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Multithreading for invisible doc and view

Ji Song -- 101762.3041@compuserve.com
Tuesday, May 28, 1996

Window NT 3.51, VC 4.0

My goal is to deal with a long batch printing job ( possible 
2000 news stories ).  I want to use the MFC printing support.
I created a invisible document and view to deal with the 
printing job.  I cannot use the visible document and view
because the user may close the visible view at any time, will therefore
kill the printing job.  In short my question is 
        how to create a thread which encapsulate the invisible 
document and view for my printing job, yet leave the visible view in the 
main thread.  The main thread is of course in CWinApp ?

If you want to know more detail, please read the following:     

In InitInstance I create two document template

        m_pMultiTemplate = new CMultiDocTemplate(

        m_pHideTemplate = new CMultiDocTemplate(

        // create main MDI Frame window
        CMainFrame* pMainFrame = new CMainFrame;
        if (!pMainFrame->LoadFrame(IDR_MAINFRAME))
                return FALSE;
        m_pMainWnd = pMainFrame;

Then  as soon as the user open a new document, two documents are created:

        CMultiApp*  pTheApp= ( CMultiApp* ) AfxGetApp();

        CMultiDocTemplate*  pMulitTemplate= ( CMultiDocTemplate* )         
        CMultiDocTemplate*  pHideTemplate= ( CMultiDocTemplate* )

        // create visible doc and view
        CDocument*  pMultiDoc= pMulitTemplate->OpenDocumentFile( NULL );

        // create hide doc and view
        m_pHideDoc= ( CMultiDoc* ) pHideTemplate->OpenDocumentFile(  0, 

This all works fine.  But now I want to create a separate thread for the
document and view.  I tired to do following:
        // create visible doc and view
        CDocument*  pMultiDoc= pMulitTemplate->OpenDocumentFile( NULL );

        AfxBeginThread( StartHideDoc, this );  // this refer to main frame


UINT StartHideDoc( LPVOID pParam )
        CMultiApp*  pTheApp= ( CMultiApp* ) AfxGetApp();
        CMultiDocTemplate*  pHideTemplate= ( CMultiDocTemplate* )          

        CMainFrame* pMainFrame= ( CMainFrame* ) pParam;

                ( CMultiDoc* ) pHideTemplate->OpenDocumentFile( 0, FALSE );

        return 0;

I got ASSERTION error in mfc file winmdi.cpp
BOOL CMDIChildWnd::Create(LPCTSTR lpszClassName,
        LPCTSTR lpszWindowName, DWORD dwStyle,
        const RECT& rect, CMDIFrameWnd* pParentWnd,
        CCreateContext* pContext)
                if (pParentWnd == NULL)
                        CWnd* pMainWnd = AfxGetThread()->m_pMainWnd;
                        ASSERT(pMainWnd != NULL);
--> ASSERTION error     ASSERT_KINDOF(CMDIFrameWnd, pMainWnd);  

Could anyone tell me how to create a thread which encapsulate the invisible

document and view for my printing job ?

Thanks in advance,

Ji Song

Compuserve address:     101762,3041
Internet                        101762.3041@compuserve.com

Marty Fried -- mfried@linex.com
Friday, May 31, 1996

[Mini-digest: 2 responses]

At 07:25 PM 5/28/96 -0400, Ji Song wrote:
>Window NT 3.51, VC 4.0
>My goal is to deal with a long batch printing job ( possible 
>2000 news stories ).  I want to use the MFC printing support.
>I created a invisible document and view to deal with the 
>printing job.  I cannot use the visible document and view
>because the user may close the visible view at any time, will therefore
>kill the printing job.  In short my question is 
>        how to create a thread which encapsulate the invisible 
>document and view for my printing job, yet leave the visible view in the 
>main thread.  The main thread is of course in CWinApp ?

Why couldn't you prompt the user to wait or cancel the print job, and
close down when it is safe?  Or perhaps set a flag that will cause your
app to shut down when it's finished, and close the windows (and turn off
the lights) before it goes.  You could simply hide the main window until
you finish.

-----From: Tony Pan 

Dear Song

It is very hard to pass GDI objects like Window across the threads. MFC has 
a separate
repository for each thread to keep track of these objects. You should create 
your invisible document template within your new thread.
UINT StartHideDoc( LPVOID pParam )
        CMultiDocTemplate*  pHideTemplate=  new CMultiDocTemplate(

        CMainFrame* pMainFrame= ( CMainFrame* ) pParam;

                ( CMultiDoc* ) pHideTemplate->OpenDocumentFile( 0, FALSE );

        return 0;
Good Luck

Monday, June 03, 1996

Your problem is in passing the main window to the thread using its pointer.  The
maps that MFC uses to associate window handles with MFC window objects are 
thread local.  Your secondary thread cannot find the window handle associated 
with the main window pointer.

You CAN however pass the m_hWnd into the thread and use it there.  If you want, 
you can create a window object in the thread and attach the window handle to it 
so you can operate on the window as an object.  Just be sure to detach the 
handle before the thread exits.

Tim Craig

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Multithreading for invisible doc and view
Author:  mfc-l@netcom.com at SMTPLINK-PEN
Date:    6/1/96 2:37 AM

Window NT 3.51, VC 4.0
My goal is to deal with a long batch printing job ( possible 
2000 news stories ).  I want to use the MFC printing support. 
I created a invisible document and view to deal with the 
printing job.  I cannot use the visible document and view
because the user may close the visible view at any time, will therefore 
kill the printing job.  In short my question is 
        how to create a thread which encapsulate the invisible 
document and view for my printing job, yet leave the visible view in the 
main thread.  The main thread is of course in CWinApp ?
If you want to know more detail, please read the following:     
In InitInstance I create two document template
        m_pMultiTemplate = new CMultiDocTemplate(
        m_pHideTemplate = new CMultiDocTemplate(
        // create main MDI Frame window
        CMainFrame* pMainFrame = new CMainFrame; 
        if (!pMainFrame->LoadFrame(IDR_MAINFRAME))
                return FALSE;
        m_pMainWnd = pMainFrame;
Then  as soon as the user open a new document, two documents are created:
        CMultiApp*  pTheApp= ( CMultiApp* ) AfxGetApp();
        CMultiDocTemplate*  pMulitTemplate= ( CMultiDocTemplate* )         
        CMultiDocTemplate*  pHideTemplate= ( CMultiDocTemplate* )
        // create visible doc and view
        CDocument*  pMultiDoc= pMulitTemplate->OpenDocumentFile( NULL );
        // create hide doc and view
        m_pHideDoc= ( CMultiDoc* ) pHideTemplate->OpenDocumentFile(  0, 
This all works fine.  But now I want to create a separate thread for the 
document and view.  I tired to do following:
        // create visible doc and view
        CDocument*  pMultiDoc= pMulitTemplate->OpenDocumentFile( NULL );
        AfxBeginThread( StartHideDoc, this );  // this refer to main frame
UINT StartHideDoc( LPVOID pParam )
        CMultiApp*  pTheApp= ( CMultiApp* ) AfxGetApp(); 
        CMultiDocTemplate*  pHideTemplate= ( CMultiDocTemplate* )          
        CMainFrame* pMainFrame= ( CMainFrame* ) pParam;
                ( CMultiDoc* ) pHideTemplate->OpenDocumentFile( 0, FALSE );
        return 0;
I got ASSERTION error in mfc file winmdi.cpp
BOOL CMDIChildWnd::Create(LPCTSTR lpszClassName,
        LPCTSTR lpszWindowName, DWORD dwStyle, 
        const RECT& rect, CMDIFrameWnd* pParentWnd, 
        CCreateContext* pContext)
                if (pParentWnd == NULL)
                        CWnd* pMainWnd = AfxGetThread()->m_pMainWnd; 
                        ASSERT(pMainWnd != NULL);
--> ASSERTION error     ASSERT_KINDOF(CMDIFrameWnd, pMainWnd);  
Could anyone tell me how to create a thread which encapsulate the invisible
document and view for my printing job ?
Thanks in advance,
Ji Song
Compuserve address:     101762,3041
Internet                        101762.3041@compuserve.com

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