( !pExeNTHdr )
         return false;
     DWORD importRVA = pExeNTHdr->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory
     if ( !importRVA )
         return false;
     // Convert imports RVA to a usable pointer
                                                     hModEXE, importRVA );
     // Save off imports address in a global for later use
     g_pFirstImportDesc = pImportDesc;   
     // Iterate through each import descriptor, and redirect if appropriate
     while ( pImportDesc->FirstThunk )
         PSTR pszImportModuleName = MakePtr( PSTR, hModEXE, pImportDesc->Name);
         if ( IsModuleOKToHook(pszImportModuleName) )
             RedirectIAT( pImportDesc, (PVOID)hModEXE );
         pImportDesc++;  // Advance to next import descriptor
     return true;
 // Called at shutdown time.  Locates and scans through the stubs we build to
 // see how many times each imported DLL was called.
 bool ReportProfileResults( void )
     HMODULE hModEXE = GetModuleHandle( 0 );
     PIMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR pImportDesc = g_pFirstImportDesc;
     // Iterate through each import descriptor
     while ( pImportDesc->FirstThunk )
         PSTR pszImportModuleName = MakePtr(PSTR, hModEXE, pImportDesc->Name);
         // If we haven't hooked it, move on to the next import.  Otherwise,
         // go report the calls made to the DLL
         if ( !IsModuleOKToHook(pszImportModuleName) )
         // Get address stored in the first IAT entry for this DLL
         // The above address *probably* points at one of our redirected stubs
         DLPD_IAT_STUB * pDLPDStub = (DLPD_IAT_STUB *)pIAT->u1.Function;
         // Make sure we're pointing at our redirected stubs.  If not,
         // spit out a warning and move on
         if ( (pDLPDStub->instr_CALL !=0xE8) || (pDLPDStub->instr_JMP !=0xE9))
             char szOutBuffer[MAX_PATH * 2];
             sprintf( szOutBuffer, "DelayLoadProfile: %s was not hooked",
                      pszImportModuleName );
             OutputDebugString( szOutBuffer );
         DWORD nCalls = 0;   // Set initial count to 0
         // Iterate through each of our stubs, tallying up the calls
         while ( pDLPDStub->pszNameOrOrdinal )
             nCalls += pDLPDStub->count;
             pDLPDStub++;    // Advance to next stub
         // Format the results and send to the debugger (DelayLoadProfile.EXE)
         char szOutBuffer[512];
         sprintf(szOutBuffer, "DelayLoadProfile: %s was called %u times",
                 pszImportModuleName, nCalls );
         OutputDebugString( szOutBuffer );
         pImportDesc++;  // Advance to next imported DLL
     return true;
 // Builds stubs for and redirects the IAT for one DLL (pImportDesc)
 bool RedirectIAT( PIMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR pImportDesc, PVOID pBaseLoadAddr )
     PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA pIAT;     // Ptr to import address table
     PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA pINT;     // Ptr to import names table
     // Figure out which OS platform we're on
     osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(osvi);
     GetVersionEx( &osvi );
     // If no import names table, we can't redirect this, so bail
     if ( pImportDesc->OriginalFirstThunk == 0 )
         return false;
     pIAT = MakePtr(PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA, pBaseLoadAddr, pImportDesc->FirstThunk);
     pINT = MakePtr( PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA, pBaseLoadAddr,
                     pImportDesc->OriginalFirstThunk );
     // Count how many entries there are in this IAT.  Array is 0 terminated
     pIteratingIAT = pIAT;
     unsigned cFuncs = 0;
     while ( pIteratingIAT->u1.Function )
     if ( cFuncs == 0 )  // If no imported functions, we're done!
         return false;
     // These next few lines ensure that we'll be able to modify the IAT,
     // which is often in a read-only section in the EXE.
     DWORD flOldProtect, flNewProtect, flDontCare;
     // Get the current protection attributes                            
     VirtualQuery( pIAT, &mbi, sizeof(mbi) );
     // remove ReadOnly and ExecuteRead attributes, add on ReadWrite flag
     flNewProtect = mbi.Protect;
     flNewProtect &= ~(PAGE_READONLY | PAGE_EXECUTE_READ);
     flNewProtect |= (PAGE_READWRITE);
     if ( !VirtualProtect(   pIAT, sizeof(PVOID) * cFuncs,
                             flNewProtect, &flOldProtect) )
         return false;
     // Allocate memory for the redirection stubs.  Make one extra stub at the
     // end to be a sentinel
     DLPD_IAT_STUB * pStubs = new DLPD_IAT_STUB[ cFuncs + 1];
     if ( !pStubs )
         return false;
     // Scan through the IAT, completing the stubs and redirecting the IAT
     // entries to point to the stubs
     pIteratingIAT = pIAT;
     while ( pIteratingIAT->u1.Function )
         pStubs->data_call = (DWORD_PTR)DelayLoadProfileDLL_UpdateCount
                             - (DWORD_PTR)&pStubs->instr_JMP;
         pStubs->data_JMP = *(PDWORD)pIteratingIAT - (DWORD_PTR)&pStubs->count;
         // Technically, we don't absolutely need the pszNameOrOrdinal field,
         // but it's nice to have.  It also serves as a useful sentinel value.
         if ( IMAGE_SNAP_BY_ORDINAL(pINT->u1.Ordinal) )  // import by ordinal
             pStubs->pszNameOrOrdinal = pINT->u1.Ordinal;
         else    // It's imported by name
                                                         pINT->u1.AddressOfData );
             pStubs->pszNameOrOrdinal = (DWORD)&pImportName->Name;
         // Cheez-o hack to see if what we're importing is code or data.
         // If it's code, we shouldn't be able to write to it
         if ( IsBadWritePtr( (PVOID)pIteratingIAT->u1.Function, 1 ) )
             pIteratingIAT->u1.Function = (DWORD)pStubs;
         else if ( osvi.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS )
             // Special hack for Win9x, which builds stubs for imported
             // functions in system DLLs (Loaded above 2GB).  These stubs are
             // writeable, so we have to explicitly check for this case
             if ( pIteratingIAT->u1.Function > 0x80000000 )
                 pIteratingIAT->u1.Function = (DWORD)pStubs;
         pStubs++;           // Advance to next stub
         pIteratingIAT++;    // Advance to next IAT entry
         pINT++;             // Advance to next INT entry
     pStubs->pszNameOrOrdinal = 0;   // Final stub is a sentinel
     // Put the page attributes back the way they were.
     VirtualProtect( pIAT, sizeof(PVOID) * cFuncs, flOldProtect, &flDontCare);
     return true;
 // Called from the DLPD_IAT_STUB stubs.  Increments "count" field of the stub
 void DelayLoadProfileDLL_UpdateCount( PVOID dummy )
     __asm   pushad  // Save all general-purpose registers
     // Get return address, then subtract 5 (size of a CALL X instruction)
     // The result points at a DLPD_IAT_STUB
     // pointer math!  &dummy-1 really subtracts sizeof(PVOID)
     PDWORD pRetAddr = (PDWORD)(&dummy - 1);
     DLPD_IAT_STUB * pDLPDStub = (DLPD_IAT_STUB *)(*pRetAddr - 5);
     #if 0
     // Remove the above conditional to get a cheezy API trace from
     // the loader process.  It's slow!
     if ( !IMAGE_SNAP_BY_ORDINAL( pDLPDStub->pszNameOrOrdinal) )
          OutputDebugString( (PSTR)pDLPDStub->pszNameOrOrdinal );
     __asm   popad   // Restore all general-purpose registers
 // Add any DLLs here that you don't want this DLL to redirect
 bool IsModuleOKToHook( PSTR pszModule )
     if ( 0 == lstrcmpi( pszModule, "KERNEL32.DLL" ) )
         return false;
     if ( 0 == lstrcmpi( pszModule, "MFC42U.DLL" ) )
         return false;
     if ( 0 == lstrcmpi( pszModule, "MFC42.DLL" ) )
         return false;
     return true;

Figure 2   Redirecting the IAT to Stubs

Figure 2 Redirecting the IAT to Stubs

Figure 3   Excepts from DebugInjector.CPP

 // Matt Pietrek
 // Microsoft Systems Journal, February 2000
 // FILE: DebugInjector.CPP
 #include "stdafx.h"
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <malloc.h>
 #include <stddef.h>
 #include "DebugInjector.h"
 static PSTR s_arszDebugEventTypes[] = 
 // Construction/Destruction
 bool CDebugInjector::LoadProcess( PSTR pszCmdLine )
     STARTUPINFO startupInfo;
     memset(&startupInfo, 0, sizeof(startupInfo));
     startupInfo.cb = sizeof(startupInfo);
     BOOL bCreateProcessRetValue;
     bCreateProcessRetValue = 
                     0,                          // lpszImageName
                     pszCmdLine,                 // lpszCommandLine
                     0,                          // lpsaProcess
                     0,                          // lpsaThread
                     FALSE,                      // fInheritHandles
                     DEBUG_ONLY_THIS_PROCESS,    // fdwCreate
                     0,                          // lpvEnvironment
                     0,                          // lpszCurDir
                     &startupInfo,               // lpsiStartupInfo
                     &m_ProcessInformation );    // lppiProcInfo
     return bCreateProcessRetValue != FALSE;
 bool CDebugInjector::Run( void )
     DEBUG_EVENT dbgEvent;
     DWORD dwContinueStatus;
     // The debug loop.  Runs until the debuggee terminates
     while ( 1 )
         WaitForDebugEvent(&dbgEvent, INFINITE);
         dwContinueStatus = HandleDebugEvent( dbgEvent );
         if ( dbgEvent.dwDebugEventCode == EXIT_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT )
         ContinueDebugEvent( dbgEvent.dwProcessId,
                             dwContinueStatus );
     return true;
 DWORD CDebugInjector::HandleException(DEBUG_EVENT &dbgEvent )
     EXCEPTION_RECORD  & exceptRec = dbgEvent.u.Exception.ExceptionRecord;
     // If this is a second chance exception, the debugee is going to
     // die.  Spit out the exception code and address
     if ( dbgEvent.u.Exception.dwFirstChance == FALSE )
         printf( "Exception code: %X  Addr: %08X\r\n",
                 exceptRec.ExceptionCode, exceptRec.ExceptionAddress );
     // If we've gone through the mechanics of injection already, just
     // pass the exception on to the debugee
     if ( m_bInjected )
     // If it isn't a breakpoint, we don't want to know about it.
     if ( exceptRec.ExceptionCode != EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT )
     static bool s_bFirstBP = FALSE;
     DWORD dwContinueStatus = DBG_CONTINUE;
     // Is this the DebugBreak breakpoint?
     if ( s_bFirstBP == false )
         s_bFirstBP = true;
     // Is this the breakpoint we set at the EXE's entry point?
     else if ( exceptRec.ExceptionAddress == m_pExeEntryPoint )
         SaveEntryPointContext( dbgEvent );
     // Is this the BP immediately after our LoadLibrary call?
     else if ( exceptRec.ExceptionAddress == m_pStubInTargetBP )
         m_bInjected = true;
     return dwContinueStatus;
 bool CDebugInjector::PlaceInjectionStub( void )
     // Locate where the stub will be in the target process
     m_pStubInTarget = (LOADLIBRARY_STUB*)GetMemoryForLoadLibraryStub();
     if ( !m_pStubInTarget )
         return false;
     m_pStubInTargetBP = (PBYTE)m_pStubInTarget +
                         offsetof(LOADLIBRARY_STUB, instr_INT_3);
     // Complete the stub fields that can't be preinitialized
     strcpy( m_stub.data_DllName, m_pszDLLToInject );
     m_stub.operand_PUSH_value = (DWORD)m_pStubInTarget
                                 + offsetof( LOADLIBRARY_STUB, data_DllName);
     m_stub.operand_MOV_EAX =
     // Copy the stub into the target process
     bool retValue;
     retValue = WriteTargetMemory(m_pStubInTarget, &m_stub,sizeof(m_stub));
     if ( !retValue )
         return false;
     // Change the EIP register in the target thread to point
     // at the stub we just copied in.
     CONTEXT stubContext = m_originalThreadContext;
     stubContext.Eip = (DWORD)m_pStubInTarget;
     SetThreadContext( m_CreateProcessDebugInfo.hThread, &stubContext );
     return true;