FAQ по C/C++/Visual C++
Работа с сетью Как вырезать окно по картинке Вариант 2 |
Составители: SUnteXx, Leprecon |
Как вырезать окно по картинке | |||
// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! // ! // ! For Win9x image width MUST BE dword aligned!!! ! // ! // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HRGN CFileRgnDlg::CreateRgnFromFile( HBITMAP hBmp, COLORREF color ) { // get image properties BITMAP bmp = { 0 }; GetObject( hBmp, sizeof(BITMAP), &bmp ); // allocate memory for extended image information LPBITMAPINFO bi = (LPBITMAPINFO) new BYTE[ sizeof(BITMAPINFO) + 8 ]; memset( bi, 0, sizeof(BITMAPINFO) + 8 ); bi->bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); // set window size m_dwWidth = bmp.bmWidth; // bitmap width m_dwHeight = bmp.bmHeight; // bitmap height // create temporary dc HDC dc = CreateDC( "DISPLAY",NULL,NULL,NULL ); // get extended information about image (length, compression, length of color table if exist, ...) DWORD res = GetDIBits( dc, hBmp, 0, bmp.bmHeight, 0, bi, DIB_RGB_COLORS ); // allocate memory for image data (colors) LPBYTE pBits = new BYTE[ bi->bmiHeader.biSizeImage + 4 ]; // allocate memory for color table if ( bi->bmiHeader.biBitCount == 8 ) { // actually color table should be appended to this header(BITMAPINFO), // so we have to reallocate and copy it LPBITMAPINFO old_bi = bi; // 255 - because there is one in BITMAPINFOHEADER bi = (LPBITMAPINFO)new char[ sizeof(BITMAPINFO) + 255 * sizeof(RGBQUAD) ]; memcpy( bi, old_bi, sizeof(BITMAPINFO) ); // release old header delete old_bi; } // get bitmap info header BITMAPINFOHEADER& bih = bi->bmiHeader; // get color table (for 256 color mode contains 256 entries of RGBQUAD(=DWORD)) LPDWORD clr_tbl = (LPDWORD)&bi->bmiColors; // fill bits buffer res = GetDIBits( dc, hBmp, 0, bih.biHeight, pBits, bi, DIB_RGB_COLORS ); DeleteDC( dc ); // shift bits and byte per pixel (for comparing colors) LPBYTE pClr = (LPBYTE)&color; // swap red and blue components BYTE tmp = pClr[0]; pClr[0] = pClr[2]; pClr[2] = tmp; // convert color if curent DC is 16-bit (5:6:5) or 15-bit (5:5:5) if ( bih.biBitCount == 16 ) { color = ((DWORD)(pClr[0] & 0xf8) >> 3) | // 3 ((DWORD)(pClr[1] & 0xf8) << 3) | // 2 ((DWORD)(pClr[2] & 0xf8) << 8); // 7 } const DWORD RGNDATAHEADER_SIZE = sizeof(RGNDATAHEADER); const DWORD ADD_RECTS_COUNT = 40; // number of rects to be appended // to region data buffer BYTE Bpp = bih.biBitCount >> 3; // bytes per pixel // DIB image is flipped that's why we scan it from the last line LPBYTE pColor = pBits + (bih.biHeight - 1) * (bih.biWidth * Bpp); DWORD dwLineBackLen = 2 * bih.biWidth * Bpp; // offset of previous scan line // (after processing of current) DWORD dwRectsCount = bih.biHeight; // number of rects in allocated buffer INT i, j; // current position in mask image INT first = 0; // left position of current scan line // where mask was found bool wasfirst = false; // set when mask has been found in current scan line bool ismask; // set when current color is mask color // allocate memory for region data // region data here is set of regions that are rectangles with height 1 pixel (scan line) // that's why first allocation is <bm.biHeight> RECTs - number of scan lines in image RGNDATAHEADER* pRgnData = (RGNDATAHEADER*)new BYTE[ RGNDATAHEADER_SIZE + dwRectsCount * sizeof(RECT) ]; // get pointer to RECT table LPRECT pRects = (LPRECT)((LPBYTE)pRgnData + RGNDATAHEADER_SIZE); // zero region data header memory (header part only) memset( pRgnData, 0, RGNDATAHEADER_SIZE + dwRectsCount * sizeof(RECT) ); // fill it by default pRgnData->dwSize = RGNDATAHEADER_SIZE; pRgnData->iType = RDH_RECTANGLES; for ( i = 0; i < bih.biHeight; i++ ) { for ( j = 0; j < bih.biWidth; j++ ) { // get color switch ( bih.biBitCount ) { case 8: ismask = (clr_tbl[ *pColor ] != color); break; case 16: ismask = (*(LPWORD)pColor != (WORD)color); break; case 24: ismask = ((*(LPDWORD)pColor & 0x00ffffff) != color); break; case 32: ismask = (*(LPDWORD)pColor != color); } // shift pointer to next color pColor += Bpp; // place part of scan line as RECT region if transparent color found after mask color or // mask color found at the end of mask image if ( wasfirst && (ismask ^ (j < bih.biWidth - 1)) ) { // save current RECT pRects[ pRgnData->nCount++ ] = CRect( first, i, j, i + 1 ); // if buffer full reallocate it with more room if ( pRgnData->nCount >= dwRectsCount ) { dwRectsCount += ADD_RECTS_COUNT; // allocate new buffer LPBYTE pRgnDataNew = new BYTE[ RGNDATAHEADER_SIZE + dwRectsCount * sizeof(RECT)]; // copy current region data to it memcpy( pRgnDataNew, pRgnData, RGNDATAHEADER_SIZE + pRgnData->nCount * sizeof(RECT) ); // delte old region data buffer delete pRgnData; // set pointer to new regiondata buffer to current pRgnData = (RGNDATAHEADER*)pRgnDataNew; // correct pointer to RECT table pRects = (LPRECT)((LPBYTE)pRgnData + RGNDATAHEADER_SIZE); } wasfirst = false; } else if ( !wasfirst && ismask ) // set wasfirst when mask is found { first = j; wasfirst = true; } } pColor -= dwLineBackLen; } // release image data delete pBits; delete bi; // create region HRGN hRgn = ExtCreateRegion( NULL, RGNDATAHEADER_SIZE + pRgnData->nCount * sizeof(RECT), (LPRGNDATA)pRgnData ); // release region data delete pRgnData; return hRgn; } |
Вариант 2|||
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