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 import java.awt.*;

/* Class Painter is the main class of this program ...
 *  This program will create a simple interface that will allow
 *  a user to paint on the provided canvas with several colors, using
 *  several geometric shapes and print the result
 *  As such, it is my first Java applet to be written independ-
 *  ently.
 * Current Version: 1.1
 * Painter class ===============


public class Painter extends java.applet.Applet {

 // variables ====================

 private BorderLayout main_layout = new BorderLayout();
 private GridLayout west_layout = new GridLayout(10, 1, 2, 2);
 private FlowLayout north_layout = new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT);
 private FlowLayout southern_layout = new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT);

 private Font logo_font = new Font("Dialog", Font.BOLD, 20);
 private Color button_color = new Color(00,80,00);

 private Panel north = new Panel();
 private Panel south = new Panel();
 private Panel east = new Panel();
 private Panel west = new Panel();
 public MyCanvas center = new MyCanvas(this);

 // left-hand-side components

 Label choose_color = new Label("Pick color: ");
 Choice choice_north_1 = new Choice();
 String[] choice_1_options = {"color green","color yellow","color red","color blue","color cyan","color magenta","color pink","color orange","color white"};
 Color[] choice_1_colors = {Color.green,Color.yellow,Color.red,Color.blue,Color.cyan,Color.magenta,Color.pink,Color.orange, Color.white};

 Label choose_shape = new Label("Choose shape: ");
 Choice choice_of_shapes = new Choice();
 String[] choice_of_shapes_list = {"free line","straight line","rectangle","square","ellipse","circle","sun rays","landscape"};
 // define top components
 Label program_name = new Label("Java Painter v1.1");
 // declare clear button for top 
 Button erase = new Button("Clear");
 // define south component
 MyCanvas southern = new MyCanvas(this);

 // ============

 // init() method ================

 public void init() { // initialize graphics and menus

 setLayout(main_layout); // set main layout: BorderLayout

 // initialize left-hand-side components


 for (int general_count=0;general_count<choice_1_options.length;general_count++) {
 for (int general_count=0;general_count<choice_of_shapes_list.length;general_count++) {

 // initialize top components

 // initialize south component


 // initialize east component

 east.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT));

 // add all components to the screen

 add("North", north);
 add("South", south);
 add("East", east);
 add("West", west);
 add("Center", center);

 } // end init()

 // ============

 // action() method ==============

 public boolean action(Event evt, Object arg) { // react to buttons
 if (evt.target == erase) {
 else {
 return false;
 return true;

 // ============

} // end Painter class

// ====================

// ====================

// ====================

/* MyCanvas extends Canvas class.
 * It also handles all painting done on the canvas component of the
 * program.
 * MyCanvas class ============

class MyCanvas extends Canvas {

 // declaring variables ==========

 Painter applet; // reference-with-Painter-class variables
 String color_selected, shape_selected; // selected color and shape
 int last_x, last_y, first_x, first_y; // coordinates
 int temp_x, temp_y; // temporary coordinates
 Color canvas_color = Color.lightGray; // main
 public int general_count = 0;
 // ============

 // MyCanvas class constructor ===

 MyCanvas(Painter parent) { // MyCanvas constructor
 applet = parent;

 // ============

 // determineColor method (returns Color object) ===

 public Color determineColor() { // find out what color is selected
 color_selected = applet.choice_north_1.getSelectedItem().toString();
 for (general_count=0;general_count<applet.choice_1_colors.length;general_count++) {
 if (color_selected == applet.choice_1_options[general_count]) {
 return applet.choice_1_colors[general_count];
 return Color.black;

 // determineShape method (returns String object) ==
 public int determineShape() { // find out what shape is selected
 shape_selected = applet.choice_of_shapes.getSelectedItem().toString();
 for (general_count=0;general_count<applet.choice_of_shapes_list.length;general_count++) {
 if (shape_selected == applet.choice_of_shapes_list[general_count]) {
 return general_count;
 return 0;

 public void paint(Graphics g) {
 // nothing here for now

 // mouseup, mousedown, mousedrag methods ==========

 public boolean mouseDown(Event e, int x, int y) { // on mousedown...
 last_x = x; last_y = y;
 first_x = x; first_y = y;
 return true;

 public boolean mouseDrag(Event e, int x, int y) { // on mousedrag...
 Graphics g = this.getGraphics();
 switch(determineShape()) {
 case 0:
 last_x=x; last_y=y;
 case 6:
 last_x=x; last_y=y;
 case 7:
 last_x=x; last_y=y;
 return true;

 public boolean mouseUp(Event e, int x, int y) { // on mouseup...
 last_x=x; last_y=y;
 Graphics g = this.getGraphics();
 switch(determineShape()) {
 case 1:
 last_x=x; last_y=y;

 case 2:
 g.drawRect(first_x,first_y,(x - first_x),(y - first_y));  
 last_x=x; last_y=y;
 case 3:
 g.drawRect(first_x,first_y,(x - first_x),(x - first_x));  
 last_x=x; last_y=y;
 case 4:
 g.drawOval(first_x,first_y,(x - first_x),(y - first_y));  
 last_x=x; last_y=y;
 case 5:
 g.drawOval(first_x,first_y,(x - first_x),(x - first_x));  
 last_x=x; last_y=y;

 return true;

 public void clearCanvas() {
 Graphics g = this.getGraphics();


 // ============


} // end MyCanvas class