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 Graphics Vision v2.3 - Turbo Vision for SVGA Graphix   Solar Designer 14.05.1996

GRAPHICS VISION v2.3 [ DOS ]. Адаптация Turbo Vision для SVGA графики. Это самая последняя модификация, на которой автор забросил проект Graphics Vision.
Awesome gfx interface. Ya can create Windows-OS-like proggies w/o problems.
 Turbo Vision 2.0 compatibility
 Supports 26 video modes (up to SVGA 1024x768x16 or 800x600x256!)


+--њ GRAPHICS VISION v2.3  [ DOS ]њ----+ | - ---------------------------------- - | | Awesome gfx interface. Ya can create | | Windows-OS-like proggies w/o problems. | |  Turbo Vision 2.0 compatibility | |  Supports 26 video modes (up to | | SVGA 1024x768x16 or 800x600x256!) | | If you are a real coder - GRAB IT NOW! | | - ---------------------------------- - | +-----њњћћ [05/14/96] =SD= њ-+ ѕ  ђ ѓђђѓѓѓ ѓѓѓђђђѓ ѓѓђђјђ¬ѓѓ і  ђђђј јјј¬ђѓ ѓђђђјјјј ђђ¬іј і¬ђј іђђђ ѓѓђјј ¬ј ѓѓ јђѕ ћј ¬ђјѓјјјјѓ¬ѓ  іђ¬ѕѓ ѓј ђђ ђђ¬ ђј јј ђѓ ѓ ђђ ѓјђѕ іѕ іђѕ іѓ ѓђѕђѓ ѓѓђђђђј Mz јђ јѓ¬ѓѓ ѓѓј¬ јјјјјјјјјјјј  јјјј јћ јјјјјјјјј јј ¬ B.R.U.T.A.L PPE/PCE/PRO C.O.D.E.R.S ¬ јјјјјјјјјјјјјјјјјјјјјјјјјјјјјјјјјјјјјјјјјј Ё.. [BPC] IS WHAT YOU COULD ONLY WISH! ..Ё {>$Description} These are the final sources of Graphics Vision, up to the point where I stopped using (and updating) it at all. I'd like to put this into the public domain (that is, do whatever you like, and no need to even credit me). However, some of the files are in fact based on original Borland's Turbo Vision sources. I have no idea of what their licensing status is, so you'd have to find that out yourself if you care. Graphics Vision V2.3 for Turbo/Borland Pascal 7.0 ----------------------------------------------------- Graphics Vision is a Turbo Vision 2.0 com