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// MSDN — April 2001
// If this code works, it was written by Paul DiLascia.
// If not, I don't know who wrote it.
// Compiles with Visual C++ 6.0. Runs on Windows 98 and probably Windows 
// 2000 too.
#include <shellapi.h>

// CRecycleFile — sends a file to the Recycle Bin.
// Note derived from SHFILEOPSTRUCT.
class CRecycleFile : public SHFILEOPSTRUCT {
   ~CRecycleFile() { }
   int Recycle(LPCTSTR pszPath, BOOL bDelete=FALSE);



// MSDN — April 2001
// If this code works, it was written by Paul DiLascia.
// If not, I don't know who wrote it.
// Compiles with Visual C++ 6.0. Runs on Windows 98 and probably Windows 
// 2000 too.
#include <windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include "RecycFile.h"

// Constructor initializes SHFILEOPSTRUCT with reasonable
// defaults. You can override if you like. Go ahead, make my day.
   fFlags |= FOF_SILENT;                // don't report progress
   fFlags |= FOF_NOERRORUI;             // don't report errors
   fFlags |= FOF_NOCONFIRMATION;        // don't confirm delete

// Send a file to the recycle bin. Args:
//  - full pathname of file.
//  - bDelete: if TRUE, really delete file (no recycle bin)
int CRecycleFile::Recycle(LPCTSTR pszPath, BOOL bDelete)
   // Copy pathname to double-NULL-terminated string.
   TCHAR buf[_MAX_PATH + 1]; // allow one more character
   _tcscpy(buf, pszPath);    // copy caller's path name
   buf[_tcslen(buf)+1]=0;    // need two NULLs at end

   // Set SHFILEOPSTRUCT params for delete operation
   wFunc = FO_DELETE;                   // REQUIRED: delete operation
   pFrom = buf;                         // REQUIRED: which file(s)
   pTo = NULL;                          // MUST be NULL
   if (bDelete) {                       // if delete requested..
      fFlags &= ~FOF_ALLOWUNDO;         // ..don't use Recycle Bin
   } else {                             // otherwise..
      fFlags |= FOF_ALLOWUNDO;          // ..send to Recycle Bin
   return SHFileOperation(this);        // do it!


// MSDN — April 2001
// If this code works, it was written by Paul DiLascia.
// If not, I don't know who wrote it.
// Compiles with Visual C++ 6.0. Runs on Windows 98 and probably Windows 
// 2000 too.
#pragma once
#pragma warning(disable:4786)           // disable annoying C4786
#define VC_EXTRALEAN                    // Exclude rarely used stuff from
                                        // headers
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <direct.h>                     // getcwd
#include <conio.h>                      // getche
#include <tchar.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string>                       // STL string class
#include <list>                         // STL list class
#include <sys/stat.h>                   // stat function
#include "RecycFile.h"

using namespace std;                    // use STL
typedef list<string> CStringList;       // like MFC

// I'm really roughing it here—need my own TRACE and ASSERT!
#define ASSERT assert
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define TRACE _tprintf
#define TRACE 1 ? (void)0 : ::_tprintf

// pre-declare functions
void    usage();
void    help();
string  GetCurrentDir();
string  MakeAbsolute(const string& relname);
BOOL    confirm(LPCTSTR pFileName);
LPCTSTR GetErrorMsg(int err);

// global command-line switches
BOOL bPrompt=FALSE;        // prompt each file
BOOL bQuiet=FALSE;         // don't display messages
BOOL bDisplayOnly=FALSE;   // display results only; don't actually recycle
BOOL bZap=FALSE;           // really delete (don't recycle)

// test if file exists
inline fileexists(LPCTSTR pFilename)
   struct stat st;
   return stat(pFilename, &st)==0;

// check for switch: / or -
inline BOOL isswitch(TCHAR c)
   return c==L'/' || c==L'-';

// Main function expects argv already expanded for wildcards. You must 
// link with setargv.obj!!
int main(int argc, TCHAR* argv[], TCHAR* envp[])
   // Parse command line, building list of file names.
   // Switches can come in any order.
   CStringList files;
   for (int i=1; i<argc; i++) {
      if (isswitch(argv[i][0])) {
         switch(tolower(argv[i][1])) {
         case 'q':
         case 'n':
         case 'p':
         case 'z':
         case '?':
            return 0;
            return 0;
      } else {
         // Got a file name. Make it absolute and add to list.

   if (files.empty()) {
      // No files specified: tell bozo user how to use this command.
      return 0;

   // Delete (recycle) all the files in the list
   int nDel=0;
   CStringList::iterator it;

   // loop over list of files and recycle each one 
   for (it=files.begin(); it!=files.end(); it++) {
      const string& filename = *it;
      LPCTSTR pFileName = filename.c_str();

      // Only recycle if file exists. If the user types a wildcard—eg:
      // recycle foo.* and there are no files that match "foo.*", then 
      // setargv passes the wildcard expression unexpanded—but obviously 
      // there is no such file.
      if (fileexists(pFileName)) {

         if (!bQuiet && !bPrompt) {
            // tell user I'm recycling this file
            _ftprintf(stderr,_T("%s %s\n"),
               bZap ? _T("Deleting") : _T("Recycling"), pFileName);

         if (!bDisplayOnly) {
            if (!bPrompt || confirm(pFileName)) {
               // Finally! Recycle the file. Use CRecycleFile.
               CRecycleFile rf;
               int err = rf.Recycle(pFileName,bZap);
               if (err==0) {
               } else {
                  // Can't recycle: display error message
                  _ftprintf(stderr,_T("Error %d: %s"), err, 
      } else {
         _ftprintf(stderr,_T("File not found \"%s\"\n"), pFileName);
   if (!bQuiet) {
      _ftprintf(stderr,_T("%d files recycled\n"),nDel);
   return 0;

// Duh.
void usage()
   _tprintf(_T("Usage: RECYCLE [/QNPZ?] file...\n"));

// Ditto duh.
void help()
   _tprintf(_T("Purpose:  Send one or more files to the recycle bin.\n"));
   _tprintf(_T("Format:   RECYCLE [/Q /N /P /Z] file....\n"));
   _tprintf(_T("          /Q(uiet)     no messages\n"));
   _tprintf(_T("          /N(othing)   don't delete, just show files\n"));
   _tprintf(_T("          /P(rompt)    confirm each file\n"));
   _tprintf(_T("          /Z(ap)       really delete—same as del\n"));

// Make a file name absolute with respect to current directory.
string MakeAbsolute(const string& relname)
   // Get current directory. Since cwd is static this happens only once.
   static const string cwd = GetCurrentDir();

   string absname;
   if (relname[0] && relname[1] && relname[1]==':') {
      // relname is already absolute
      absname = relname;

   } else if (relname[0]=='\\') {
      // relname begins with \ — add drive letter and colon
      absname = string(cwd,0,2);
      absname += relname;

   } else {                             // file name begins with letter:
      // relname begins with a letter — prepend cwd
      absname = cwd;
      absname += relname;
   return absname;

// Get current directory. For some reason unknown to mankind, getcwd 
// returns "C:\FOO" (no \ at end) if dir is NOT root; yet it returns "C:\" 
// (with \) if cwd is root. Go figure. To make the result consistent for 
// appending a file name, GetCurrentDir adds the missing \ if needed. 
// Result always has final \.
string GetCurrentDir()
   _tgetcwd(dir, sizeof(dir)/sizeof(TCHAR));

   // Append '\' if needed
   int lastchar = _tcslen(dir)-1;
   if (lastchar>0 && dir[lastchar] != '\\') // if last char isn't \ ..
      _tcscat(dir,_T("\\"));                // ..add one

   return dir;                         // compiler will convert to string!

// Get user confirmation to recycle/delete a file
BOOL confirm(LPCTSTR pFileName)
   while (TRUE) {
      _tprintf(_T("Recycle %s (Y/N/All)? "), pFileName);
      char c = _getche();
      if (c=='') {
      switch (tolower(c)) {
      case 'a':
         // fall through
      case 'y':
         return TRUE;
      case 'n':
         return FALSE;

// Get Windows system error message
LPCTSTR GetErrorMsg(int err)
   const BUFSIZE = 512;
   static TCHAR buf[BUFSIZE];

   // Only Windows could have a function this confusing to get a simple 
   // error message.
      NULL,    // source
      err,     // error code
      0,       // language ID
      buf,     // buffer to receive message
      BUFSIZE, // size of buf
      NULL);   // arguments
   return buf;